Chapter 208 Antivenom ([-])

"Friend?" Xuelian smiled bitterly, "I think you are too sleepy, you are from the Southern Wasteland, but I am from the Northern Spiritual Realm, there is no relationship or relationship between us, where are the friends?"

Su said nothing, looking at the snow lotus in front of her, an intermittent memory lingered in Su's mind, she was sure that this snow lotus definitely did not come from a certain mercenary group in the North Spirit Realm, but which side did the snow lotus belong to? Belonging, Su can't know.

Early the next morning, when Shi Liu opened his eyes, a message from an unknown location was displayed in the communication system.

Shi Liu frowned, and he opened the news: The anti-army has an underground research institute in the center of the Congo Basin. This institute was established not long ago. Its main task is to develop serum and antidote against the current biochemical crisis. The first batch of serum It will be successfully developed in 3 days.

After a quick scan, Shi Liu couldn't help but wryly smiled. This message from an unknown location seemed so precious, but Shi Liu still silently put it into the trash can, ready to delete it.

In today's troubled times, it is true that many idlers come to do such meaningless things.

This message was about to be put into the trash can by Shi Liu, and at this moment, another new message of unknown attribution was sent to Shi Liu.

Good guy, Shi Liu thought.He opened the new message with great interest, but the content inside made him slightly stunned.

Message content: Poisonous wolf, is this news of mine so worthless?

What about him? Shi Liu cursed casually. He received two anonymous messages this morning, but the other party actually knew his code name.

Isn't this the enemy in the dark and I in the light?

Immediately Shi Liu replied: I don't know if it's worth it or not, you have to let me know who you are.

The other party replied: Who else can provide you with this kind of news?Don't you think I'm an anti-military?
The meaning was clear, Shi Liu shook his head, and replied: Since you even know my code name, there is no need to play it so mysteriously.

The other party replied: Lie Feng, the former head of the Qianlong Mercenary Corps in the Eastern Flame Region of the Alliance.

Shi Liu replied: Commander Lie Feng, you said there is a batch of serum that can solve the current biochemical crisis?
The other party replied: Yes, after the collapse of the alliance, the mercenary group was broken up, and I had to wander around alone.Just a few days ago, I caught a gatekeeper in the research institute and got this information from him.So, I decided to tell you.

Shi Liu replied: But I am in Asia now, how do you want to give me that batch of serum.

I am also alone, it is impossible to break into the research institute to get the serum and give it to you in Asia, but you are so powerful, poisonous wolf, don't tell me that there are no people like you in Africa.The other party replied.

Shi Liu smiled helplessly: To be honest, I really don't have a teammate in that place, but if you have enough time, my teammate can arrive right away.

Of course I have time, and I have a lot of time. In this way, you can tell me a deadline. After all, I can wait for you, but the rebels will not wait for you.The other party replied.

I know this very well, three days, how.Shi Liu replied.

ok, i'm waiting for you.After finishing speaking, Lie Feng severed contact with Shi Liu.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Su and Xuelian walked in one after the other.

"It seems that it is difficult to realize your idea." Xue Lian said with a smile.

"There is no idea that can be realized just by talking about it." Shi Liu said, "Why, is there any movement from the city government?"

"There's a lot of noise," Su Dai walked up to the door and said, "A long time ago, the anti-army headquarters recruited a group of special forces. Up to now, the development of this special force has grown stronger. Equipped with special forces."

"What kind of special forces?" Shi Liu asked curiously.

"Look for yourself," Xue Lian said as she got up and opened the curtains, and the group of soldiers standing in the city hall avenue came into Shi Liu's eyes without reservation.

They wore uniform black combat uniforms, and all wore the same gas masks on their heads. There was a long tube on the mask respirator. This long tube was placed on the soldier's left shoulder and connected to the mobile oxygen cylinder behind him.

The uniform AA12 shotgun, the Sidewinder revolver in the gun pocket on the right leg, and the three different daggers in the three knife pockets on the left leg all show people that they are well equipped.In addition, the straps and cables on the right waist, as well as the buckle ropes used to climb tall objects, all prove that they are elite teachers.

"Look at this..." Shi Liu frowned, "It doesn't look like it was used to fight against the remnants of the alliance. Besides, the world has already turned against the army. It is completely unnecessary to spend money to recruit this group of people."

"That's right," Su nodded, "As you said, they are not used to fight against the remnants of the alliance, but to resist Kane's biochemical army."

Shi Liu looked at Xiang Su: "You also know about Kane?" A long time ago, Shi Liu and the others killed Kane in a chemical factory in the Southern Wilderness, but they never thought that the latter was infected with the G virus. Became a BOSS level biochemical monster.

However, those are all old things. The most important thing is, how did Su, who had nothing to do with Shi Liu at that time, know about this?
"Of course I know, but I'm just hearing it." Su said.

"Oh," Shi Liu agreed, "By the way, a mercenary from the Alliance in Central Africa sent me a message just now, saying that he discovered an underground research institute, which stores the anti-venom serum that the anti-military forces have recently developed. .”

"Anti-venom serum?" Xue Lian looked at Shi Liu, "Is it the kind of serum that, after being infected with a biochemical virus, injects it and everything is fine?"

"That's right," Shi Liu nodded. "The current biohazard is indeed not to be underestimated. It is best to get that batch of serum. Moreover, that will also be a major turning point in the rise of the alliance."

Both women nodded thoughtfully, Xuelian said: "Then do you want to stay here and look for opportunities to break through the city government, or leave for Africa right now to retrieve the anti-venom serum?"

"The two harm each other whichever is lesser. The existence of the city government is permanent, as long as no one destroys it or razes it," Shi Liu said solemnly, "It takes a long time for the anti-venom serum to be produced in batches. Produce once, this is the first batch, we must not miss it."

At the same time, in a villa apartment in a base in Northern Europe.

White Wolf was standing in front of the balcony, the polished silver sniper rifle in his hand was shining in the sunlight, he straightened the body of the gun, aimed the sniper scope at his right eye, and aimed at the center of the cross in the field of vision, aiming at a gun target.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a new message and coordinates were displayed on the communication system.

"White Wolf, call the brothers to this coordinate, I will wait for you here."

When the trigger was pulled, the steady and long sound of the sniper rifle echoed throughout the balcony, and a bullet whizzed out, finally firmly nailed to the target.The white wolf looked, the shot hit the tenth ring.

(End of this chapter)

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