green star

Chapter 486: Troubled Champion Coach Ramos

Chapter 486: Troubled Champion Coach Ramos
Li Rui was a little dizzy. How could he be involved in the quarrel between the coaches of the England national team?

However, seeing that the guy who said this was the head coach of the Reading team, Koppel, he was not surprised at all. Speaking of which, the Manchester United team, Li Rui and the Reading team are very unfriendly.

In the 2005-2006 season, in the match between Manchester United and Reading, Li Rui scored a hat-trick. However, the rough actions of the Reading players on the field almost caused a conflict. Ferguson was also in the post-match press conference On and Reading coach Koppel practically pointing noses at each other.

In the last season, a fierce conflict broke out between Manchester United and Reading. The cause was also that Reading players were suspected of deliberate fouls on the field.

And in this season, that is, the first round of the league, in the match between Manchester United and Reading, Li Rui was shoveled off the field by a Reading player at the beginning of the first half.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Li Rui saw that it was Koppel who said these words.

Li Rui is one of the few people who knows that Mourinho has basically confirmed that he is the new head coach of England, so he has the right to treat this "big discussion" as if it were a drama.

However, Koppel has already set the flames of war on him, and Li Rui is not a dull gourd who has been bullied and kept silent. Before the third round of the FA Cup against Tottenham Hotspur, Li Rui accepted the " Interview with the Daily Mirror -

"I should be most thankful that Mr. Koppel is not the manager (of England), otherwise, I would not get any chance to play at all, because I can't meet the requirements of Mr. Koppel, as far as I know. Mr Koppel would have liked to have 11 wrestlers in the ring."

Li Rui directly pointed out the rough style of the Reading players on the pitch. His sarcastic tone made Koppel furious, and he said through gritted teeth that he would make Li Rui look good in the away game between Manchester United and Reading two weeks later. , and accused Li Rui of being uneducated and lacking the necessary respect for Reading Club.

Before Koppel finished speaking and Li Rui had no time to fight back, Ferguson, who was protecting the calf, stood up. He directly made a request to the Football Association of England, requesting that in two weeks' time, that is, the 23rd round of the league, Manchester United's away game against Lei In the Ding team game, the referee should pay special attention to the actions of the Reading players on the field, because the Reading players are likely to follow the instructions of 'Mr. Koppel' during the game and adopt lethal tactics to maliciously foul the Manchester United players. .

Here Ferguson and Koppel had a war of words, and the Arsenal manager's remarks that England should not invite foreigners as England's head coach also caused a response, accusing Arsenal of relying too much on Foreign aid, the entire team has almost no English players.

However, it is also true that there are not many Englishmen in Wenger's Arsenal team, but he said that the club team is different from the national team. "The club is not a representative of the country, it only represents the values ​​and interests of the club, that's the difference. England won't let a Portuguese player or an Italian player play, so why suddenly its leader is a foreigner?"

Arsene Wenger again defended his strategy when it came to Arsenal having only two English players in their first-team squad. "I've said it many times, from 1966 to 1996, there weren't many foreign players in the league in England, and your results were about the same as you are now. You can't imagine that the best league in the world is only England. It's not my responsibility when the players come on and England play well, if they play well I'm happy, but that's not my first priority."

"For me it doesn't matter which country the club's players are from, it makes no difference. You can't ask for the most popular league in the world and only have players from one country, that's not possible, really. If so, it would be a miracle.”

"You can close your eyes and restrict nationality, but lose the competitiveness of the league, or you can open your eyes and select people, proudly saying that we have the best players in the world here, let us also strive to produce players of this quality .Now, there's a group of people in England who just want to close their eyes and say let's play the Premier League ourselves."

Wenger also believes that if he insists on restricting the number of places to give England players opportunities, then only "professional bench players" will be cultivated, because they are not strong enough, and they can only enter the competition list based on the number of places, but they cannot play in the game. , had to sit on the bench for a long time to fill up.

Wenger said: "There was a time when in the French league you had to have three players under the age of 21 in the squad. You know what these players end up becoming? They become professional bench players. Every week , they're all on the bench, sitting next to the manager."

