green star

Chapter 485 England national team coach Mourinho?

Chapter 485 England national team coach Mourinho?
At the auction, Li Rui took a photo of a hat, which cost him more than 2000 pounds. It is worth mentioning that this hat originally belonged to Jessica and was donated by Jessica for auction. In the end, it was still sold by Li Rui The filming is gone, which means that Li Rui donated 2000 pounds.

That's what this guy thinks, how can someone else auction off his wife's things, even though it's just a hat and not any close-fitting clothing, but it just doesn't work.God knows if there's any freaky guy pointing hats and shit - you know...

No one said anything about Li Rui taking pictures of his wife's hat. It seems that everyone is used to such things.

After the auction, the dinner party was about to end, and everyone was there wearing flowers and attracting butterflies, chatting casually, reminiscing about the old days, nothing more than a long time no see, how much money has been made recently, and so on. For those who come and go, the banquet is undoubtedly such a good occasion.

There are several people around Mourinho. They are all famous football commentators in England. One of them was the one who scolded Mourinho the worst when Mourinho was the head coach of Chelsea. Of course, Mourinho vowed not to drink with such a guy. However, after Mourinho was fired by Abramovich, the commentator was so sad that everyone criticized Chelsea for this decision and scolded Abramovich. What a fool, sacking Mourinho would be the worst decision in Chelsea's history.

Today was the first time Mourinho met this man, and the two seemed to have a good talk, but they didn't clink glasses.Mourinho is a Catholic, and the oath is still taken seriously.

Mourinho saw that Li Rui was sitting there whispering with his wife Jessica, he apologized to the people around him, and walked towards Li Rui, since Mourinho has made a decision, then, now Should be ready for work.

"Hey Lee, don't mind if I sit down..."

Hearing that Mourinho said that he wanted to chat with him, Li Rui was also a little surprised. He didn't know what the two of them had to talk about. Could it be that Mourinho was going to be the head coach of a wealthy club and wanted to invite him to join?This is the only explanation that Li Rui can think of.

Li Rui knows that Mourinho appreciates him, but if he really wants to invite him to join another team, Li Rui can only say sorry, he feels that he is very good at Manchester United now.

Jessica got up, greeted Mourinho politely and walked away. She could see that the famous head coach seemed to have something to discuss with her husband.

"Would you like a drink?"

"No, thank you. I don't want to get drunk. If drunk photos appear in the media, I swear, Mr. Ferguson will kill me." Li Rui said with an exaggerated open hand.

"Haha~" Mourinho didn't mention drinking again. In fact, he was very satisfied with Li Rui's attitude. He is a "self-disciplined" player. This is Mourinho's evaluation of Li Rui. He likes such a player. , because Mourinho himself is also a very strict person.

"Isn't it a bit strange, why did I talk to you?" Mourinho looked at Li Rui with a smile on his lips, a kind of smile that was not annoying but not so comfortable.

Li Rui nodded. To be honest, he is not used to chatting with a head coach. Although this head coach is not the head coach of Manchester United, as a player, he is naturally a little sensitive to the head coach. Seeing that Li Rui was a little nervous, Mourinho smiled and said, don't be nervous, I'm not Sir Alex Ferguson.

"You're a great lad and I've always regretted not being able to bring you to Stamford Bridge, which is a shame, but I was approached by the FA guys and told me English football needed me and I said yes to them. , So, what I want to say is that next time we meet, you should not call me Mr. Mourinho, I like to be called the boss." Mourinho spoke very fast, and his English was very good. Well, here's a genius coach who speaks multiple languages.

Poor Li Rui, after hearing these words, he clicked his tongue twice and understood a bit, "Mr. Mourinho, I think my understanding is that you want to be the head coach of England?"

"Exactly." Mourinho laughed, and then whispered, "You are the first one to know about this." The tone sounded like a strange uncle coaxing a child, which meant that this Secret, don't talk too much.

Li Rui wanted to laugh, but he couldn't because the news was too shocking. When he was watching TV at home at noon, he heard guests criticizing McLaren. Now, someone held a wine glass and said in front of him: , hey boy, I will be your coach from now on——

But looking at Mourinho, Li Rui had to believe that this would be true.

"Sir, I don't understand, why are you telling me this now?" Li Rui was a little puzzled.

"Look, in a few days, my task is to take England to fight for the championship, and I need the best players." Mourinho suddenly paused, "Li, you think you are the best one ?"

