Chapter 220

At the moment Shi Liugang rushed to the distance, the rocket exploded suddenly, and the flames shot up into the sky, kicking up dust half a meter high on the ground, and Shi Liu was also pushed far away by the huge air wave.

Pushing a bullet into the sniper rifle, Shi Liu appeared on the right side of the sandbag like lightning, and the crosshair aimed at one of the special forces soldiers hiding in the tank who was afraid of you.When the trigger was pulled, the dull gunshot unique to the sniper rifle sounded, and a bullet roared out, hitting the target up to the ground, and fell heavily to the ground again.

Here, the black dragon sees Shiliu attracting firepower alone, and Dang even looks at the masked girl Zero behind him: "It's time for you to play."

Nodding her head, a sharp blade appeared in her hand in an instant, and the next moment, her whole body disappeared in place as if the world had evaporated.The group of Shadow Warriors also disappeared one by one like the former.

Here, the rebels pushed forward crazily by relying on their chariots. Suddenly, a rebel soldier's eyes widened suddenly. A crack appeared on his throat for some reason, and blood crazily overflowed from the wound. Lie on the ground clutching his neck.

Immediately afterwards, another special forces soldier fell to the ground in the blood spray room.

The second and third rebel soldiers also died as strangely as the former.

"There are invisible enemies, defend! Defend!"

Someone in the rebel army yelled, and the next moment, the back door of the chariot was opened, and the special forces soldiers took out explosion-proof shields from inside.In less than half a minute, a row of defensive formations composed of shields and people appeared in everyone's view.

There was a gap between the shields, and gun barrels protruded from the gap. The muzzle flames were like daylight, and the sky was full of bullets in an instant.The shadow fighters looked for places to hide one after another, somersaulted and retreated, and a few blue balls appeared in their hands on the way. When they hid their bodies in the sandbags on one side, the balls flung out towards the anti-army defensive formation ahead. flew over.


The blue fire immediately shot up into the sky, and the explosion-proof shield and the anti-army soldiers flew upside down by a distance of one meter. The defensive formation that had just been formed was in disarray at this moment.At this moment, Shi Liu in the distance picked up the RPG-7 rocket booster and aimed at the tank in the center.

"Pfft! Whoosh~"

A rocket with endless flames was shot out quickly, and there was an earth-shattering explosion, followed by the wreckage of the chariot all over the sky.Shi Liu threw away the rocket booster, turned over and ran forward across the sandbags. On the way, a TGR-21 sniper rifle appeared in his hand. He relied on the inertia of running and fell forward, dodging a bullet from the anti-army soldiers on the opposite side. When the body rolled and landed on the ground, a bullet wrapped in faint flames roared out, and a rebel soldier in the distance fell to the ground with blood sprayed from his head.

The next moment, the alliance mercenaries behind them rushed up one after another, and the two sides exchanged fire. In the end, the chariots blocking the road were blown into scrap metal by rockets, and the bodies of special forces soldiers and rebel soldiers lay on the ground. .

Everyone exchanged their exchange rates together and walked quickly towards the camp ahead.

At this moment, a white light fell from the sky and landed on the gate of the camp, which was only a hundred steps away from everyone.

Looking at this white light, everyone was puzzled, but the black dragon frowned and said in a low voice: "Sure enough, it's still here."

The white light gradually dissipated, and a tall soldier wrapped in silver iron armor appeared in front of everyone. His body was as tall as two grown men, and his eyes were a "V"-shaped deep red groove. A little white current passed quickly.

Shi Liu didn't know what this thing in front of him was, but he vaguely felt that this silver-white warrior should look exactly like that alien Barney.

"This road ends here." The powerful electronic sound sounded, and the silver-white warrior looked around at the people in front of him and said slowly.

The alliance mercenaries subconsciously took a few steps back. After all, they have never seen such an enemy. The opponent may be a robot, or it may be covered with some powerful armor. No matter what, it is not something they can resist.At this moment Xuelian came out, she didn't have the slightest fear in the face of the silver-white warrior, instead she crossed her hands and smiled: "Baitu, I remember when we first met, you were not as tall as my sister and me, how come you suddenly Is the room so tall and mighty?"

"Because he has sex with certain people all day long." Su stood beside Xue Lian and said with a blank expression.

"Heh..." Baitu laughed strangely, "It's rare to see the two goddesses of Saron again, so... the Black Dragon General of Netherworld, should he also show up?"

"Alas..." Heilong sighed and passed by Shi Liu, "It is rumored in the entire interstellar world that General Baitu's information is the first in place, it really is so."

"Stop talking nonsense," Baitu snorted coldly: "Black Dragon, I would have advised you not to intervene in the grievances between my planet Nilm and Saron. VIP."

As he said that, he turned his gaze to Xuelian.

Mia?Shi Liu's heart moved, it turned out that her name was not Xuelian at all, but Miya, and the one who returned him was the supreme heir...

Xue Lian narrowed her beautiful eyes: "Number Ten? General Baitu, could it be that you forgot that it was your brother Rocal who killed him in the final battle, and now the wreckage of Number Ten is still on Cybernet. Didn't participate, but you don't know anything about it?"

"Hmph," Baitu sneered, "It's a shame that the entire interstellar still respects you as a goddess. Is it so irresponsible to talk about it? Who doesn't know the wreckage of No. [-] on Seibot, but he fled to the earth A skin that was left behind from the past! If you are sensible, quickly hand him over to the general, so as not to repeat the tragedy of the year!"

As he spoke, the "V"-shaped eye sockets of Baitu blazed red, and the giant wings behind him also jumped left and right in an instant, with crimson lines rising and falling on his silver-white mecha, a powerful energy force The field will envelop everyone present.

"Cut," Xuelian laughed disapprovingly, "Baitu, you are still the same, you have not changed at all, and you have not improved at all." As soon as the words fell, a wave of golden energy scattered around her body, Suppressing Baitu's energy field without a trace, two balls of golden light suddenly appeared above Xue Lian's shoulders, and the golden light flowed, and suddenly turned into two pairs of shining golden shoulder helmets.Her right hand fell gracefully, and some golden light was brought up on the way, and it immediately became a lightsaber emitting endless light to illuminate the darkness.On the left hand, a shield has been formed, and a pattern is engraved in the center of the shield. After seeing this pattern, both Su and Heilong involuntarily nodded and stood back. It is the totem of Saron, the symbol of the Supreme!
The next moment, the golden armor and weapons had already been assembled, and they stayed around Xue Lian's body. As long as she was willing, this armor that inherited the supreme will would immediately serve her master.

"Since you are determined to change..." Xuelian's beautiful eyes gradually turned golden, and her voice became completely sharp, like a king who rules the world, waiting for the courtiers' congratulations.

"Then let me tell you, number ten is here with me, if you have the ability, come and get it!"

(End of this chapter)

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