Chapter 221
"Stubborn," Baitu yelled angrily, the silver-white battle armor surged with lightning, his palms were facing upwards, and a ball of violent magnetoelectricity immediately emerged.

"Then we can only bring about our own destruction!" Baitu waved the magnetic electric ball back towards Xuelian, and then grabbed it with his right hand in the air. Amid the thunder and lightning, he grabbed the sword in an instant, and the next moment, his whole body rushed towards Xuelian. go up.

The corners of Xuelian's mouth turned up slightly, and in a flash of thought, the golden armor possessed her body, and the magnetoelectric ball thrown by Baitu exploded in mid-air.The powerful aura forced everyone to retreat again and again, even with the abilities of Su and Heilong, they couldn't get close.

Baitu in mid-air was extremely fierce, rushing towards Snow Lotus like a bolt of lightning from the sky.On the way, he held the sword in both hands and raised it above his head. At this moment, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and streaks of white lightning flashed along with the sound of thunder.

Xuelian's reaction exceeded Baitu's prediction, and she placed the shield in her left hand across her body, and the area of ​​that golden shield was immediately enlarged several times, covering Xuelian's entire body.


The earth-shattering ear-piercing sound sounded like tens of thousands of rockets exploding together, and Baitu's lightning power collided fiercely with Xuelian's supreme power at this moment.A huge wave of energy spread around like a blade.Heilong and Su looked at each other, they both knew that if they were hit by this energy fluctuation, Shi Liu and the others would definitely die.The next moment, a dark energy shield covering everyone immediately appeared around.The energy fluctuations collided with the dark energy shield fiercely, and the rest of the power still pushed back the black dragon and Su several meters away.

Baitu slashed at Xuelian's golden shield with a sword, and the latter's extremely strong defense shocked Baitu.The next moment, Xuelian's hand holding the golden shield suddenly pushed forward. Baitu could no longer resist the powerful force of the enemy. He flew backwards five meters away, and his body slammed into the camp behind. On the gate, a hole the size of the body was smashed out, and it fell heavily on the ground again, causing a burst of dust to fly.

At this moment, Xuelian just withdrew her shield, and with that endless brilliance, she walked slowly towards Baitu in front of her.In the dust and smoke, Bai Tu Chujian struggled to get up. There were a lot of cracks and holes in the silver-white battle armor at this moment, and the circuit inside could be clearly seen surging, leading to various parts of the body. In the V-shaped eye slot, the white current flickered more and more.

"As expected of the heir of the Supreme..." Baitu said reluctantly, the next moment, a sword exuding endless brilliance suddenly stuck to his chin, Xuelian raised the sword slightly, and Baitu's head was forced to follow suit .

"Hahahahahaha..." Baitu suddenly laughed, "You dare not kill me! If you kill me, my Nirm army will surely come to earth! And don't forget, with the current strength of His Majesty, More than enough against you little bitch!"

"Of course I won't kill you," Xue Lian's voice was like that ten thousand years of ice, "because killing you would dirty my hands. You are not Baitu, but his good-for-nothing brother, Rocal."

As soon as these words came out, both Heilong and Su were slightly shocked.

Regarding Baitu, whether it is Black Dragon or Su, they are just names heard in the holy war. It is rumored that this person is the mainstay of the army of Nirm Star, and he is also a confidant of the Black Emperor.He has fought in foreign lands all year round, and he has never even participated in holy wars.It is precisely because of his existence that the territory of Star Nilm will not be plundered by various interstellar pirates.

The body of the silver-armored warrior whose chin was raised by Xuelian with the sword froze slightly, and he grinned grinningly: "Yes, I am Rokar, the one who led the army to break through the interstellar defenses and bought time for His Majesty to kill the Supreme!"

"Hmph, do you think you are great?" Xuelian sneered, "When the interstellar line of defense was breached, Number Ten fought against your brothers and the generals of Nilm all by himself. If you hadn't used the Dark Titan on your own initiative, believe me, my lord. At least you and the Black Emperor will die together!"

"Oh, is that really the case?"

In the sky, a long-lost voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a laser beam with endless destructive power suddenly descended from the thunderous sky, and its target was the snow lotus in front of Rocal.

Snow Lotus reacted very quickly, flipping back a few times to avoid the dangerous area. The next moment, the laser landed, and immediately drew a crack half a meter deep on the ground.

A huge figure landed impressively, causing dust to fly around.

"One thing needs to be emphasized," the voice that really belonged to Baitu sounded in the dust and smoke, "Even if Rocal hadn't invoked the Dark Titan at that time, your Supreme would have fallen, because His Majesty's cultivation level is higher than that of Jevarrosa." .”

Baitu strode out, and at this moment everyone could clearly see the difference between him and that Rocal.Also wearing a silver-white armor, Rocal's eye slots are dark red, while Baitu's are dark blue, and the dark energy patterns on the armor are also the difference between dark red and dark blue.Moreover, Rocal's body size is much smaller than that of Baitu.

"So, for our future peace, my goddess, please hand over number ten." Bai Tu stepped forward a few steps, and said in a calm tone.

"Why, you want to try with me?" Xue Lian's tone was not at all room for negotiation, even though the other party had suppressed the originally high smell of gunpowder a lot.

"Look, look," Baitu smiled wryly, "I don't have the guts to fight you, and I don't have the strength. Even if I join forces with Rocal, I still can't catch your eyes. Goddess, please think carefully, use ten Isn't it worth the price of one person to exchange for the peace of two galaxies for thousands of years?"

"Of course it's worth it," Xue Lian said disapprovingly, "But ten thousand years from now, you might come to me with a thick face again, Goddess, to exchange the peace of two galaxies for ten thousand years at the price of one person. Isn't it worth it?"

After hearing this, Bai Tu groaned, and immediately nodded repeatedly: "You are not like your father at all."

"My father, it shouldn't be your turn to compare it with people of your level, right? Don't you feel ashamed?" Xue Lian frowned slightly.

There is obviously an electric current passing through Baitu's dark blue V-shaped eye sockets. Anyone can see that his fists are clenched at this moment, but he still smiles patiently: "It seems that Goddess Today, you don’t intend to show my brothers face.”

"General Baitu, it's not like you to say that," Xue Lian said with a blank expression, "Face is something to fight for, not to reward. If you want face,"

As he spoke, he held the shield in his left hand in front of him, and placed the battle sword in his right hand on the right side of the shield, posing ready to fight at any time: "I will accompany you at any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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