Chapter 205 Goddess of Luck

The number on the floor display rose rapidly, and both of them took a step back.The floor they are on at the moment is the 23rd floor, and the number of elevator floors at this moment has reached the 19th floor.

Shi Liu stared coldly at the elevator entrance ahead, narrowing his eyes slightly.

There are two possibilities. The first is that the rebels stationed in this building failed to catch up with the elevator in time. In that case, everything will be solved after the two go downstairs.

The second type is that in this elevator, the passengers are stationed against the rebels.Shi Liu was seriously injured at the moment, not to mention the entire elevator full of rebel soldiers, even if he was asked to face three or five rebel soldiers, he would still feel difficult to walk.

As for Su, there was nothing he could do. If the two of them went downstairs along the cable just now, it would definitely arouse the awareness of Black Eagle on the 15th floor. At that time, it would definitely not be so easy to leave.

The hand holding the MP7 submachine gun clenched a little more.


Finally, the elevator stopped on the 23rd floor.

Shi Liu and Su's breathing seemed to be completely condensed at this moment.

With a sound of "Chi!", the elevator door slowly opened to both sides.

There was a beautiful woman standing in the elevator. The woman had short pink hair and a pretty face as picturesque. She was wearing a tight pink tactical uniform. Her eye-catching long legs were enough to prove her beauty. At least 1.8 meters tall.

When the elevator door was fully opened, she stepped out.

Shi Liu frowned, and while putting down the MP7 in his hand, he looked at Xiang Su, only to find that Su looked at the woman in front of him with a sense of deja vu.

"You..." Su looked at the woman in front of her, and just opened her mouth, but was interrupted by the other party first: "I am Xuelian, the former head of the Noah Lei mercenary regiment in the Northern Spiritual Region, and with the current momentum, all mercenaries in the world are in the same family, aren't they?" ?”

Xuelian smiled very beautifully, but Shi Liu frowned when he heard what she said, he always felt that the two women in front of him were somehow playing with him, especially this Xuelian who appeared out of thin air, Su looked at her eyes, Always so sharp, as if to see through this beauty.

Moreover, every time Xuelian's eyes meet Su, it always looks very deliberate, as if reminding Su all the time, or implying something.

Thinking of this, Shi Liu unconsciously picked up the MP7 submachine gun in his hand again, and pointed at Xuelian.

Xue Lian just glanced at Shi Liu, her face remained unchanged.

A few seconds later, Su looked at Shi Liu: "Put down the gun, she is one of my own."

Shi Liu remained indifferent.

"Okay," Xue Lian turned to face Shi Liu, and said with a charming smile: "It seems that my appearance has made this handsome guy very vigilant. How about this, if you can trust me, come downstairs with me, and then you will will understand everything."

Shi Liu snorted coldly: "Really think I haven't seen a bitter trick?"

Xuelian spread her hands helplessly, but Su who was next to her made a move.

A dangerous signal came from his subconscious mind, and Shi Liu verified that the source of the signal was Su Su beside him, but when he turned his head, he saw a pure white jade hand coming up, and the next moment, Shi Liu lost consciousness.


In the haze, there was a piercing pain in the neck, and the eyelids were opened twice before he could see the things in front of him clearly.

The snow-white ceiling came into view, and when she turned her head, it was Su's delicate face that was almost close to her cheek.

Subconsciously, Shi Liu leaned back sharply, but unexpectedly, there was a "boom!", and then there was a pain in the back of his head, but he hit the wall.

Shi Liu grinned in pain, grinning with a plain smile.

Looking around, I realized that I was lying on a bed, and only wearing a pair of underwear!A brief that can show a little silhouette...

Shi Liu sat up quickly, and found himself in a very delicate small room with Su, then looked at Su and asked, "Where is this?"

At this moment, the door was opened, and Xue Lian entered the room with enchanting steps: "Of course it's a good place that I found for you, sister."

Seeing the snow lotus, Shi Liu felt uncomfortable.He simply didn't look at Xuelian, and shifted his gaze to Su: "Is everything done?"

Su nodded and said: "Yesterday you were too impulsive, I told you that Xuelian is my own, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Liu directly interrupted: "I know," and looked at Xuelian: "Then sister Xuelian, did you get something in return from me last night?"

"Rogue!" Xue Lian cursed with her eyes wide open, then she came over and pulled a chair to sit down, looking at Shi Liu without changing her face: "I want to get rewards from you every day from now on, can you do it? "

Shi Liu snorted angrily: "Plus Su is fine!"

Both women laughed at each other, and after laughing, Xuelian said: "What's your plan next?"

Su said nothing, looked at Shi Liu.

Shi Liudao: "Currently the communication in this city has been destroyed, and it will take some time to restore the communication. I want to find out the deployment of the city government's troops and take it down in one fell swoop during this period of time. I have many teammates in Northern Europe, and I can Let them help me contact the scattered local mercenaries during this period of time, and let them help in future operations. When we attack together, as long as we take down the city government, we will occupy [-]% of the city."

Su and Xuelian both nodded after hearing this, and Xuelian said: "Although my army has been dispersed, there are still three members in this city. I think I will leave it to them to contact the stragglers, and don't bother you in northern Europe." teammates."

"That's the best." Shi Liu nodded, but still frowning.

"Why, do you think that my sister's manpower is not enough, which delays the progress of the matter?" Su Gang wanted to speak, but Xue Lian preempted her.

Shi Liu shook his head: "This is secondary, what worries me most, in Asia..."

At the same time, in the endless galaxy, on a certain planet.

In the underground secret castle, in a very spacious and bright cabin, a middle-aged man and an old man were clinking glasses and drinking.

"To tell you the truth, I have already sent Miya to Earth." The middle-aged man with a tall body and a golden robe on the left put down his wine glass and said.

The old man in black who sat opposite him was taken aback for a moment, and then said in shock: "Aren't you afraid that she will reveal her identity?"

The middle-aged man poured wine for himself, and filled the old man again, and said disapprovingly: "Miya will face this test sooner or later, it's just a matter of time. I'm sending her to the earth now, not just to stop Ni The conspiracy of the Ulm people, this is also the wish that the old guy Taylor Anse has been thinking about all the time, isn't it? Don't forget, Javarrosa is just such a precious daughter."

The old man in black nodded heavily. He stared at the wine glass in his hand and said, "Yes, that girl is Javarrosa's heir...By the way, she probably doesn't know who her father-killing enemy is, right?"

The middle-aged man smiled wryly: "Of course I don't know. With that girl's character, if I let her know, I'm afraid the Black Emperor would not be able to retreat in peace at this moment."

"Alas!" The black-robed old man sighed deeply: "Taylor Ans, old guy, I never imagined that the group of young people he cultivated would be the trump card to end the Black Emperor in the future! Come, drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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