Chapter 213 Bloody Battle

Linghu took out a life serum and injected it into Shi Liu's wound.

The pain was temporarily stopped, but the lost health still needs to be recovered slowly.At this moment, Xuelian's voice sounded in Su's ear, "Sister, I learned from the researchers that the serum is in the special biochemical anatomy room on the sixth floor."

"Special biochemical body dissection room?" Su's heart moved, "Okay, we will rush there now, and you can come too."

On the fifth floor of the research institute, all the special forces stationed here were dispatched, and the fierce battle on the fourth floor just now could be heard clearly.Shi Liusan and the others were taking the elevator to the fifth floor. When the elevator door opened, the special forces soldiers were already fully armed and waiting there.

What puzzled Shi Liu was that the enemy didn't have a gun in his hand, but instead had a handful of gleaming military stabs.

Su immediately picked up the rifle in his hand, but at this moment the soldier in the front row of the soldiers said coldly: "Once the gun is fired, the biochemical monsters at the bottom layer will be awakened, and the serum you want will be completely wiped out." destroy."

Shi Liu raised his hand to signal Su not to act rashly, then looked at the captain: "We don't want to hurt anyone, we just want to get the serum."

"That depends on whether you have the ability!" The captain shouted coldly, "Although you have broken through the upper layers of siege, our reinforcements will arrive soon!" The next moment, the special forces soldiers showed their hands Military stabbing.

At this moment, the elevator on Shi Liu's side opened again, and Xuelian and the others came out.

"Su, Xuelian, Linghu," Shi Liu looked at them, "Go up and clear the way to retreat. We will leave this place to us."


"Always leave a way out. At that time, there will be a support, right?" Shi Liu's tone is unquestionable.

"Okay," Xuelian bit her red lips, "let's go."

"Hmph, do you really think that you can enter this place as you like, and get out as you want?" Looking at the three women who left in the elevator, the special forces captain sneered, and as he spoke, a gleaming military thorn appeared in front of him. in his hands.

"How do you think that's your business, I'm going to order the serum today!" Said, Shi Liu slowly drew out the two sabers behind his back.Both Ei Yu and Shui Lei held a military axe, Lie Feng couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "It seems that this hand-to-hand combat is inevitable..."

The captain of the special forces sneered, then pointed at the military thorn in his hand, and the next moment, all the special forces soldiers went up to meet him.

Immediately, blood spattered and sparks splattered, and Shi Liusi and the others showed no sign of retreating in the face of enemies ten times larger than themselves.The two sides fought like this.


While swinging the saber, Shi Liu slashed at the head of a soldier with such force that the entire blade sank in.He pulled it out again, and blood flew like an exploding fountain. As soon as the opponent fell to the ground, another soldier rushed forward. He took advantage of the time before Shi Liu's saber was pulled out, he straightened his army and stabbed at the latter's abdomen. , Shi Liu quickly backed away and let the army stab through the air, and the saber in his left hand slashed towards the opponent's neck.But the reaction of the latter was so fast, seeing the military thorn stabbing the air, he immediately turned to the side suddenly, allowing Shi Liu's knife to slash the air.At this moment, the other saber of the latter has been pulled out from the head of the corpse, and the special forces soldier has also stood still. The eyes of the two intersected. The former suddenly jumped high. Make a circle with the stabbing head facing outward, and stab Shi Liu's head hard!

Shi Liu turned sideways to dodge. On the way, the saber with his right hand flexibly made a circle so that the blade faced backward. When the special forces soldier landed, Shi Liu swung his arm and swiped the saber towards the opponent's neck.

With a sound of "Chi!", the saber ruthlessly cut a wound on the opponent's neck. The whole body of the special forces trembled violently, and then fell powerlessly to the ground.

There was loud shouting from the right, and when Shi Liu turned his head, two special forces soldiers greeted him with military thorns in hand.One of the soldiers jumped up and struck at Shi Liupi with his military thorn in his hand, and the latter immediately crossed his swords and raised up to resist, with a sound of "Dang!", the military thorn slashed on the two sabers, and a large number of sparks scattered and splashed.