"I think I think I am." Li Rui replied 'honestly', no one would not think that he is excellent.

"Then, very good, you say yes, that is!" Mourinho got up and was about to leave, "I need a player who can be a genius, is it you?"

"I think you made the right choice, sir."

"OK, I'm leaving." Mourinho nodded towards Jessica who came over, "Call me the boss from now on."

"Boss." Li Rui said honestly. To be honest, Li Rui agreed with Mourinho's coaching England. For the former Chelsea coach, Li Rui had a good impression. Unfortunately, Mourinho seems to have always admired himself, which is the most important thing.

"So, what happened today..." Mourinho shook hands with Li Rui.

"I'm not a big mouth, boss." Li Rui said with a smile.

"Of course." Mourinho patted Li Rui on the shoulder to say goodbye.

Looking at the back of this Portuguese middle-aged man, Li Rui still felt a little dazed, mainly because all this was a bit too surprising. He never thought that Mourinho would be the new head coach of England. The Football Association of England did not It showed his determination to change coaches, and Li Rui didn't expect that Mourinho would chat with him and revealed the news to himself, "He really—" Li Rui scratched his head, but he didn't know, what should he do? What words should I use to describe this man who I should call 'Boss' after a few days.

"What's the matter? Honey." Jessica asked worriedly when she saw that Li Rui was in a daze.

"It's nothing." Li Rui smiled slightly and exhaled, "I don't have to face McLaren's face from now on."

"Oh—God!" Jessica covered her mouth, her eyes were full of surprise, she obviously understood the meaning of Li Rui's words...

Hearing the news, Li Rui was in a good mood. Thinking that McLaren, who made him very sick and didn't know how to deal with it, was about to leave, Li Rui was so excited that he even picked up the wine glass and talked with his own. The wife toasted to celebrate.Well, it can be seen from the 'little man's heart of success'.

It can be said that the Christmas dinner held by Armani was still very successful. When it was time to say goodbye, Giorgio Armani personally saw off each guest at the door. Seeing this master of the fashion industry without any airs, Li Rui also admired it for a while. , no wonder this man is 'so successful'.

On the way back to Manchester from London, Li Rui received a call from Marko. The endorsement contract with Nike was finally negotiated. If Li Rui agrees, he can sign it.

Signed for 3 years, 2300 million euros!
This endorsement contract is much higher than the 4-year, 1500 million euros that Nike proposed a year ago. In a sense, Li Rui seems to be grateful to the executives of Nike who insisted on stopping the negotiation.

"You didn't see how wonderful Douglas' face is..." Li Rui could hear Ma Ke's complacency on the phone, but Ma Ke was indeed entitled to be complacent for a while. In this negotiation, Ma Ke almost Douglas, the big brother of Yale University who defeated himself... This even made Douglas want to poach Marko.

It's just that Ma Ke is now Li Rui's manager and Jessica's manager. Seeing that Li Rui's achievements are getting bigger and bigger, Ma Ke is also eager to try. It's time for him to flex his muscles. Choose to join Nike, so Douglas had to be depressed again.

However, a few years later, Douglas is still very grateful and proud of himself for daring to take responsibility and relentlessly 'winning' Li Rui with a three-year contract of 3 million euros.

3 million in 2300 years?It's worth the money!

3 million euros in 2300 years!
Naturally, Li Rui would not have any opinion on this price. In fact, he completely let go of the negotiation to Ma Ke, which also showed his trust and believed that Ma Ke would do what he was satisfied with. satisfied.

Seeing that Li Rui wrote his name in both Chinese and English on the contract, Douglas was in a much better mood. Anyway, it was a success not to let Li Rui turn to Adidas, Nike's deadly rival.

After finishing the contract with Nike, Marco immediately accepted the contract negotiation between Li Rui and Armani.However, since it is already the Christmas holiday, basically no one comes to work, so the negotiation of the endorsement contract with Armani can only be temporarily put aside.

December 2007, 12, Christmas Eve.

The training will start in a few minutes. Li Rui has not come to the training ground, which makes everyone feel surprised. Li Rui is never late. Someone began to secretly observe Ferguson's face, and it turned out that the Scottish old man's face bad.

The youth team is already on vacation, so Solskjaer, the assistant coach of the youth team, wandered around the dressing room of Manchester United. He likes it here, and it smells like memories.

Solskjaer saw that the door of the locker room was ajar. Someone was inside?

"Lee? Is that you? What are you doing?"

