Chapter 215 Reconciliation
One wave just flattened, and another wave came again.If Lie Feng hadn't discovered it in time, I'm afraid Shi Liu would have become a piece of meat pie under Hulk's fist.

Shi Liu turned over to avoid the hulk's fist, just stood up, and found that several hulks rushed out of the passageway that several people had entered before!
Going on like this is no solution at all, a group of Hulks can barely deal with it, but with such a large number in front of them, it is impossible to start.

After several hulks rushed into the laboratory, they immediately locked on Shi Liu and the others.They roared collectively, and the next moment they strode towards the target.

Then, noisy and disorderly gunshots filled the entire laboratory, and the muzzle flames continued like daylight.Shi Liu and the three occupied their respective positions, forming a firepower net that could cover three fields of vision.The fearless charge of several hulks was temporarily suppressed.

But this is only a way to slow down, not a long-term solution.The Hulk's mutated skin is not affected by ammunition at all, and the bony spurs growing outward are the best guarantee for their strong defense.

"It's not an option to go on like this," Shi Liu said while looking at Lie Feng while shooting, "Take the mines and withdraw!"

Lie Feng nodded, immediately gave up his stronghold and turned to look for the mine that was hit by the Hulk.Shi Liu and Ei Yu retreated to the rear passage while shooting. There is an electric switch at the entrance of that passage. If the electric switch can be lowered, it may be a good help to stop the Hulk.

In the distance, Lie Feng picked up the mine that could no longer move, and the Hulk's iron fist hit him hard on his left chest, breaking his ribs, his heart was severely injured, and his surrounding organs were even ruptured.

Here, Shi Liu and Ei Yu had already retreated into the passage, and Lie Feng also ran towards this place with the water mine on his back, and those desperadoes were behind him.Shi Liu gave Lie Feng cover, and at the same time nodded to the evil fish beside him.

Then, Eiyu jumped up high, and slapped the switch heavily with both hands. The switch couldn't bear the weight and strength of a person, and it fell down quickly even as Eiyu landed.Lie Feng, who was running, threw out the mine behind him, and the latter slid like a bowling ball into the passage that was about to be closed.The moment the switch was released, Lie Feng also slid in.

The next moment, the switch in front of the four of them rumbled, and there were even Hulk's fist marks in some places.Shi Liu beckoned, and all the people evacuated the passage.

While walking, the evil fish walking at the back suddenly yelled, and then the whole person fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Both Shi Liu and Lie Feng looked over subconsciously, and saw a strange ball-sized creature jumping around beside Eiyu's feet.

"What the hell is this?" Eiyu frowned and looked at the little thing, it was this thing that tripped Eiyu aside.It has two small legs, a pair of big eyes looking around curiously, behind those eyes is a pair of "Z" shaped ears, let's call them ears, because no one knows what they are.

"Lala~" the little beast yelled happily, followed by flapping its strange ears, its whole body flew up, and its direction was Shi Liu.The latter stared at the strange thing until it landed on his chest and arched non-stop.

"Interesting." Lie Feng laughed.

Shi Liu grabbed the little beast, and the latter was motionless in his hands, its chubby body was very tactile.Shi Liu pinched it hard, and the little beast's body was immediately squeezed out of shape. It let out a scream, then opened its mouth and spit out a stream of green liquid at Shi Liu.

"Be careful!" Ei Yu and Lie Feng both shouted, but Shi Liu's reaction was faster than the two.The green liquid sprayed onto the wall behind, and the wall made of steel immediately rose into bursts of pungent smoke, and a large black hole appeared at the place where the liquid splashed, and it continued to expand.


"Damn it..." Everyone looked at the little beast in Shi Liu's hand. They never imagined that this strange creature that appeared out of nowhere had such terrifying instincts.

"This is an alien creature." The evil fish looked at the little beast who kept screaming "Lala".

"I agree." Lie Feng nodded.

"No matter where it comes from, at least we can get the serum smoothly." Shi Liu smiled.

With a sound of "Bang!", the electric door at the end of the passage was slammed into a big hole by a strange force, and several hulks crowded into the passage.

At this moment, Shi Liu and the others were standing there.

However, Shi Liu had an extra innocent little beast in his hand.

Several hulks roared and rushed towards Shi Liu.The latter sneered, held the little beast with both hands and squeezed it continuously, and the innocent little beast spewed green liquid forward like a submachine gun. The bones will be corroded in a puff of smoke.Just like that, several hulks were turned into fleshy meat all over the ground within a few meters from Shiliu.

Half an hour later, Shi Liu and the others met up on the third floor.

Seeing Shi Liu and the others covered in scars all over their bodies, Su couldn't help revealing a look of worry.

"Did you get the serum?" Snow Lotus asked when they met.

"Here." The evil fish raised his hand, it was a sophisticated mechanical suitcase, and what was contained in it was the anti-venom serum.

"This is..." Su noticed the little beast on Shi Liu's shoulder, and Xuelian and Linghu also looked over.When they saw the whole face of the little beast, the three girls were immediately attracted by its cute appearance, and immediately surrounded them.

"Lala~" the little beast yelled joyfully, flapped its ears and flew towards the snow lotus.

"It's so cute..." The three girls said the same thing almost at the same time, which made Shi Liu and others a little speechless. He coughed dryly: "Can you save the water mine first..."

Outside, a certain white sensor door was slowly lifted up, and Shi Liu and others came out one after another.

But when everyone left the underground research institute, the Shadow Warriors who had been waiting around appeared one by one at this moment.

And, the woman who fought against Shi Liu before.

Obviously, they came prepared this time.The surrounding shadow fighters gathered more and more, as if they were endless.Shi Liu didn't understand whether they or she came here for anti-venom, but the weapons in the hands of the Shadow Warriors were silently telling the answer.

The hand-to-hand combat with the special forces on the fifth floor, and the battle with the Hulk on the bottom floor made Shi Liu feel a little tired.The injuries on Lie Feng and Ei Yu's bodies were not easy, each of them had no less than ten stab wounds, not to mention that they were no match for this group of shadow fighters at all.

Now if you want to fight head-to-head, the only ones who can play a role in the battle are Su and Xuelian, but this does not guarantee that the shadow fighters will not attack other people.After the treatment on the third floor, the mines are temporarily out of danger, and the teammates can no longer suffer any casualties or accidents.

To do this, the only way is to reconcile with the Shadow Warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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