Chapter 219 Military Lifeline
Late at night, a large number of dark clouds completely covered the moon, only a few stars were still hanging in the sky.

On the western watchtower, a rebel soldier holding an AK47 was walking around boringly.In the center of the watchtower are three huge searchlights, which alternately rotate with each other, transmitting the dazzling light to every corner of the military base.

The military base was surrounded by walls, and the height of the wall was more than five meters. Three grids were installed on it. Whenever an insect flew over, it would turn into a cloud of ashes and fall to the ground.Below the wall are teams of patrolling soldiers. A steel line of defense is placed at the main entrance. It is a row of iron fences. Numerous spikes protrude from the front of the fence, which makes people look timid. Special forces soldiers guard the road with guns in hand. The half-open steel gate.

In the distant desert, a group of inconspicuous weeds is slowly moving.

Then, a barrel belonging to an AWM sniper rifle came out from the weeds.

The rebel soldiers on the watchtower had noticed the weeds in the distance, and he came to the edge to look at the weeds curiously.The next moment, he fell backwards violently, followed by a pool of blood, and the rebel soldier fell heavily. There was a bullet hole between his eyebrows, and the thick blood overflowed violently.

"Poison wolf, the west side is done." Under the weeds, Blood Eagle raised his hand and grabbed the radio in his ear and said.

"Successful on the north side."

"Successful in the east."

"Successful in the south."

In the distant desert, the voice of the blood eagle rang in Shi Liu's ears, followed by the voices of the red flood dragon, the meteorite and the thunder dragon.Behind Shi Liu are comrades in arms such as Bailang and Daofeng, as well as thousands of alliance mercenaries who can't see the edge at a glance.

Just this afternoon, Shi Liu gathered all 447 teams here. Since he wanted to do it, he should do it bigger.

What's more, it is a battle that affects the whole of Europe.

"The air strike will be launched in 3 minutes." Bai Lang looked at Shi Liu and said.

"set off!"

The night was still dark. At the main entrance, several special forces soldiers walked around with guns. Suddenly, a soldier's body trembled violently, followed by several bloody arrows. He fell to the ground like this, and there was no possibility of survival. .

At this time, the soldiers of the special forces just noticed the muzzle flames flickering in the darkness in the distance. They knew that this was the signal of the attackers coming, and they all raised their guns at each other immediately.Just as they raised their guns, several flying knives were shot out from the darkness in the distance. Before they could touch the trigger, the flying knives were firmly inserted in their throats.

Looking around, the patrolling rebel soldiers have all been taken care of by the Blood Eagles, and now the military base is like a market, allowing Shi Liu and the others to come in and out.

When the last special forces soldier fell to the ground, Shi Liu and the others stepped over the corpse and rushed towards the main entrance.Halfway through the team's march, the fallen special forces soldier moved.He slowly stretched his hand to the leg holster, took out a strangely shaped pistol, and then raised the gun to the sky and pulled the trigger.

"Bang! ~ Whoosh..."

The gunshots sounded, and everyone was startled. According to the sound, a green flare was flying towards the sky and exploded in less than a few seconds. Immediately, a green eagle head pattern appeared in the sky.

"Flare..." Shi Liu stared at the pattern in the sky and said, "It seems that tonight we have to fight head-on."

At this moment, almost all the anti-military forces at the base saw the pattern. The green flare signaled the enemy's attack. Then, the siren echoed throughout the military base, and the emergency searchlights were turned on. They shot at the main entrance, the alliance army that was raiding.


At this moment, dozens of bombers flew over the crowd. Fire flashed in front of them. The huge explosion made the whole earth tremble. The entire base was illuminated by searchlights and fire, like daytime.

"Blade and Poisonous Scorpion, take people to clean up the west side," Shi Liu looked at Blade and Poisonous Scorpion and shouted, the latter nodded, and immediately led several teams to run to the west.Shi Liu looked around at the people behind him: "Steel Fang and Bloody Blood, you are in charge of the east, Evil Fish Lie Feng is in charge of the north, Mandala Spirit Fox is in charge of the south."

"Understood!" Several people responded, and then led the people to run to their respective directions.At this moment, all the rebels in the base are pouring out, and a bloody battle is imminent.

"White Wolf, take someone to take down the headquarters building." Shi Liu looked at White Wolf and said.

"Don't worry." White Wolf replied in a deep voice, and immediately greeted him, leading the people towards the headquarters building.

"Let's go, let's go and see the new biochemical monster developed by the anti-army." Shi Liu said, looking at Heilong and the others.

Everyone immediately took action and rushed towards the camp on the west side of the base.At this moment, the military base is like a chaotic market, with constant explosions and skyrocketing flames, and rebel soldiers and special forces constantly coming and going.Just as Shi Liu and the others were on the way to attack, a loud whistle sounded, and then on the distant building, countless bat-shaped shadows flew towards Shi Liu and the others.A few muzzle flames flashed in the night sky, followed by bullets raining all over the sky, so some alliance mercenaries behind Shi Liu sprayed blood arrows and fell to the ground in the bullet rain.

"It's the anti-army pilots," Shi Liuning said with an eyebrow, "Hurry up, find a place to hide!"

Everyone scattered in all directions, looking for a suitable place to avoid the attack of the pilots.Shi Liu flew behind a pile of sandbags, and a large number of bullets shot on the ground he passed, bringing up a series of dust and smoke.In the blink of an eye, an AWM sniper rifle had already arrived in Shi Liu's hands. He adjusted the focus, and the moment he raised the gun, a pilot who was shooting with the gun came into view.

When the trigger was pulled, a dull and long gunshot sounded, and a pilot's body trembled violently, then landed rapidly at a speed several times faster than the flying speed, and finally fell heavily on the ground.


Noisy gunshots sounded at this moment, and the two sides exchanged fire like this. The dense bullets in the air formed two firepower nets and shot at each other.The front gate of the camp opened slowly, and a large number of special forces came out in a single file, rushing towards Shi Liu's side.

Shi Liu pushed a bullet, and his whole body flashed out from the left side of the sandbag, the muzzle flame flashed, and a sniper bullet wrapped in a faint flame swirled out, directly knocking down a special forces soldier at the front.The next moment was the rain of bullets from the opposite side. Shi Liuyi held the gun and held down the sandbag with one hand, and jumped behind the sandbag again. Immediately, the pile of sandbags was smashed to pieces by the bullets, shaking them to the ground.

At this moment, the ground began to tremble slightly. Shi Liu looked out and saw that several steel chariots were slowly driving out of the smoke in the distance, and a large number of rebel soldiers and special forces followed behind the chariots.There are several vehicles directly in front, left and right, and the same chariot reappeared amidst the rumble!
If this group of big guys rushed over, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Pfft! Whoosh~"

A rocket with endless flames was fired from the barrel of one of the chariots, and its direction was exactly Shi Liu who was hiding behind the sandbag.

(End of this chapter)

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