"Shh~!" Li Rui was also taken aback by Solskjaer, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Solskjaer.

Solskjaer looked down and was amused.There is a pair of socks hanging on each cabinet, the socks are bulging, don't think they are gifts, it turns out that Li Rui is secretly giving Christmas gifts to his teammates here.

"Lee, don't go to training yet, there are still 3 minutes left, and you will be late." Solskjaer said.

"Oh—what? 3 minutes?!" Li Rui had just tied up the last small gift for his teammates. When he heard that he was going to be late in 3 minutes, he was shocked. He stood up quickly. He did not forget He gave Solskjaer a gift that he had prepared a long time ago, and then told Solskjaer to keep it secret, and went towards the training ground in a normal way.

Li Rui finally arrived 1 minute before the training started.Ferguson glared at Li Rui, but he didn't say much. After all, isn't Li Rui never late?
In the training class that afternoon, everyone seemed a little absent-minded. Obviously, everyone's mind is not on the training ground now, because today is Christmas Eve.

Ferguson also understands the mentality of the players. The Scottish old man is not angry. Christmas Eve in the West is as important as New Year's Eve in China. It only happens once a year. It is not impossible to let the players relax.

Finally, after the training was over, Ferguson made a brief statement and announced the disbandment.

Back in the locker room, Carrick, who was the first to enter the door, saw the little gift and exclaimed for a while, and then other people entered the room to see it.Everyone was surprised and guessed who did it.

It's not difficult to guess. When thinking of the training class, Li Rui was almost late for the first time and was the last one to arrive at the training ground. Then, who gave these small gifts, the answer is ready to come out.

Li Rui didn't deny it either. He saw his teammates happy, and he was also happy. Isn't he just trying to be happy.In fact, there was nothing special about the presents, just some biscuits and candies. If it was special, it was these candies that Li Rui bought from China, which can be regarded as having Chinese characteristics.

Today's Christmas Eve, everyone was in a hurry to go home, so they hurriedly changed their clothes and hurried home.

On the way home, Li Rui was not driving fast. He saw those foreign children on the street, wearing Christmas clothes and Christmas hats, and felt very cute.Li Rui, who is already a father, is in a very good mood at this moment.

When Li Rui returned home, the house was almost done, the Christmas tree was already standing guard at the door, and the neighbors had already visited each other, waiting for the family to get together and happily prepare for a dinner party to welcome Christmas The festival is here.

Before entering the house, there was a smell of meat, which was the smell of roasting turkey. To be honest, Li Rui was not friendly to turkey, and always felt that the smell was weird. However, today, maybe he was in a very bad mood. Well, maybe because of his state of mind, Li Rui was looking forward to the turkey dinner for the first time.

While Li Rui and his teammates were still training, the city of Manchester had already started a carnival. People from the entire city came to the streets for shopping, cultural performances,[email protected], talk show.

According to data from some British survey agencies, on Christmas Eve, British people spend 95.1 pounds per minute, and about 1300 million British people rush to shopping malls on this day, spending about 5700 million pounds an hour.Whether it is the famous department store John Lewis, or the large supermarkets Tesco and Sainsbury's, exciting news broke out.Under normal circumstances, their turnover has been rising in the last week around Christmas, especially on Christmas Eve, which has increased by 20-30% year-on-year.

And on Christmas Eve, the period before traditionally enjoying the Christmas Eve dinner is the time when everyone goes shopping crazy, and it means to pre-spend a year's expenses in advance, and then, in the evening, As if it had been agreed in advance, everyone disappeared and the shops were closed. It was time to go home for Christmas Eve.

Li Rui sneaked into the baby's room, planning to put a Christmas gift for his baby son. He wanted to be the first to give his baby son a gift, but Li Rui saw that in the baby carriage, there was already a Christmas present. Needless to say, it must have been given by Jessica, the father-in-law and the old man, and the old mother-in-law.

Li Rui counted, and sure enough, it seemed that he was late, which made Li Rui feel a little bit annoyed. He wrapped the small gift he carefully prepared on the stroller, and lowered his head to lightly touch his sleeping son's forehead. Kiss, come out of the nursery.

On the dining table, the preparations are almost ready, and those orange slices in the shape of yellow circles herald good wishes.

Also on the table are roses, walnuts, cinnamon and brightly colored fruit, which are traditional Christmas table decorations.