"Not only would it not give French players more chances to play, they wouldn't even be able to play enough second-team games, and in the end we abolished this rule and we opened up the league completely, because the result of that restriction could only be professional substitutes. "

"If we take measures to limit the number of places, then that situation will still occur. The head coach will first pick only the best players, and then he will choose the next level, and those who come in only by the number of places. players, but the coach is very difficult to deal with."

"I usually say to them at that time: 'Listen, my friend, you are not good enough, our career depends on strength, I don't want you to just get a job on the bench, it shouldn't be Those sitting in the office decide whether you can play or not.' It's ridiculous and it's not fair."

This time, no one expected that the Arsenal head coach would have so much to say. It was originally just a discussion about why the England head coach should vigorously promote foreign head coaches, but it eventually turned into a problem of the club's foreign aid seriously exceeding the standard.

However, the media doesn't seem to care about these. Anyway, as long as there are quarrels, the sales of their newspapers don't have to worry about it.

Amid such noise, Manchester United ushered in the team's first knockout match of the FA Cup this season.

In this game, Manchester United's opponent is Tottenham Hotspur.

In this FA Cup match, the two sides started a war of words before the game. Tottenham Hotspur coach Juande Ramos said in an interview with the media that Tottenham Hotspur will strive for This season's FA Cup champion and UEFA Cup champion, when talking about the FA Cup match against Manchester United, the former Sevilla champion coach seemed confident, "Is there anything better than stepping on the defending champion's ass to advance?" Wonderful thing?"

In mid-October last year, Tottenham Hotspur coach Martin Jol led his team to a 10-1 loss to Ramos' former league rival Getafe in the UEFA Cup and was immediately fired. Nam Tottenham announced their new coach after interim coach Allen led the team to play a game, Sevilla's champion coach Juande Ramos, this is not a temporary coaching change, Totten Tottenham's pursuit of Ramos has already been hyped in the summer.

However, the contract between Ramos and Sevilla has not yet expired, and Sevilla is unwilling to let him go. In the end, Tottenham Hotspur took advantage of it and paid the liquidated damages for Ramos. Moss was able to 'break up in a relatively peaceful way' with Sevilla and quickly became the manager of Tottenham Hotspur.

Ramos was the manager of several Spanish football clubs before taking charge of Sevilla in 2005. In two full seasons, he led the team to two UEFA Cup titles, beating Tottenham in the 2006/07 season. Into the semi-finals, in addition to winning the European Super Cup, the Spanish King's Cup and the Spanish Super Cup once each.

This bronzing resume makes the Spanish coach very proud. He firmly believes that he is here to save Tottenham Hotspur. Lack of 'essential courtesy'.

Before the game, the atmosphere in Manchester United's locker room was rather dignified. In the last few games, Manchester United performed very poorly. They lost to West Ham in the away game and won the Birmingham game 1-0 at home. The process was also very unsatisfactory. .Under such circumstances, the whole team attaches great importance to this FA Cup match.

"I don't need to say more, you all know what the game is tonight-well, it is an ordinary FA Cup game, but, what I want to say is that this game is still a little bit different. If, this If we lose one game, if we are eliminated from the FA Cup, we will become the laughing stock of everyone. The 2007 championship trophies in 6 are so dazzling, everyone will laugh at you, tell me, you would like this Does the situation arise?" Ferguson was mobilizing before the battle.

"I don't want to!"

Everyone roared in unison.

"Very good!" Ferguson nodded, "This is a knockout match. It's the first knockout match we've encountered on all lines this season! Once we lose, we'll be blamed by everyone and make trouble!! No one will sympathize with us at that time. I believe you have fully realized the cruelty of this world. Flowers, applause, and glory belong only to the winners. Losers have nothing! I am not in this business to serve as a foil for others. You don't play football to be stepping stones to winners! Manchester United have pride and you proved to be part of this proud team last season."

Ferguson waved his arm vigorously, as if he wanted to vent all his momentum in this punch, "This game must be won, Manchester United has never been afraid of Tottenham Hotspur, for Manchester United, we Today's opponents should be trembling! But if they can't win this game, they dare to shit on your heads!! Show that damn Spanish shit what is the strength of the defending champion! Show me Drill him hard!!!" The blue veins of the old Scotsman are all out of anger, which shows that the old man is really angry.

