Chapter 212 Special Biochemical Body

"I want to join you."

Lie Feng said so.

Then, everyone looked at Shi Liu.

"Of course," Shi Liu said without hesitation, "To overthrow the anti-military rule is a dream that I want to realize all the time. The addition of one more alliance mercenary will bring me one step closer to the realization of this dream. Not only now, It will be the same in the future!"

Lie Feng nodded, and immediately looked at the crowd: "Thank you Poison Wolf for your trust, I will lead you into the underground research institute next, and it will be my gift to join you."

Everyone nodded, Lie Feng said "Follow me", and then rushed towards the entrance of the underground research institute.

Ten minutes later, the white door at the entrance opened from bottom to top, and two researchers in white chemical protective suits walked out carrying a corpse one after the other.

Suddenly, a figure flashed behind the two researchers, and the latter noticed something. The next moment, blood spattered, and the whole body of the researcher behind was shaking violently, and a dagger was inserted into him at some point. between the eyebrows.

The researcher in front immediately turned around when he heard the abnormal noise. Just as he turned around, a person threw him down head-on.The next moment, he saw a cold-faced man in a red windbreaker. The former didn't dare to make any moves because the man was pointing a Desert Eagle pistol at himself.

"How many people are stationed inside." Lie Feng asked coldly, and the researcher immediately shook his head to express that he didn't know.Lie Feng sneered: "It's not a good thing to keep your mouth shut."

As he spoke, his index finger quickly touched the trigger, and at this moment the researcher spoke: "I said, I said. There are 15 patrols stationed on each floor, and the bottom three floors are guarded by special forces."

"Nothing else?"


"Don't touch your weapon. Is it really good to draw a gun under the eyes of the enemy." Looking at the researcher who had put a hand behind his back, Lie Feng sneered, and immediately raised his hand and shot him.

At this moment, the gate was not closed yet, Lie Feng waved to the grass in the distance, so Shi Liu and the others filed out and entered the research institute together.

"The research institute has a total of six floors. According to the researcher, there are anti-military patrols on the upper three floors and special forces guarding the lower three floors. I am thinking that the serum is likely to be stored on the lower three floors." In the elevator, Lie Feng said so to everyone.

"Well," Shi Liu nodded, "serum is currently the only thing that can restrain the spread of biohazards, so the anti-military forces will definitely regard its storage as the top priority. Why don't we divide into two teams, and one team will go to the One team from the upper three floors goes to the lower three floors. If any team discovers the existence of the serum, immediately notify the other team to join them."

Shi Liu's proposal was immediately approved by everyone, so when the elevator door opened, Lie Feng, Shuilei, Xuelian and Eyu went to the left as a team, and Shi Liu, Su and Linghu went as a team to the right.

On the first floor of the research institute, a huge piece of transparent tempered glass is isolated between each laboratory, and they are connected to each other to form a circle.On the corridor, there were anti-military patrols with guns walking back and forth. In the emergency passage leading to the second floor, the mine quietly poked its probe out, and then retracted it immediately.

"Firepower deployment?" Xuelian, who was behind the mine, asked casually.

"As Brother Lie Feng said, there are 15 people in each team, a total of four teams, all armed with AA12 shotguns." Said Lei.

"AA12 shotgun..." Evil Fish murmured, "This gun has extremely high ballistic stability, with 20 rounds of magazines, and its firepower cannot be underestimated. If they fight in this narrow passage, they must have the upper hand. "

"It's so troublesome." Xue Lian frowned slightly and said, "Get your equipment and follow behind me."

After speaking, he picked up his rifle and rushed out. The three men behind him were shocked and hurriedly followed.In the corridor, Xuelian whistled to the anti-army patrol in the distance. When the latter found an intruder, they immediately raised their guns at each other, but Xuelian sneered, and the dark energy shield was activated at this moment.When the rain of bullets hit the sky, Snow Lotus in the dark energy shield was still smiling slightly.For a dark energy shield of her level, the firearms in the hands of the anti army are simply a pile of scrap metal to tickle her.

"Fuck, what the hell is that?"

"She seems to be fine..."

"No wonder let us follow her..."

Lie Feng and the others behind were surprised, this is the first time they have seen this kind of shield that is not afraid of bullets.Although they didn't know where it came from, they knew that it was right to follow Xuelian.

