Chapter 222 Chess Pieces
"Brother, let's go!" Here, Rocal obviously couldn't hold back, he was suppressed when he was fighting with Xuelian just now, now that Baitu is here, he naturally doesn't want to just let it go.

"No," Bai Tu shook his head slightly: "I didn't come here today to fight, let alone to watch the fight. I just hope that Goddess Miya can see the current situation clearly and make a wise choice. But now it seems that it is I'm overthinking."

"If your majesty is still determined," Xue Lian said, "then I don't mind fighting you again as the new supreme!"

"In that case," Bai Tu sighed: "Then I have nothing to say. I will truthfully tell His Majesty what you mean. If the tragedy happens again, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Also, you obviously had the opportunity to kill Rocal but didn't do it. I have remembered this favor in vain. Let me put the ugly words first. If you and I meet on the battlefield in the future, don't blame me for not remembering this favor."

"You can pay me back when you have that ability." Xue Lian said coldly.

"Rocal, let's go." While speaking, a large amount of cloud and mist appeared around Baitu's body, and his whole body gradually floated into the sky.

Rocal was obviously unwilling, but Baitu, who was capable of protecting him, already wanted to leave. If Rocal continued to fight alone, then only death awaited him.

He glanced at Xuelian with some resentment, and immediately sprayed red smoke from his feet, and followed Baitu to the sky.

"You offended him," Heilong said softly as he watched the two Baitu brothers disappear into the sky.

"It was Barney first, and now Baitu is also here. It seems that the Black Emperor is bound to win the earth." Xue Lian's golden armor gradually dissipated, and her weapons also turned into golden light.

"Then, if the Black Emperor makes a comeback," the Black Dragon looked at Xue Lian: "Do you think Saron is sure to resist it?"

"To be honest," Xue Lian's eyelashes drooped slightly: "If the Black Emperor really comes, Saron will no longer be able to fight against him."

"How?" Black Dragon frowned.

"The interstellar defense line was destroyed, the Supreme fell, and General Taylor Ans lost nearly half of his source power in order to save me." Xue Lian frowned and said, "Simply put, the survival of Saron depends on me. There is General Taylor Ans on him. Although the Black Emperor lost his body and only his original soul remained, without the assistance of the God of War, it is difficult for us to find its fatal weakness and attack it."

Black Dragon nodded thoughtfully: "But I remember, you and Su are both gods of war."

"That's right," Su nodded on the side, "but we are not the real gods of war. The interstellar gods of war were created by Supreme himself and put into war. The first batch of gods of war were filled with the memory of every weakness of the Black Emperor. With the In the middle of the war, the Supreme had no time to create the God of War, so he handed over this unfinished task to General Taylor Ans. At the end of the war, Coulson led his troops to sneak attack and stationed in Lakino in the first battle of Nilm The God of War of the stars, the first generation of Gods of War all fell. Only No. [-] survived. In the decisive battle, No. [-] fought against several generals of Nilm alone, and finally failed to restore the fact that the interstellar defense line was broken. There was a pair of wreckage left on the ground to confuse the enemy, but the main body came to the earth. Later, the Supreme unfortunately fell, and the only person who could find someone to fight against the Black Emperor was No. [-]."

"Then, Taylor Ans ordered you and Mia to come to Earth to look for Number Ten," the black dragon said, "Is there any result?"

Both Su and Xuelian shook their heads.

"If you want to compete with the Black Emperor, it's not enough for me alone."

At this moment, a voice filled with endless voids sounded.

Both Su and Xuelian were startled, this voice was all too familiar to them.

Heilong was also slightly taken aback, then looked around, and suddenly, Shi Liu, who was undergoing drastic changes, entered his field of vision.

Shi Liu strode here, but on the way his body began to melt like mud, blue light shot out from all the melting places, under the blue light was the dazzling steel body, his head had disappeared completely, replaced by A somewhat damaged steel head, together with the arms, legs and feet, are all blue steel.

On the brow, a "10" engraved with Saron star characters exudes dazzling light. When Shi Liu walked to within five steps of Xuelian, he had completely disappeared. A tall blue mecha Warriors appeared on the field.

"Star Wars No. [-] of Saron Star, see Goddess Mia." It said, half-kneeling amidst the sound of mechanical collisions.

Seeing the mech warrior in front of him with a lot of damage and a faint electric current passing through his body, both Su and Xuelian showed expressions of disbelief.

"Are you No. [-]?" The black dragon on the side stepped forward to look at it, and said somewhat inconceivably.

"Yes, it is number ten..." Xue Lian murmured, and quickly stepped forward to help her up.

"It's useless to fight against the Black Emperor with my own strength." Number Ten stood up and said, "Although I retain the weakness of the Black Emperor's body, it's only on the surface. If you want to resist Nirm's army and protect the earth, you must To find a god of war hidden by Taylor Anse, number six."

Number six?

Everyone was stunned, and Su stepped forward and said: "During the decisive battle, No. [-] and I were responsible for protecting the retreat of the starship. During the retreat, we were intercepted by Barney and others. In the end, we died fighting to protect me and the starship."

"That's right," No. [-] looked at Su: "No. [-] is indeed dead, but it's a fake No. [-]."

Fake number six?

"The real No. [-] has been secretly imprisoned somewhere by Taylor Ans." No. [-] said firmly.

"You mean," the black dragon said slowly, "Taylor Ans, took refuge in Nilm?"

"It's not a refuge," No. [-] shook his head repeatedly, "Taylor Ans was originally from the Nilm Star!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Everyone knows that our first generation God of War was attacked by Coulson on Lakino, but the leader of the team was not Coulson, but Tyler Ans!" said No. [-], "He is the Black Emperor's A powerful general, a true Nilm star!"

As he said that, the iron armor on No. [-]'s chest slowly opened to both sides, revealing a fist-sized cavity inside. The cavity rotated once and shot out a blue light. The blue light dispersed into four corners, forming a rectangular picture.

On the screen, there is a fierce battle between the Star Wars God and Nirm's army. Taylor Ans holds a gray and white scythe, and leads his subordinates to slaughter the Star Wars God who has exhausted his energy.

"In the end, all the gods of war fell, and I was the only one left to escape to the star Sebot, but there were also defenders from the star Nilm there. In desperation, I had no choice but to come to the earth and possessed this Shiliu’s young man.” Number Ten said, “Because of this, Taylor Ans ordered you to come to Earth to look for me. The reason why Baitu didn’t fight the goddess just now is because Taylor Ans didn’t want to appear before me. Throw away the pieces in your hand before."

(End of this chapter)

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