Indeed, angered by the words of Ramos, a guy who thought he was a BOSS-level figure, Ferguson vowed to teach Ramos a lesson of sufficient weight in this game, so that Ramos The dream of the double crown, get out of here.

"Guys, for today's game, let your opponents watch our football!" Ferguson waved his arm as he spoke.He nodded towards the assistant coach Queiroz. After the morale boosting speech, Queiroz will explain the specific tactics to the players again.

In fact, these tactics have been mentioned before, but before playing, it is necessary to remind the players again.

Queiroz stood up, holding a tactical board, and explained the tactics of the game and their respective tasks to each player around him.Even substitute players are included.

To be honest, Queiroz is a very good assistant coach. In this matter, Ferguson is still very satisfied with his assistant coach. However, after serving as an assistant coach for Ferguson for several years, he once served as Real Madrid for a short time. The head coach Queiroz is unwilling to continue like this. He doesn't want to continue to be an assistant coach. It is reported that Queiroz is seeking to take over Scolari's class and take over the coach of the Portuguese national team after the 2008 European Cup.

actually.Explaining tactics is a thankless task, because players have their own ideas.Everyone hopes to have that kind of performance on the court, but tactics cannot cater to everyone's preferences, so there will inevitably be people who are dissatisfied with the tactical arrangements.And this dissatisfaction is basically vented to the coach who came to arrange tactics for them.

Fortunately, everyone has already known the tactical arrangement of this game. This time it is just to remind the players to pay attention again, so no one will come out to rebel and say anything.

Queiroz finally reminded the offensive players surrounded by Li Rui, because in the last two rounds, Manchester United's terrifying offensive firepower seems to have suddenly misfired. Therefore, in this game, can Manchester United win Tottenham? Tottenham's success in promotion depends on Manchester United's scoring ability. More precisely, it depends on the performance of Li Rui's core offensive players.

The starting lists of both sides for this game were displayed on the big screen at Old Trafford——

Manchester United (4-4-2):
Goalkeeper: 19-Van der Sar;
Defense: 2-Gary Neville, 5-Ferdinand, 15-Vidic, 3-Evra;
Midfield: 24-Fletcher, 11-Gigs, 7-Cristiano Ronaldo, 18-Scholes;

Forwards: 9- Rooney, 10 Li Rui;

Tottenham Hotspur (4-3-3):
Goalkeeper: Czerny;

Backline: Chimbonda, Dawson, L. King, YP. Lee;
Midfielders: Olaha, Boateng, Marblanco;

Forwards: Defoe, Robbie Keane, Berbatov;

"In the last two games, Manchester United has performed poorly. The most direct manifestation is that the team has scored fewer goals. After a crazy year, Li Rui is a bit too quiet." The commentator Still talking about the recent performance of the Manchester United team, he criticized Li Rui's performance in the last two games. In fact, Li Rui's performance should be considered passable. In the last round of the league match against Birmingham, Manchester United The only goal scored in the game was the penalty scored by Li Rui when he broke into the penalty area and was pushed down by Richwell.

However, Li Ruigui is the European Ballon d'Or and the World Player of Football. The fans and the media naturally have much higher demands on him, and they look forward to Li Rui's crazy performance.

Manchester United attacked, and Giggs went to the middle this time. The Welsh veteran who seemed to be carelessly controlling the ball in the midfield suddenly sent the ball behind Tottenham Hotspur's penalty area.

Almost at the same time when Ryan Giggs passed this beautiful crossing ball, Li Rui, who was cruising on the left, suddenly slanted into the middle like a wolf smelling blood.At this moment, the defense in the middle of the penalty area has been pulled away by Rooney's running position.

Li Rui unloaded the ball before Tottenham Hotspur defender Dawson destroyed the football, and then took advantage of the opportunity to shoot.

Dawson, who was marking him closely, was a step slower and could only interfere with him from behind.

The timing was perfect.Immediately, Li Rui lost his focus.

As a shooter, you must have good reflexes. Li Rui saw that it was difficult for him to shoot directly. Before he slipped, he let out a low growl and swept the football to the back of the goal.