The most important dish of the Christmas dinner is, of course, the indispensable traditional delicacy-roast turkey.In the eyes of Westerners, it’s not a Christmas dinner without a roast turkey.However, the roast chicken is still roasting, and the rich aroma keeps coming, making people greedy.

A whole roast suckling pig was placed on the dining table, and Li Rui saw an apple in the pig's mouth.He knows this custom, but, in the past few Christmases, Li Rui either spent it alone or with Jessica. The United States came to celebrate Christmas together, and it was finally lively.

Li Rui felt warm in his heart. This is the Spring Festival in the west, and it finally looked like a warm home. He ran to the kitchen and saw Jessica was preparing dessert after dinner, including plums, pudding and mince pie Wait - everyone thinks that after eating these kinds of foods, you will be lucky and lucky.

When the bell rang at midnight on December 12th, the whole of Manchester was immersed in the beautiful bloom of fireworks, and Li Rui also had the warmest and most decent Christmas since he came abroad.

Although compared to his and Jessica's fame and social status, this Christmas is still very ordinary, but they are also very happy to be able to enjoy this ordinary happiness, especially this year With the baby, mom and dad also came to accompany her, which made Jessica feel very good.

After finishing everything and going to bed, Jessica broke out with great passion, and the two fought all night. Fortunately, the bedroom of the two of them has a special sound insulation effect, otherwise Jessica would groan crazily The sound is amazing.

Finally, when Li Rui broke out inside Jessica for the third time, the two embraced each other, feeling each other's heartbeats. At this moment, Li Rui felt that he was finally so close to Jessica again, so close It's tight, feeling each other... cherish it all.

On December 12, Manchester United beat Sunderland 26-4 away.Li Rui scored Manchester United's first and last goal in this game.Since in this round, Chelsea were tied 0:4 by Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge at home, and Arsenal were also tied 4:0 by Portsmouth in the away game, so after this round of games, two games less The Manchester United team is only 0 points behind the leader Arsenal, and the points also surpassed Chelsea by 3 point, ranking second in the league.

After the game, the English media also exclaimed that the Manchester United team, which had returned from the Club World Cup, began to enter its own rhythm, and the Manchester United chariot at full throttle looked unstoppable.

However, only three days later, on December 12, in the 29th round of the league, Manchester United lost 20:1 away. They lost to West Ham United, which has the title of Hammer.In this game, Manchester United's performance was terrible. Even Li Rui, who started the game and played the whole game, suffered great criticism after the game. In nearly one and a half seasons, the worst game played.

"Manchester United meets Waterloo!"—

Since in this round, Arsenal beat Everton 4:1 away, and Chelsea also beat Newcastle 2:1 at home, so Manchester United's ranking suddenly fell to third place, 6 behind top Arsenal. Even though Manchester United also missed two games, but at this time, Arsenal really have the capital to compete with Manchester United for the league title.Because even if Manchester United wins all two make-up games, it will only be on the same score as Arsenal.

And, don't forget, one of these two make-up matches is Manchester United's away game to Liverpool. I believe that the Liverpool people will definitely work hard in the match against their arch-enemy Manchester United.

On January 2008, 1, the first day of the new year, Nike held a press conference and announced that Manchester United's No. 1 star, last year's European Mr. Golden Globe and World Footballer Li Rui, officially signed a contract with Nike. , Li Rui will become the image spokesperson of Nike, and Nike will use Li Rui's personal image to promote Nike products in an all-round way around the world.

Nike refused to disclose the price of Li Rui's three-year endorsement contract, but the paparazzi still got this figure——

3 years, 2300 million euros!
This figure also shocked the media, which also means that Li Rui has become one of the few superstars in this football field in terms of advertising revenue.

However, after careful analysis, it does not seem to be too surprising. The 22-year-old European Mr. Golden Globe and Mr. World Footballer won the Grand Slam of last year's individual honors. Except for the English League Cup, the collective honors almost The grand slam, and finally the six crowns, such a performance and the potential to be more exciting in the future, Li Rui's future is indeed beyond anyone's imagination.

It is understandable that Nike's big money this time is not only for the present, but also for the future.

Although the endorsement contract between Li Rui and Nike did not make him a working emperor, Li Rui still suddenly entered the ranks of superstars, no matter in terms of influence or personal income.

However, at the same time, at the Carrington training base, the atmosphere on the training ground was a bit gloomy. The atmosphere was so depressing that it made people a little breathless.

Ferguson stood on the sidelines with a gloomy face, as if the weather was overhead at this moment.

