Chapter 214 Hulk ([-])

After passing a downhill staircase, everyone came to the entrance of the sixth floor.

In front of it is a huge circular revolving door with a code button on the door, indicating that this is a code door.

"Don't try the password randomly." Looking at Shi Liu who was walking towards the door, Lie Feng shook his head and said.

Shi Liu looked at Lie Feng, who said: "If I remember correctly, if the password is wrong three times, this door will self-destruct."

"What about power?"

"With the power of several tons of C4 bombs, the few of us will definitely not be able to survive anyway." Lie Feng smiled wryly.

"Is there a way to crack it?" Shi Liu asked.

"Let me try." Lie Feng said, and turned on the communication system.

After some operations, Lie Feng couldn't help but took a deep breath and frowned.

"what happened?"

Everyone gathered around, Lie Feng looked at the information displayed on the communication system and said: "The password for this door is... move me and try..."

"Try me?" Everyone was stunned. There was a small keypad on the password door, and there were numbers from 0 to 9 on it. Where did the letters or words come from?
"What do you mean by stepping on a horse?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, this is simply irrelevant.

"Try me to try..." Shi Liu pondered, and then looked at everyone: "The password on the door is composed of six numbers, but Lie Feng's cracking shows six characters, so is there some kind of hint in it? ?”


"What if..." Shi Liu continued, "The password is made up of the homonyms of these words?"

Everyone was stunned.

Move me and try...

"00544!" The next moment, everyone shouted almost in unison.Shi Liu stepped forward and pressed the six numbers "00544" on the keyboard.

"The password is correct!"

With a sound of "Chi!", a puff of bleach smoke rose from under the revolving door, and then the whole door began to move slowly. When the whole door opened, a dark corridor passage appeared without any shelter.

Shi Liu picked up the shotgun, gestured to several people, and entered the passage first, followed by the mine and the evil fish. Lie Feng also entered the passage with his back turned to them.

The only light in the passage was the searchlights on the guns of several people. Walking in it, in addition to the inevitable footsteps, there were also bursts of strange roars from both sides.

After a turn, everyone finally walked out of the passage. There was no obstacle at the end of the passage, but a very open area.There is a huge cylindrical cultivation tank in it, and the cultivation tank is surrounded by wires, and besides the green liquid that is constantly rising, there is also a huge monster.

Everyone walked over, and the face of the behemoth was undoubtedly revealed.It was a giant, a green giant, it had no mouth, and was replaced by a black diamond-shaped mask. The muscles on its upper body that were about to explode spoke of its horror.And there are horrible bone spurs sticking out, including the head.At this moment, it was sleeping in the cultivation tank like this, but everyone felt that this monster was not a big threat, because it only had the upper body.

"Is this the monster that the special forces call?" Shuilei said suddenly, looking at the training tank that seemed to connect the sky and the earth.

"It shouldn't be wrong." Shi Liu nodded, "And I suspect that this monster is not the only one here."

"Boom! ~Boom!..."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of a few punches against the wall sounded immediately, but this sound was a bit loud, and the ground could even be felt trembling slightly.

"You're really sure." Shuilei smiled wryly, and the next moment everyone raised their guns one after another.The muzzle of the gun was pointing at the wall on the left that was making sound.


The wall finally couldn't bear it anymore, and a big hole was broken in the last punch. A huge figure walked out slowly amidst the smoke and dust.


"It really is..."

Looking at the giant who came out, Shuilei and the others all had horrified expressions on their faces.That's right, it was a green giant that was exactly the same as in the cultivation tank, except that this one had a complete lower body, it stepped out of the dust and smoke, and roared at the several people facing each other with guns in front.The shock wave from the roar caused Shi Liu and the others to retreat again and again. The next moment, the green giant suddenly attacked and rushed towards the mine among the four at an extremely fast speed!
At the same time, Shi Liu's group of people fired their guns with full firepower, but they still couldn't save the powerful fact of the enemy.The mine was hit by the green giant's punch, and the whole person flew backwards, hit a big crack on the wall beside it, and fell heavily to the ground again.

"Scatter!" Shi Liu yelled, and the next moment the three of them took action separately.Shi Liu turned over and stepped over several oil barrels behind, followed by the huge fist of the green giant, and the oil barrel turned into a piece of scrap iron under the fist, followed by gasoline leaking.

Shi Liu threw himself to dodge the Hulk's hammer, and then lay down on his body, pointing the muzzle of the shotgun in his hand to the giant's head, and pulled the trigger hard.The dull gunshot unique to the shotgun sounded, and the scattered bullets turned into countless fine ammunition in mid-air, flying towards the head of the giant who had just turned around.

"Puff puff!……"

The sound of bullets piercing through flesh sounded, thick blood spattered, the Hulk was beaten back again and again, his face was bloody and bloody, and the steel mask was scattered and cracked in the rain of bullets.

The Hulk shook his head, shaking off some meat scraps and bullet casings, and the shotgun in Shi Liu's hand didn't seem to have caused any damage to it.It roared, and rushed up again desperately.

Shi Liu knew that shotguns were simply scratching the itch for this monster, and he didn't expect to use firearms to deal with it.Just as the Hulk was striding forward, Shi Liu also moved towards him. When the distance between the two was less than one meter, the Hulk swung his fist quickly, but Shi Liu quickly fell on his back, and the inertia of running made him He slipped through the gap between the Hulk's legs.On the way, Shi Liu yelled at the evil fish in the distance: "It's now!"


A rocket with endless flames flew past Shi Liu's field of vision, and it flew straight towards the turning Hulk.The next moment, there was an earth-shattering explosion, and the flames flashed. Hulk's flesh and blood blasted by the rocket flew across, like a balloon filled with water but already exploded, out of control.

The shock wave from the explosion pushed Shi Liu a full two meters away, but this big guy who got in the way was finally killed.Just as Shi Liu wanted to catch his breath, Lie Feng yelled from behind: "Be careful!"

Shi Liu suddenly turned sideways, and the next moment, a huge fist quickly smashed into Shi Liu's previous position.The power was so great that a pit of equal size was smashed into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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