Chapter 206 Planning ([-])

On Nilm Star, in the vast white snow, a huge castle in the shape of a demon stands out.

If you look carefully, you can find a piece of white snow moving towards the castle at a constant speed.

This is not a piece of white snow, but a soldier in a white mech.Although his mecha is white, the eye sockets in the shape of a corporal rank are dark blue, and there are many blue spots on the inner thighs and back of the mecha.

The gate of the castle opened slowly, and the mech fighters strode in.

The castle is extremely spacious, but the furnishings inside are extremely simple. The only luxury is the seat on the front steps that is nearly several meters wide.The only decoration on the seat is the nine meters-long spirit snakes at the rear.

On the seat, a lingering mass of dense black gas is suspended above it, and the gas lingers, forming various devil shapes from time to time.

Under the steps, Barney stood with his head bowed. Behind Barney, there were nearly a thousand creatures of various shapes.

When the castle gate was heard to open, Barney, along with other creatures, followed the sound.

The mecha warrior strode towards him, and nearly a thousand people including Barney made way for him.

"See Your Majesty." A thick voice accompanied by endless electromagnetic sounded, and the mecha warrior stepped forward to kneel on one knee and nodded with one hand on the ground.

The black gas on the Spirit Snake Chair fluttered slightly, and the mech warrior knew it, stood up immediately, and took a step back to stand behind Barney.

Afterwards, the nearly thousand people consciously divided into two columns and stood in two columns.

Although the mecha warrior stood behind Barney, he was shaken by the lineup at the scene. Looking at the personnel in the entire castle, they were either veterans who survived the jihad or heroes from various walks of life who emerged in the past century. Almost all of Mu's combat power is here.Today, the Black Emperor suddenly summoned all his subordinates who were scattered on Nilm or other planets. Even Bai Tu, a general who has been fighting in foreign lands all year round, was called back overnight. Could it be that he has any ambitions?
Barney's big black eyes secretly squinted at the mecha warrior behind him. Immediately, an invisible and colorless energy shield emanated from Barney's body. The energy shield enveloped Barney and the mecha warrior. The next moment, the mecha warrior Barney's voice sounded next to his ear: "Baitu, I heard that you won another battle in the Vercetti galaxy?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the air in the entire castle suddenly condensed, and an invisible coercion filled the entire castle in an instant, together with an endless and powerful voice: "Do you know what kind of person I look down on the most? That is knowing the master Above, but still the kind of person who pretends to be clever and makes small moves."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone under the steps shivered involuntarily. Then, countless eyes flicked across each other, and finally, they all focused on Barney.

Barney's frightened forehead was covered with a thin layer of cold sweat, his guts were about to be shattered, and he immediately knelt down on the ground in shock and said, "Your Majesty, forgive me!"

As soon as he knelt down, everyone else also knelt down knowingly.

Baitu behind Barney was also moved by it. The energy shield released by Barney just now has enough source power of the seventh level, but it still cannot escape the eyes and ears of the Black Emperor. Thinking of this, Baitu's blue eyes could not help but flow slightly. A trace of electromagnetic waves.

That majestic voice sounded again, but this time it was not as coercive as last time: "Get up, everyone, I have summoned you today to discuss something."

Everyone just got up slowly, and Barney also had a feeling of being alive.

Looking at the nearly thousand subordinates under the stage, the black gas on the seat began to surge: "I called you here today for two reasons. First, the emperor has been in seclusion for nearly a thousand years, and seeing the face of the late emperor in the dark I couldn't bear to steal the rest of my life again, so I went out of the seclusion. Second, during the period of my emperor's seclusion, all the heroes of the Quartet rose together, and the territory of Nilm Star dropped sharply. Ten thousand years ago, my Nilm Star swung across the interstellar, and the iron hoof was everywhere, and the four directions were everywhere. Surrender. The latecomers among you may not know that when the Nilm star was at its most prosperous, it stretched from Versailles in the north to Vercetti in the south, and the east and west borders reached the Jotun galaxy."

The majestic voice stopped, and then said: "Maybe we have won too many victories, and we are destined to be defeated. However, our enemies also paid a heavy price for this. A supreme being on Saron Star--Javaro Sa fell in the holy war and spent the power of two major planets to build the interstellar defense line, which is also enough to prove the deterrent power of my Nirm planet."

"But when the emperor left the customs, he saw that the only remaining outer domain was the Vercetti galaxy that General Baitu fought. The galaxy that other generals fought and guarded was actually plundered by some interstellar pirates. Could it be that my planet Nilm has fallen into such a state!"

Suddenly, the last sentence was mixed with endless indignation, so nearly a thousand people under the steps were all terrified.

"Baitu, in your opinion, with the current strength of Nilm Star, which galaxy can be taken down?" The black gas on the seat grew huge, and the looming demon head was pointing at the back of Barney. Bai Tu.

An obvious electromagnetic wave flashed in the blue eye sockets of the mech warrior, and he immediately knelt down and nodded: "Your Majesty, Bai Tu has been fighting in Outland all the year round, taking the protection of Outland and expanding its territory as his duty, and has no concern for other galaxies."

On the seat, the black gas is still erratic: "Barney, what do you think?"

Barney shook his whole body, and immediately knelt down and nodded his head, saying: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty thinks that, looking at the current interstellar world, only the Milky Way can be taken by me in one fell swoop!"

As soon as the words fell, a creature with three long silver beards, six blood-colored arms and no legs stood out from the column on the right. The creature stood up and nodded, "Your Majesty, don't rashly use troops against the Milky Way."

Barney immediately turned his head, and Bai Tu behind him noticed Barney's vicious eyes for the first time.

"Why?" The cloud of black gas on the seat was still erratic.

"The Jotun galaxy is too far away from the solar system, and the number of starships that we can send on Nilm Star is limited. Although the Milky Way has many planets, there are very few planets that can really be developed and utilized. Although the Milky Way has no interstellar defenses, there are other galaxies. People are entrenched here, and they are eyeing the Milky Way, if they march rashly, they will face the encirclement of the native planets of the Milky Way and other galaxies, and by then our Nilm Star will be in doom and never recover!"

As soon as the words fell, another tall creature with a spiked helmet and two mouths stood out from the end of the left row. He stepped out of the column, nodded and said: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, there are A smaller galaxy is called the solar system. This star is considered to be the most resource-rich star in the entire Milky Way, and its only star—the sun, three-quarters of which is hydrogen, with a large number of sunspots and flares. Because The structure of the sun is complex, so most creatures in the universe cannot easily approach it. If we can use my black-scale warship on Nirm to land, it may be possible to develop and utilize the sun reasonably."

(End of this chapter)

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