Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 218 Beacon fire and wolf smoke

Chapter 218 Beacon fire and wolf smoke
At noon, a certain military base in Northern Europe.

"Headquarters headquarters, an unnumbered Osprey transport plane has requested to land."

"No number? Where did you fly from?" In the headquarters office, the white wolf who was reading an expense report replied.

Without waiting for the other party's message to be conveyed, Shi Liu suddenly sent a message: Poisonous Wolf requested to land, and Poisonous Wolf requested to land.

White Wolf couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, and immediately sent a message to the airport staff: Landing is allowed.

The transport plane landed slowly under the command of the airport staff, the cabin was opened, and everyone lined up to get off the plane one by one.

As for the shadow fighters, they spread out in a state of stealth and stealth, surrounding the airport and standing by.

"Well, you white wolf," Shi Liu murmured, nodding and laughing alone, looking around at the majestic and vast airport, "I haven't seen you for a while, you've become a fucking land rich man."

"Who is speaking ill of me?" At this moment, the voice of the white wolf sounded. Shi Liu and the others followed the sound. Teammates for many days, moreover, Shi Liu also saw the figure of the green mirror.

It's just that Feihu's expression was a little surprised, because she clearly saw the black dragon behind Shi Liu. Maybe many people present didn't know him, but Feihu was very impressed with the black dragon.How could this person who died in the duel with the mutant god appear here again alive?
Looking at Feihu who looked at him strangely, Heilong just nodded with a smile. There were so many people present, he didn't want to explain too much, and he believed that Shi Liu would tell Feihu the truth.

Shi Liu also walked towards the white wolf, the two punched each other, the latter looked around at the black dragon and the others: "They are..."

"They are comrades-in-arms I met on the way, and I brought them back together." Shi Liu said.

"Okay, this is not a place to talk, let's go."

Under the leadership of the white wolf, everyone entered the headquarters office. This was originally an anti-military logistics warehouse. After the white wolf took the warehouse, he transformed it into a huge military base. Even the office was surprisingly large. Everyone sat around the central long table, and there were still some seats left.

The white wolf is very clear about the purpose of Shi Liu's return, and he has been busy with the southern and northern wars for a while, and he has long been exhausted. Not everyone can do the job of being a leader, so after stepping into the office, the white wolf naturally turned his head The top spot was given to Shi Liu.

Everyone sat down, and the white wolf said solemnly: "There are 31 anti-military military bases in Northern Europe, 28 logistics warehouses, and [-] coastal naval bases. At present, we have occupied five military bases, three warehouses, and naval bases for the time being. No plan."

"There are a total of 447 reorganized teams. If we really want to reshape the alliance, then I still think it is more appropriate to divide them into teams based on teams." Mandala, who is sitting in the third seat, said.

"That's right," Shi Liu nodded, "The new alliance must have a new system. I think this plan must first be used in combat power. Only by clearly dividing the current combat power can we be more standardized in future battles. flexible."

Everyone present nodded thoughtfully. What Mandala said was right. In the newborn alliance, all focus must be firmly locked on combat effectiveness. After all, political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

"Speaking of fighting," Foxhunting said, "A few days ago, An Ye and I lurk into the largest anti-army base in Northern Europe, and we learned from the guards that the anti-army military is currently using the mutation leaked during the outbreak of the biochemical crisis. Viruses, develop a new type of biochemical monster to fight us."

"The green giant!" Shuilei slammed the table and shouted, "It must be it, we met it when we were snatching the anti-venom serum!"

The green giant... Bai Lang and the others showed a hint of puzzlement. They didn't understand what Sui Lei said. giant."

For a while, there was no sound.

"It's not a green giant? What is that?" Shuilei couldn't help looking at Hunting Fox, who frowned and said, "Anye and I only learned about it from the guards, but it's definitely not the green giant you mentioned, because this A batch of biochemical monsters whose bodies are all female."

Everyone was shocked, but Shi Liu had an idea: a female biochemical monster, isn't he a crazy baby?

"They use women as the main body to conduct research, there is no doubt about it," An Ye said, "so the biochemical monsters developed must also be women."

"Then I'd like to go and see him," Shi Liu said, and then looked at White Wolf: "Are you interested?"

"I don't hesitate to say anything." The white wolf raised his eyebrows.

"In that case, in the afternoon, Bailang, I, and Foxhunting Anye will go to the anti-military base," Shi Liuhuan said, looking around at the crowd.

Before departure, Shi Liu asked about the situation of the stealth suit. After these days of research and development, Green Mirror has mastered the principle of its stealth, and the first batch of stealth suits will be distributed to Base No. [-] in ten days.

Shi Liu's idea is to go to that base first to see if they are using women to develop biochemical monsters. If so, then Shi Liu doesn't mind calling his teammates to take down this base. After all, there are so many teammates, plus the Black Dragon With the help of the three of them, it is still very easy to win a military base.

At this moment, the reconnaissance plane landed 800 meters away from the military base.This is an uninhabited desert. It is not easy to see deserts in Europe.

Led by Hunter Fox and Anye, they all came to a small hill to the west.The hill is about seven or eight meters high, and you can clearly overlook the entire military base from this place.

On the side of the base headquarters, there is a very remote camp. The camp is very huge, and it seems to be used to park chariots.But the warehouse on the easternmost side of the base proved that the camp was not a place for tanks, but for another purpose.

At this moment, a group of rebels entered Shi Liu's field of vision, and they escorted a large number of civilians towards the camp. Just like what Hunting Fox said, they were all women.The gate of the camp opened, and a group of special forces filed out, while the rebels handed over the civilians to the special forces.

Special Forces fighters chased civilians at gunpoint and drove them into camps.Shi Liu took off the binoculars and looked at the people beside him: "Is this the largest military base in Northern Europe?"

"Yes," White Wolf nodded, "and this military base is different from others. It is the artery connecting the entire Nordic anti-army to Asia and other continents. The armament needs of other Nordic bases usually come from here."

"That is to say, as long as it is attacked, it will also involve the war in the whole of Europe?" Shi Liu said thoughtfully.

"Well," White Wolf said with a wry smile, "the smallest is Europe. If it becomes a big trouble, the rebels from other continents will definitely come to protect it at all costs. At that time, it will not be as simple as snatching a military base."

"What we want is to make trouble!" Shi Liu resolutely said, "If there is trouble here in Europe, then the alliance mercenaries on other continents will definitely hear the news and rush to help. Just around the corner!"

"Are you ready to attack?" White Wolf asked.

Shi Liu nodded: "Damn it!"

"What about the time?"

"Just tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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