Chapter 209 Antivenom ([-])
In the west of the Congo Basin in Africa, in a dense forest.

The special geographical reasons make this place dry and hot all year round. The sun shines through the trunks, and many animals avoid it. At this moment, a big tree trembled slightly and dropped some leaves.

There was a young man in a crimson battle uniform on the tree, holding a piece of unknown grass in his mouth, and he was squatting quietly on a thick tree trunk with a tactical telescope at the moment, looking at something unknown.

In the field of vision of the telescope, there is an undetectable underground entrance in the distance. The entrance is very delicately hidden. If the electric door hadn't been opened suddenly, it would have been impossible to detect it in this place of youth.

The switch opened upwards, and moss-covered dirt kept falling in the process.Two people in white chemical protective suits came out one after the other. They carried a blackened corpse and threw it in the cluttered bushes nearby. They looked around and walked in again.

The young man in the distance bared his teeth, and he looked around the entrance again. On the lush grass, there were a few piles of green leaves shaking slightly.Adjusting the focus, the pile of green leaves was magnified, so a dark green gun barrel protruded from the pile of leaves, and moved from time to time.A silencer of the same color is installed at the gun head. It is obvious that the entrance is covered with a firepower net. If you enter rashly, you will be smashed into a sieve.

At this moment, a green gun barrel in the field of vision suddenly pointed to Lie Feng.

He was startled, and threw the telescope in his hand straight forward, leaning back sharply. When Lie Feng's body was parallel to the ground, the telescope that hadn't landed was shattered by an oncoming bullet. Lie Feng could also feel the bullet shooting past his face quickly, bringing up the swirling air.

After landing lightly, Lie Feng didn't dare to stay any longer, he knew that if he was delayed in this place for a second, countless bullets would be shot at him in that second.There was a big rock in front of him, Lie Feng held the rock with one hand and jumped, hiding behind the rock.

At the same time, the headquarters airport in the southern wasteland of Asia.

The anti-army soldiers who were queuing up and patrolling were constantly coming and going, and there were also anti-army snipers stationed on the watchtowers at the four corners. In the vast airport, dozens of Osprey transport planes were on standby. At this moment, three people appeared Behind the airport fence.

"There are so many small airports, why come to this one." Xue Lian said while looking inside.

"Be patient," Shi Liu said, choosing a 9A91 submachine gun from the weapon system, "You will know its usefulness later on."

"Maybe it's not as easy to deal with as I imagined," Su shook his head and said, then raised his finger and pointed to the airport headquarters: "Look there."

Both Shi Liu and Xue Lian followed what Su pointed out. There were figures of the group of special forces around the towering headquarters building. They were arranged in an orderly manner. The distance between soldiers and the guns in their hands made them look like one Zhang Qiang guarded the headquarters building like a net of firepower.

Shi Liu smiled, inserted the M500 revolver into the holster, and loaded the submachine gun bullet in his hand: "It's just a pile of waste paper, beauties, are you ready?"

Both Xuelian and Su looked at Shiliu blankly, but the latter rolled over the wall, and when his body was parallel to the ground, the muzzle flame flashed, and two bullets roared out.In the distance, a special forces soldier's body suddenly trembled violently twice, and then fell powerlessly to the ground.

The anti-military soldiers who were on patrol immediately realized that, together with the special forces around the headquarters building, they all straightened their AA12 shotguns. The guns pointed at Shi Liu who had just got up.

In an instant, the muzzle flames spread like thousands of miles of torches, and countless bullets whizzed towards them.Shi Liu rolled over to the left and entered the outpost, bullets rained down on the outpost made of wooden planks, immediately, the outpost seemed to be shattered, and countless sawdust fell down.In the room, Shi Liugang stood up, but a gray rattlesnake revolver was pressed against his forehead.

The other party was an anti-army special forces soldier, and the latter was pointing a pistol at Shi Liu at this moment. As long as he wanted, the other party's life could be gone with a single gunshot.

"Put down the weapon." A cold voice sounded from the black gas mask, Shi Liu nodded, and obediently raised his hands, the 9A91 submachine gun also dropped at this moment.

At this moment, Shi Liu's eyes lit up, and when the submachine gun was about to hit the ground, he quickly bent over and grabbed the submachine gun which was less than half a meter away from the floor, but the opponent's reaction was no slower than Shi Liu's. Leaping up on the office desk next to him, he hid himself behind the desk.

Shi Liu was startled, and immediately pulled out the M500 from the holster and pointed it at the office desk. Almost at the same time as him, the special forces soldier also stretched out his hand holding the pistol.

The moment the other party reached out his hand, Shi Liu didn't hesitate at all, and directly pulled the trigger.

There was a dull and long gunshot, and the blood spilled like an exploding fountain, staining most of the office desk red. The special forces soldier was shot in the head by Shi Liu. The powerful push rod of the M500, Let the bullet plow off most of his gas mask and head, and the terrifying white bones and flesh and blood are clearly visible.

Shi Liu inserted the pistol back, the two women had just entered the outpost, Xue Lian looked at Shi Liu: "Look at what you've done."

"We can't afford to waste that time with the old method, so we have to do this." Shi Liu spread his hands.

"It's not too late, hurry up." Su said, the man had already rushed out with a gun in his hand, Shi Liugang wanted to stop it, but Xuelian next to him folded his arms and said: "Why, my heart hurts?"

Shi Liu glared at her, but the latter pointed to Su outside as if nothing happened: "Just because the firepower of those scumbags outside can't hurt her, take a closer look at her."

Facing Su outside, Shi Liu was surprised to find that there was a layer of faint purple airflow around her body, and this purple airflow enveloped Su's whole body.The bullets all over the sky fell on it, like pebbles hitting rocks, they were melted by the purple airflow one after another!

Suddenly, Shi Liu recalled the scene of meeting Su for the first time.At that time, an alien was also present, and there was also a pixel-like airflow around the alien's body!At that time, Shi Liu shot at it, and the bullet hit the airflow, just like this!
What does this mean?
"What is that?" Shi Liu stared at Su and asked.

"Curious? My sister has it too," Xuelian said proudly. At this moment, on the northern watchtower, a rebel soldier directly picked up an RPG-7 rocket booster and pointed it at Shi Liu and Xuelian. where the outpost.

The movements of the rebel soldiers were clearly seen by Xuelian, and when the rocket was spinning towards it with endless flames, Xuelian pulled Shi Liu over, making the latter and her body close together.

"Boom!" An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the flames shot into the sky. The outpost was shattered by the rocket bomb, and countless charred sawdust fell down like a goddess.Suxiang looked here at the outpost, but saw that Shi Liu and Xuelian were safe and sound.

Around the bodies of the two, a strong golden air current enveloped Shi Liu and Xuelian, even the powerful destructive power of RPG-7 never hurt them at all.

The eyes of Xuelian and Su intertwined at this moment, and there was a look of deja vu between the two pairs of beautiful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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