In Manchester United's training, the usual chatter and laughter are now gone.

joke.Does anyone dare to smile hippie in front of a boss who is in a bad mood?
In the last round of the league, after the away game against West Ham United, the old Scottish man who couldn't stand the team's performance locked all the players in the visiting team's locker room, completely ignoring the outside press conference that required him to deal with it. Inside, the whole team was scolded bloody.

Including the new Mr. Li Rui, the Manchester United stars who are worth hundreds of millions of pounds, dare not take a breath in front of the angry old man.Everyone was afraid that they would become the target of the rumbling hair dryer to vent their anger.

This is the first time that Li Rui has seen Ferguson so angry since he joined Manchester United.

After returning to Manchester, Ferguson's complexion did not improve. Everyone was trembling, for fear of running into the old man's bad luck. It would be terrible.

Tomorrow is the match between Manchester United and Birmingham at home. The opponent's strength is not strong, but at this moment, none of the Manchester United players who are training on the field dare to relax in the slightest. They are all extremely serious.

Rooney and Ronaldo, who are usually lively and like to play tricks, are all honestly doing their own training programs today, and they dare not slack off in the slightest.

And even though Li Rui, who got a big advertising contract, should be in a good mood, he didn't dare to show his enthusiasm. He trained honestly, and he knew——

The boss has fully conveyed his anger to everyone. Now, everyone, including Li Rui, who is now in the limelight, must understand that at the Carrington training base, at Old Trafford, and in the Kingdom of Manchester United, This old Scotchman is supreme and cannot be violated.

On January 2008, 1, the dullness of the Carrington training base was really nothing in English football, because everyone was shocked by a statement from the English Football Association.

At 9:12 in the morning, the spokesperson of the Football Association of England, Bevington, announced at the press conference of the Football Association of England——

"The FA Board of Directors officially passed today to dismiss Mr. McClaren as the head coach of England. Here, we would like to express our gratitude to McClaren for his achievements during his leadership of England and wish him a new job as soon as possible. About the new England team Regarding the selection of the head coach, the Football Association will have a press conference as soon as possible."

The FA said in a subsequent statement that the decision to sack McLaren as England manager followed discussions between the FA's chief executive Barwick and football development director Brooking. It was made, and before Christmas, the top level of the Football Association had already approved this decision.

In the 21st round of the league, Manchester United defeated the underdog Birmingham 1-0 at home. In the 71st minute of the game, Li Rui broke into the penalty area and was knocked down by Birmingham defender Ridgewell. The referee Wharton gave a penalty A penalty kick was awarded, and Ronaldo made a penalty kick.

Except for this penalty kick, Manchester United's performance in the whole game was average. The momentum that swept the world in 2007 seemed to disappear after entering 2008.

After the game, Ferguson went into a rage again and scolded everyone in the locker room for half an hour.

In other games, Chelsea defeated Fulham 2:1 away, and Arsenal defeated West Ham United, which upset Manchester United in the last round of the league, 2:0 at home. change.

Compared with this round of the league, now, the whole of England is focusing on the selection of the head coach of the England national team.

The dismissal of McLaren by the Football Association of England came a bit suddenly, er, suddenly, mainly because there was no news before. Of course, McLaren’s position has not been stable. In the first game, relying on the goal of Li Rui, a player he didn't like, he was lucky enough to enter the 2008 European Cup. After that, the conflict between McLaren and England's savior Li Rui was almost open, and there were also people in the England team who didn't trust the head coach. The news came out, so the media has been criticizing McLaren, trying to overthrow him from the position of England head coach.It's just that no one thought that the English Football Association would be so vigorous and decisive this time, and they would be fired as soon as they said they were dismissed. Is this still the bureaucratic English Football Association?

Now, no one cares about McClaren's fate after leaving the England manager's position, all eyes are focused on one problem -

Who will be the new head coach of the Three Lions? !

The "Times" listed the possible candidates for the England head coach for the first time, mainly the famous coaches who are currently unemployed at home and can start work at any time——

Capello, the famous Italian coach is currently at home; however, "The Times" also pointed out that the team coached by Capello has always been known for its dull style of play. He emphasized defense and left the offense to the imagination of the forwards.I don't know whether the England fans who pursue fanatical offense can accept this iron-blooded coach, and can the many bad-tempered big names in England adapt to Capello's high-pressure policy?
Lippi, Italy's 2006 World Cup champion coach, is also at home now; "The Times" believes that Lippi led Italy to gain experience in the 2006 World Cup and will help England. However, 'Silver Fox' seems to have no intention of coaching other countries' national teams.