The anti-army soldiers were no match for Xuelian. After a firefight, the patrols fell to the ground one after another, and the noisy gunshots also disturbed the entire laboratory on the first floor.

On the fourth floor of the research institute, Shi Liu and others were rushing to the laboratory, but gunshots rang out from the upper floor.Su smiled knowingly, and sighed secretly: "As expected of the heir of the Supreme, the dark energy shield can be released at will..."

While the underground research institute was working hard to resist the intruders, on the ground, a woman wearing a mask came to the entrance with firm steps.

If Shi Liu was here at this moment, he would definitely be surprised. That's right, she was the woman whose fig leaf was torn off by Shi Liu before.She came back, and behind her, dozens of shadow warriors stood with swords.

The woman came to the researcher's body and squatted down. The former simply checked the wound, and there was no possibility of treatment.

"Block here." The woman said in a cold voice from behind the mask.

The dozens of Shadow Warriors immediately took action.

At the same time, the fourth floor of the research institute.

The anti-military special forces stood at their respective posts. They did not guard the institute by patrolling like the upper three floors.

In their view, it is a better defense to be as immobile as a mountain.

"Spot the intruder!"

Suddenly, I don't know who yelled, and the special forces soldiers immediately responded.After all, they were special forces, so they reacted a few beats faster than ordinary anti-military fighters.Soon, they locked on to the intruder in the distance.


The short and powerful MP5 submachine gun is an exclusive weapon for special forces. This gun fires extremely fast, so the firepower net it forms is stronger than other firearms.

At this moment, Shi Liu dashed from left to right to avoid the rain of bullets.Suddenly, he felt a sudden pain in his left arm, and then hot liquid flowed out. He glanced subconsciously, and a bullet was firmly nailed into his arm, leaving a bullet hole.

His arm was injured, and Shi Liu had to grit his teeth to stop due to the numbness.He hid behind a flower bed, and countless bullets still roared in, tearing up all the flower bushes on the flower bed, and the flower bed itself continued to sprinkle soil around.

Here, Su and Linghu hid behind a huge iron box, and the two women looked anxious when they saw Shi Liu injured in the distance.Su only hated that the source power in his current body was not enough, and the dark energy shield could not be activated normally.

Here, the special forces had already seen the enemy wounded, and immediately formed an offensive formation, heading towards the flower bed.

Here, Shi Liu didn't dare to act rashly. He knew that the enemy he was facing was different from the rebel soldiers, and they would catch him even if he showed his head once.So he gestured to the two women in the distance to signal them not to act blindly, and then made several gestures in a row.

The two girls behind the iron box nodded one after another, they understood Shi Liu's meaning very well.Immediately set up their firearms and wait for the rabbit.

Seeing that the two women were ready, Shi Liu threw the gun aside, while the man lay on the ground, pretending to be dead.

The efficiency of the special forces was very fast. They advanced one by one leaning against the flower bed. The soldier at the head of the row paused, then suddenly turned out of the flower bed, pointing the MP5 submachine gun in his hand with consciousness.Then he saw the enemy lying on the ground.

Still holding the gun in his right hand, he raised his left hand to make a gesture, and then the special forces soldiers hiding on the side of the flower bed came out in a file and surrounded Shi Liu who was lying on the ground.

Just when the last soldier was in position, there was a sudden burst of gunshots from behind, and the special forces soldiers fell to the ground with the gunshots.After clearing the enemies, Su and Linghu just came out from behind the iron box.

At the same time, on the third floor of the research institute, Xue Lian grabbed a shivering researcher and said coldly, "Where are those damned serums?"

"Promise me, don't kill me." The man was so frightened that his eyes were blank, Xuelian nodded, and the former said slowly: "On the sixth floor of the research institute, in the special biochemical body anatomy room."

"What is a special biochemical body?" Snow Lotus asked.

"I... I can't describe it, but I promise, if you don't have strong firepower, you won't be able to get in, and..."

"And what?"

"...all will die!" the man said fiercely.

Xuelian laughed heartily and confidently.Back then on the Mechanical Star, she faced hundreds of mechanical warriors without taking a step back.Xue Lian looked at the man: "I hope what you said won't disappoint me."

Immediately threw him to the ground: "I promised not to kill you, but I don't care about these handsome guys behind."

After speaking, he took a step and left.

(End of this chapter)

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