Chapter 207 Planning ([-])

As soon as he finished speaking, several people stood up in the left and right columns.

Just as the crowd was about to speak, the erratic black gas on the seat spoke again: "Everyone back down."

The group of creatures who had just stood up just bit the bullet and returned to their original positions.

"What you said makes sense." The Black Emperor's words finally contained a bit of relaxation, which made many conservative warriors in the audience heave a sigh of relief.

Nilm Planet is a young planet, and the number of people who have taken charge of it can be counted on one hand.And the current person in charge, the Black Emperor, has not been in power for more than 5 years. When the Black Emperor first took over, it was the most prosperous and prosperous period on Nilm Planet.

But leaders are always ambitious.In the 140th year of the Black Emperor's accession to the throne, he set the goal of "unifying the Jotun galaxy within ten years" for Nilm.The Nilm planet has completely entered the era of military competition and became one of the largest military planets in the entire Jotun galaxy at that time.

Thanks to the Black Emperor's warlike nature and his wise leadership, Nirm achieved its goal in just seven years.This news shocked the interstellar world, and the scattered planets around the Jotun galaxy bowed their heads to the Black Emperor one after another, so as not to cause the disaster of star destruction.

Where there is cowardice, there is courage; where there is darkness, there is light.When other planets and even galaxies bowed their heads to the Black Emperor to show their weakness, the nearest galaxy to the Jotun Galaxy, the Saron Galaxy, not only did not surrender to the Black Emperor, but instead expanded the interstellar defenses and cut off all communication with the Jotun Galaxy.

This approach made the Black Emperor extremely dissatisfied, so three years later, the Black Emperor mobilized all the troops in the entire Jotun galaxy and surrounding satellite planets, and officially launched a "jihad" against the Saron galaxy.

That war lasted for nine years, almost exhausting all the troops and resources of the two parties. On Netherworld, the Black Emperor fought a decisive battle with the interstellar Supreme Jevarrosa. In the end, the Supreme fell, and the Black Emperor also fought for him. Since then, he lost his entire body, leaving only this lingering source soul.

In the tenth year of the Jihad, the Jotun galaxy centered on the Nilm star could no longer send a decent fleet. However, at this moment, the Saron galaxy gathered the surrounding small planets and organized a large army to launch a counterattack.The last battle lasted for half a year, and the number of galaxies and planets that both sides participated in was impossible to calculate.In the end, the Black Emperor fled in embarrassment with his remnant soldiers, and the Jotun Galaxy has never recovered from it.

As long as the old generals who survived the jihad back then know that the current Nirm planet can no longer use force to solve any problems.

If the Black Emperor repeats the mistakes of the past, then the Nilm planet is really in danger.

"The Milky Way is a young galaxy, even younger than our Jotun galaxy. Moreover, no matter whether it is the Jotun galaxy or the Saron galaxy, we don't know much about it. However, the emperor got accurate information that during the holy war that year Not all the interstellar gods of war formed by Taylor Ans have fallen, among them, No. [-] and No. [-], who are the most threatening to the Emperor, and No. [-], the sole heir of Javarrosa, are all on Earth now."

When the Black Emperor spoke, everyone in the audience was shocked. The "Star God of War" mentioned by the former was the elite division of the counterattack army formed by the Saron galaxy at the end of the Holy War.Even an existence like the Black Emperor who can single-handedly challenge the Supreme is also a three-point fear of the interstellar Gods of War.

"Your Majesty, at the end of the last battle, he was ordered to garrison Sea Pluto. Although he did not personally participate in the battle, he witnessed countless interstellar war gods fall to various planets. After the war, General Ronker led his troops to count the corpses on each planet in person. The previous statistics are exactly the same, how could it be..." It was Bai Tu who spoke, and extremely strong electric waves flickered in the blue eye mask.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the Black Emperor: "That's Tyler Anse's blindfold. It can hide it from you, but it can't hide it from the emperor. Some time ago, Barney went to the earth and confirmed their existence. However, at this moment, they are already at the end of their battles, and they are not much different from ordinary humans. The reason why Taylor Ans hid them on the earth does not need to be pointed out by the emperor."

Everyone in the audience was shrewdly fighting, the meaning of the Black Emperor was clear enough.But everyone couldn't figure it out, even if Tyler Ans wanted to avenge the past, but with only the remaining 3 interstellar war gods, he wanted to bring down the Black Emperor?

As long as anyone who knows the jihad back then understands one thing, the Black Emperor is the only existence that can single out the Supreme!
Although he has lost his body, the only trace of source soul still keeps the entire Jotun galaxy quiet for tens of thousands of years.

It can be seen.

"Mania and arrogance made us lose the jihad, but no one can guarantee that Taylor Ans will not always think about the head of the emperor. Javarrosa is the only supreme in the entire Saron galaxy, and Taylor Ans will not just let it go Yes." The Black Emperor said slowly.

All the generals in the audience looked at each other in dismay. Hearing what the Black Emperor meant, did he want to launch an army to invade the galaxy again?
At this moment, Barney knelt on one knee, nodded and said in a deep voice, "The general is willing to die to protect Nilm, please make it clear, Your Majesty!"

As soon as he knelt down, all the generals in the audience followed suit and said in unison: "Please make it clear, Your Majesty!"

The cloud of black gas on the seat suddenly swelled up, followed by the majestic voice of the Black Emperor: "All generals are ordered to gather the interstellar teleportation pillars within one year, and at the same time summon all the forces of the Jotun galaxy. The emperor will personally launch a full-scale invasion of the galaxy!"


The time is night, Earth.

In a room with ambiguous light, two people are occupying the sofa, one at each end.

"To be honest, I really doubt your origin." Su turned to look at the snow lotus who was trimming her nails.

Xue Lian smiled slightly after hearing this, and said without raising her head: "I have already seen it. By the way, is my identity so important to you?"

"Of course it doesn't matter to me, but I just can't bear the sight of you flirting with him all day." Su said lightly.

Xuelian was taken aback, and looked at Su squarely: "Who did I hook up with?"

Su said nothing, but nodded towards a bedroom.

Xue Lian snorted coldly: "Are you really interested in him? I just hooked up with him. What's wrong? Go hook up with him if you have the ability?"

As he said that, Chao Su straightened his chest, and immediately squeezed out two snow-white spheres that were half-covered and half-exposed.

"Don't disgust me," Su Dai frowned slightly, "As far as you came to rescue us that day, it is impossible to do it with the strength of an ordinary alliance mercenary."

"Then what do you suspect of my identity?" Xue Lian raised her two legs and placed them on the table, leaning comfortably on the back of the sofa, looking at Xiang Su and blinking her beautiful eyes.

"You look a lot like a friend of mine from long ago..."

(End of this chapter)

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