Jose Mourinho, former Chelsea manager, "The Times" believes that 'the most special one' is the most suitable one. The experience of coaching Chelsea makes Mourinho very familiar with English football Among them, Ashley Cole, Terry and Lampard, the backbone of the England team, are all Chelsea players. Mourinho also knows the characteristics of other England internationals including Gerrard and Rooney.

"The Times" also conducted a poll in the current newspaper, and the results showed that Mourinho was far ahead in the votes of England fans, Capello's votes were barely, and Lippi rarely had England Fans will choose him.

Of course, some fans think that the three candidates listed by "The Times" are all foreigners. Isn't there any suitable one in England?
The selection of the new head coach of the England national team has aroused strong interest in the English media, and newspapers, large and small, spared no effort in large-scale reports.

By convention, in the process of selecting a new head coach in England, the top management of the FA will ask senior coaches including Ferguson and Wenger to listen to their opinions.

According to the "Guardian", before McLaren was fired, the England FA had contacted several famous coaches in private.

Arsenal coach Wenger looks very positive about this matter. His point of view is that the England team should choose an Englishman as the coach. For Mourinho, who has been widely rumored recently, Wenger clearly expressed his opposition.

Wenger said: "It's like you're going to fight a war and you say, 'Now let's choose a general from Portugal, or a general from Italy, and lead our army to go to war.' Do you have that idea? ?Certainly not."

Wenger's statement was also supported by the current French national team coach Domenech——

The media generally called for Mourinho to become England's new head coach. Domenech did not agree with this choice. He thought it was a disgrace to the entire England coach. "It's a huge shame for all England coaches," Domenech told French radio station RTL.

"The FA is looking for a Swede (referring to Eriksson) or a Portuguese (referring to Mourinho), or an Italian (referring to Capello or Lippi) to be the coach of the England team. A very shameful thing. It's as if you were saying to all the England managers: 'You English people are rubbish, we're going to look elsewhere for a manager.'

However, the English generally didn't appreciate what the French said. When the little fat man was chatting, he said very annoyedly, that Frenchman, of course hoped that McLaren would still be our bishop.It's just that I don't know if the French guy mentioned by the little fat man refers to Domenech or Wenger.

The main reason why the little fat man is so angry is that Wenger seems to be extraordinarily enthusiastic in the selection of England's head coach this time, and considering the relationship between Arsenal and Manchester United's sworn enemies...

McClaren's position as the head coach of England is a disaster. England's local coach is considered an embarrassing task, but Wenger doesn't think so. He said: "You have Red Knapp, Kubeshley, Koper , Southgate, Pierce, Allardyce, you have a lot of people to choose from. But you don't trust them enough, give them a chance."

"I can't understand your logic because you want someone to represent your country, so why go to a foreigner? You English people value the national team very much and want England to do well, but suddenly, you want a A Portuguese or an Italian to represent yourself. I think if you want someone to represent your country, you have to find an Englishman."

Not only Wenger, some local coaches in England are also opposed to looking for foreigners to coach England again, and believe that Eriksson is also a lesson from the past.

These local coaches include the current Premier League Middlesbrough coach Southgate, Reading coach Keppel and Blackburn coach Mark Hughes.

Southgate does not support a foreigner in charge of the Three Lions. "When I was playing under Sven (Eriksen) I thought it was right to look for a foreign manager, but since then I have changed my mind. . I think the England team should be managed by an Englishman."

Mark Hughes also complained for the English coach, "I am disappointed for the English coach. This time, no one thinks that the English coach can do it. Someone must stand up and not give another good opportunity to a foreign coach. .”

Among them, the head coach of Reading, Koppel, opened fire even more. Not only did he dislike foreigners as England's head coach, but even Li Rui, England's savior who entered the 2008 European Cup, also made a few remarks. "In the England team, a Chinese has become the hope of England. Really disappointing...”

Koppel finally lamented: "I am very sad. I am a proud England manager and I would love to see an Englishman coach the England team."

Li Rui was a little dizzy. How could he be involved in the quarrel between the coaches of the England national team?

He saw Koppel's phrase 'I'm very sad' in the newspaper, and he really wanted to give this bastard a good beating, you're sad, it's none of my business, nonsense! !

(End of this chapter)

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