At this moment, Shi Liu felt that his left shoulder suddenly sank in, and then blood splashed out.Another special forces soldier sneaked up on Shi Liu while he was resisting, and pulled out the military thorn violently, leaving a small blood hole in Shi Liu's left shoulder.

The unbearable pain and bursts of numbness caused Shi Liulian to take a few steps back. The military assassin is known as the most ruthless cold weapon, and it really is.The blood had already spread from the wound to half of the combat uniform, and Shi Liu also felt that his left arm was somewhat uncontrollable.Seeing that the enemy had been wounded, the two special forces soldiers acted immediately.

Excessive blood loss caused Shi Liu's left arm to tremble uncontrollably. Facing the full attack of two enemies, Shi Liu had no choice but to resist alone.But no matter what, a knife couldn't withstand the side attacks of the two, and soon, dense wounds appeared on Shi Liu's body.

A cold light flashed, and while Shi Liu was resisting his companions, the soldier on the left jumped up and stabbed Shi Liu's neck with his army!


The sound of metal colliding sounded, and sparks splashed immediately. A military ax stained with countless blood blocked the fatal blow for Shi Liu, and then used the hook of the ax to hook the military thorn and dragged it back. The former was dragged to the ground abruptly.Ei Yu swung the military ax while the enemy was at the end, a cold blade flashed past, blood splashed everywhere, the special forces soldier was severely hit in the head by the military axe, and there was no possibility of survival.

With the help of Eiyu, Shi Liu felt a lot easier.Although his left arm was injured, he was fine in a one-on-one fight. The enemy stabbed him back again and again. At this moment, Shi Liu took a step back and stood on the ground. The saber, the enemy was caught off guard, and was slashed in the neck by Shi Liuyi.

Looking at Eiyu again, his body was also cut a few times by military thorns, and his tactical uniform was stained red with blood.To help Shi Liu out of danger, he rushed into the enemy line again to help the fighting mines and Lie Feng.

"It doesn't feel good to be stabbed by the army. Do you think you have any qualifications to fight with me?" A cold voice sounded, and the captain of the special forces gently stroked the army stab in his hand, and walked slowly towards Shi Liu.

"That's right, then I'll give it a try!" Shi Liu said, and then he started to act.The captain put one hand behind his waist, motionless: "To congratulate you for dying here today, I will give you fairness!"


The collision of the cold weapon caused sparks to fly, and the captain of the special forces quickly blocked the saber in Shi Liu's hand, then took a step back, withdrew the saber and stabbed straight at the opponent.Shi Liu tilted his head so that the army stabbed him in the air, but his injured left arm was raised high, and a glamorous knife light flashed in an arc. .The latter dodged to evade and retreated, and the two of them kept a safe distance in this way.

When the captain of the special forces stood on the ground, Shi Liu could clearly see the opponent's hand stretched behind his waist, which indicated that he would draw his gun next.

Sure enough, the captain of the special forces quickly pulled out the pistol stuck in his waist and pointed it at Shi Liu. Almost at the same time, Shi Liu also had an extra Desert Eagle in his hand.


A dull and long gunshot rang out. The captain of the special forces and Shi Liu maintained the same posture, but there was a pea-sized blood hole between the former's eyebrows. The strong driving force of the Desert Eagle made the bullet penetrate his head back and forth.The captain of the special forces crawled straight to the ground like this, with no life to speak of.

"Boring! Boring!..."

There was another series of gunshots, and the special forces soldiers who were fighting with the mines were all killed by Shi Liu.Shuilei looked at Shi Liu: "What if I startle the monsters below?"

"I can't control that much anymore," Shi Liu shook his head, "The longer the battle drags on, the worse it will be for us, and I think even if no one shoots, the monsters below will not invite themselves."

"That's right," Lie Feng nodded, "This is the fifth floor of the research institute, and further down is the place where the serum is stored. This group of special forces has become the last line of defense. Maybe they have made the worst plan, and they will die together." .”

Shi Liu inserted the two sabers back, and then looked around several people. After a hand-to-hand battle with the special forces, his body was covered with scars.

"Now that we're here," Shi Liu said, an AA12 shotgun was already in his hand, "then we must get the serum no matter what!"

(End of this chapter)

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