Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 210 Shadow Martial Arts Alliance

Chapter 210 Shadow Martial Arts Alliance ([-])

When the anti-army sniper was wiped on the neck just now, Shi Liu from a distance also noticed the movement here.

"It seems that someone is secretly protecting us." Shi Liu looked at the two women behind him and laughed softly.

"Is your teammate here?" Su glanced at Shi Liu and said.

Shi Liu nodded: "Eighty percent."

The three continued to advance slowly, while the firepower points of the rebels around them were decreasing one by one.

In the distance, Lie Feng was squatting on a rock with a weed in his mouth. He stared at the movement around Shi Liu with his tactical binoculars, and couldn't help laughing wryly: "It's rare to have a teammate who cooperates so tacitly..."

Here, Shi Liu and the others had already seen the big rock that Lie Feng mentioned, but the three of them were unscathed along the way, and they didn't even see the shadow of a rebel soldier.

Taking vigilant steps, Shi Liu came to the big rock. He put down his gun and focused on the route on the rock.

This route is drawn with a black signature pen, so it looks clear at a glance. From the entrance, many branches spread to the surroundings, which are complex and intertwined like a honeycomb. It seems that in order to find out the details of this underground research institute, Lie Feng, Also made a lot of effort.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet.This may be why Lie Feng refused to act together.

Although the route is complicated, the place each road leads to is standard and clear. Shi Liu browsed quickly and memorized them bit by bit in his mind.

At this moment, somewhere in the weeds, a black submachine gun barrel slowly stretched out, pointing at Shi Liu who was concentrating on looking at the map.

At the same time, such gun barrels protruded from the surrounding bushes or weeds.

Xue Lian standing behind Shi Liu moved her ears, the latter looked at Xiang Su, both of them nodded knowingly, Xue Lian loaded the sniper rifle bullet: "Boy, I advise you to quickly understand this damn map, because."

Before she finished speaking, Xue Lian's body suddenly fell to the ground. On the way, several bullets whizzed by the sides of her soft and beautiful body. She took up the sniper rifle and aimed at the bunch of weeds in front, and buckled without hesitation. Pulled the trigger.There was a gunshot, and a bullet wrapped in faint flames spun out. Its direction was the weeds in the distance.

"Pfft!" There was the sound of a bullet piercing through the weeds, and a pool of blood splashed up. The anti-army sniper who was hiding in it was thrown backward by the bullet, and Su rolled over to the back of the rock. On the way, she pulled Shi Liu who had just recovered, and the two hid behind the stone together.

"Thug Chug!..."


At this moment, the sound of gunfire rang out all over the sky, the surrounding grass turned, and countless anti-army soldiers rushed out of the weeds above their heads with guns in their hands. They rushed to the rock at the fastest speed, and countless bullets fell on the rock like raindrops. , Shi Liu cursed, and immediately took out two M[-]s from the holsters on his legs and held them in his hands. At this moment, Xuelian just ran here with her head down. The three of them hid behind the rock, and the former pushed a sniper rifle After firing the bullet, he looked at Shi Liu and said, "What should I do?"

"Since everyone has reached this point," Shi Liu said, leaning on the rock, "then kill them all!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly stood up and faced the anti-army soldiers in front, held the two M[-]s flat in his hands, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. There was a dull and long gunshot, and the two bullets instantly nailed the two soldiers rushing forward. On the head of a soldier, blood spattered, and the powerful bullets knocked the two rebels backwards, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Liu dodged out of the rock, and rushed towards the nearby bushes. On the way, he pulled the trigger again, and the two rebels in the distance fell down in response.After entering the bush, Shi Liu took out a high-explosive grenade from his waist, bit off the ring with his teeth, and threw it directly backward.

"Boom!—" The earth-shattering explosion sounded immediately, and in the flash of flames, more than a dozen rebel soldiers were blown away from the ground. Taking advantage of the explosion caused by the grenade, Su and Xuelian also charged from behind the stone. When it came out, bullets flew, blood sprayed in the distance, and the soldiers who rushed in the front row all fell down in response.

At this moment, a black shadow leaped down from a certain tree, and it rushed towards Su who was shooting without hesitation, but the latter had already caught its movement.Su knocked down a few soldiers, and when the black shadow was about to inflict damage on him, he rolled backwards, and the black shadow flew into the air.

Just as Su stood up, the black shadow rushed towards Su like a bolt of lightning. On the way, a bright sharp weapon appeared in its hand without warning.But no matter how fast its movements were, it was not half as fast as Su's. The latter jumped up nimbly, stomped his slender legs on the opponent's shoulders fiercely, and relied on the reaction force to flip himself to the ground.

At this moment, Su could see the opponent's eyes clearly: wearing a scarlet robe, wearing a strange mask on his face, with light red lines looming, holding a white steel knife in his hand, with irregular lightning flashes on the blade .

Su sneered, she threw away the submachine gun, and in a flash of thought, a long sword with a curved blade fell into her hand.The opponent's first attack was unsuccessful, but was kicked by Su. He was furious for a while, and immediately raised the knife on his right shoulder with both hands, and charged towards Su again.

Here, Shi Liu was leaning against a big tree, he could see the figure of Xie Su clearly, it was clearly the shadow fighter in the shadow martial mode in the game!
Shadow Warriors are different from Ghost Warriors, they have a relationship with opposite abilities.The ability to be invisible while moving makes a Kagemura harder to deal with than a Wraith.Here, Xuelian raised her hand and shot down a soldier who was reloading. She pushed the bullet and moved to the next place. At this moment, a sharp blade flew out from a certain tree. Its target, It was the snow lotus running below.

The whistling sound became more and more intense, Xuelian had already realized the danger signal, she bent forward suddenly, and the sharp blade was spinning and passing only 5mm away from Xuelian's back, and the latter could also feel the impact brought by the sharp blade. That strong killing intent.

Seeing that Su and Xuelian were both entangled by the shadow warrior, Shi Liu could only walk alone at this moment, blocking the surprise attack of the rebel soldiers in front. As far as Shi Liu's current ability is concerned, it is impossible to face the shadow warrior head-on. What he can do now is to buy more time for the two women to fight against the Shadow Warrior.

But how did these two shadow fighters appear here, and why did they serve the rebels? This is a question that is currently lingering in Shi Liu's mind.

Could it be that the anti-military technology has reached the level where it can create shadow fighters?

However, shadow fighters are not created, unless the rebels have cloning technology.However, cloning technology had already been prohibited from being used when the alliance was destroyed.

Could it be that someone stole the anti-army's cloning technology to create this mysterious and deadly shadow warrior?

(End of this chapter)

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