Chapter 216

"It seems that I came at a very bad time." The woman who had previously fought with Shi Liu actually spoke, her voice was cold and arrogant, with a hint of contempt.

"Call someone if you can't beat him, is that all you can do?" Xuelian said with a sneer.

"You don't need to worry about my abilities," the woman glanced at Xue Lian, "The purpose of coming this time is that box."

As he spoke, he looked at the anti-venom serum in Ei Yu's hand.

"You have a good idea!" Evil Fish shouted.

"We want the serum to suppress the current biochemical crisis. Although we only have this box, we have enough technology to mass-produce it," Shi Liu stepped forward and said, "Then what do you need the serum for?"

The woman pulled back her hair: "Do the same thing as you."

Shi Liu smiled wryly: "The same thing requires so many people to work, do you think it is necessary?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, Nick." The woman's words suddenly became sharper, accompanied by a murderous aura scattered around her.Shi Liu's side was also on edge, and it seemed that this battle must be fought.

"Yes." A shadow warrior responded. He was at the forefront of all the shadow warriors, and he seemed to be the captain.

"Do it!" The woman gave an order, and the next moment the shadow fighters around them started to act.

"You and Su's protective serum go first, we'll cut it off later." Shi Liu drew out two sabers, looked at Xuelian and said.

"Can't you see the fighting power in the team now?" Xue Lian gathered a violent murderous aura, and a lightsaber had fallen into her hand as she spoke, "Only Su and I can stop them, you guys Protective Serum, let's go."

"Stop me all!"

At this moment, a long howl sounded, and the sound filled the entire forest. Along with the sound, an invisible gravitational field spread out, and the group of shadow warriors who were moving were actually controlled by this gravitational field , the body stopped in place and couldn't even move!
The leading woman was startled, the sound was a bad omen for her.She looked around, and the next moment she fled quickly to the rear.

"Hahaha..." The voice from nowhere laughed loudly, "Barney, do you think you can still escape?"

The next moment, a man landed slowly in front of the woman running away. The former was holding a woman in his arms, but he was exactly the same as the woman who was running away!
Nick, the shadow warrior captain, couldn't help being stunned, and the other shadow warriors also had expressions of surprise on their faces.

"There are two identical people?" Shi Liu frowned, so at this moment, who is the real woman?

"Tsk tsk tsk..." The woman who was running away stopped with a strange smile. Her body had undergone tremendous changes. Like a reborn body, an alien appearance was gradually emerging, and her voice was gradually changing from a female voice to a lower voice. Dumb: "If His Majesty had acted harder back then, I believe this operation would have been successful."

"That's right," the man said, "If the Supreme Being had been more ruthless back then, you wouldn't have to worry about these things anymore."

After seeing the man's face clearly, Shi Liu couldn't help calling out in a low voice: "Black Dragon..."

Both Linghu and Shuilei were shocked. This man was exactly the black dragon who fought with Feihu in Beilingyu, the leader of the black dragon mercenary regiment, Heilong!

However, hadn't he already died in the battle with the mutant god?
how come……

"Black Dragon?" Xue Lian asked curiously, then looked at Su who was beside her, who nodded.

"Then, shouldn't it be time for the two beauties from Star Saron to show up?" Heilong said, looking at Xuelian and Su.

"General Black Dragon, long time no see." Su took a step forward, looked at the other party and said.

At this time, Barney's alien appearance was fully exposed. He glanced around the two sides and laughed: "What a touching scene, just like the jihad back then, time flows and things change, and you two stars can still go now Together, it should be the credit of Taylor Ans, right?"

"You don't need to worry about our two-star affairs," Black Dragon said, "General Barney, what you are thinking about now is how to save your life."

"Yeah," Barney nodded thoughtfully, "it's indeed a tricky question, but..."

As he said that, a few blue balls appeared out of nowhere in its hand, and then it shook its hand and threw it forward without warning.

"Be careful!" Xue Lian shouted, but the black dragon's reaction was faster, and while the balls were flying in the air, he somersaulted backwards to get out of the explosion distance of the balls.


The ball exploded, with a little blue lightning in the flash of fire, and the explosion produced a lot of blue smoke. When the smoke dissipated, Barney had disappeared without a trace.

"Mad Shark Grenade, Baitu's masterpiece, it seems that the Black Emperor is determined to win the earth." Looking at the gunpowder smoke drifting with the wind, the black dragon said with frowned eyebrows.

"She is..." Su looked at the woman in Heilong's arms and said.

"My subordinate, Zero." Black Dragon glanced at the woman in his arms and said, "She was attacked by Barney on the way to retreat, and the latter imitated her appearance, so he came back again."

Su Huanwu nodded, and frowned again: "Then you sent Ling to ambush us?"

Black Dragon nodded: "That's right, I just want to see if the sole heir of the Supreme is among you. However, none of you have shown the potential to be the heir of the Supreme. Could it be that I miscalculated?"

"You didn't miscalculate," Xue Lian stepped forward and said, "I was."

Heilong looked Xuelian up and down, and murmured: "I didn't expect it to be you..."

"Why, you feel very strange?" Xue Lian raised her eyebrows slightly, "It's nothing strange, because I am the only daughter of Supreme."

Supreme, heir, Baitu, Black Emperor, Shi Liu beside these words could hear clearly, he didn't know what they were, but one thing is certain, it was the alien named Barney , is the alien who failed to attack him before!
At that time, Shi Liu met Su who saved him.

So Su was also an alien.No wonder her strength is so extraordinary, no wonder, when she is fighting, an energy shield will appear around her body.

From their conversation, it can be heard that Heilong is actually an alien, and does not belong to the same planet as Su and Xuelian.

"Then, General Black Dragon," Xue Lian's face turned serious, "Is the purpose of your coming here to punish me on behalf of Netherworld Star?"

(End of this chapter)

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