A red figure rushed up and volleyed with his right foot directly. Like a spring that was squeezed to the extreme and then let go, the football rushed towards the goal at an extremely fast speed.

Tottenham Hotspur goalkeeper Czerny was helpless, but the football hit the crossbar heavily, making a huge muffled sound...

There was a burst of applause at Old Trafford after a sorry gasp.

Manchester United's attack just now was extremely exciting, like a wolf cub that looked very docile, suddenly showing its fangs, Giggs suddenly passed the ball, Rooney's running position attracted Tottenham Hotspur's Attention, but Li Rui got the ball in another direction. Even under the interference of the Tottenham Hotspur defender, he still almost provided an assist. Unfortunately, Ronaldo's shot hit the crossbar superior.

The pace of the game was very fast. Manchester United attacked once, but the goal was blocked by the crossbar. In a blink of an eye, Tottenham Hotspur's attack reached the front of the penalty area.

Defoe dribbled the ball, Fletcher got entangled with him, and Defoe fell to the ground while the two were tugging. The referee Walton's whistle sounded, giving Tottenham Hotspur a good position at the front of the penalty area chance of a direct free kick.

Manchester United was very dissatisfied with the penalty and protested to the referee, but Walton ignored it and showed a yellow card to the emotional Fletcher.

Coach Ferguson was so angry on the sidelines that he almost cursed. On the one hand, it was because of the referee's free kick, and on the other hand, it was because of Fletcher's yellow card.

He chattered towards assistant coach Queiroz on the sidelines, "Damn it, I got a yellow card just ten minutes into the game, how will I play in the next game? Can you let go of your hands and feet?"

Robbie Keane stands on the penalty spot and the Irish striker intends to take the free kick.

The whistle sounded, and after a short run-up, Robbie Keane took a strong shot. It was a low-level shot. Although the angle was not tricky, the speed of the ball was extremely fast. The football flew towards the goal against the turf. Van der Sar His line of sight seemed to be obstructed, he failed to make a save in time, and could only watch the ball roll rapidly into the goal from his feet.

"Whatagoal!!! Robbie Keane!!! The Irishman's direct free kick was like a sharp sword, piercing the Manchester United wall and into the goal guarded by Van der Sar! Beautiful goal! The game is on By the 14th minute there was a goal, but to the dismay of the Manchester United fans, it was from Tottenham Hotspur!"

The harsh boos erupted at Old Trafford, but the Tottenham Hotspur players didn't care, they were celebrating the goal crazily.

Robbie Keane, who has experience playing for Liverpool, made a provocative celebration towards the main stand of Manchester United fans, which almost caused a riot among the fans.

The referee Walton also had to give the over-excited Robbie Keane a yellow card to cool down the over-excited Irish striker.

"Don't worry, the game has just started, we have to equalize the score as soon as possible!!"

The Manchester United players knew the importance of this game. They couldn't afford to lose this game. Therefore, this goal by Tottenham Hotspur affected the players to some extent. Li Rui watched The teammates whose eyes were not as determined as they were in the opening stage shouted at them.

After all, the Manchester United players are all experienced players who have experienced the Champions League final. Under the shouts of Li Rui, they quickly walked out of this conceded goal.

However, as the core of the team's offense, Li Rui also knows that at this time, nothing can boost the morale of his teammates and the whole team more than a goal to equalize the score!
After the game restarted at the kick-off in the middle circle, the Manchester United team, which was one goal behind at home, did not blindly speed up the attacking rhythm.Instead, just like before the ball was lost, he controlled the situation on the field and waited for an opportunity to create a murderous opportunity.

This is the background of an experienced championship team. In this game, Manchester United can't afford to lose. If it is another team, at this time, the score is behind, and it is estimated that they will start to fight back. However, the Manchester United players He didn't appear to be in a hurry, and was patiently looking for opportunities, looking for a chance to kill with one blow.

The goal was lost. Ferguson on the sidelines, apart from being excited about the free kick penalty and the yellow card Fletcher received, did not roar as the reporter expected after losing the ball. The old Scottish man was not blind either. He waved his big hand to signal the team to aggressively attack, but sat on the sidelines with a calm face... Ferguson is very clear that the game has just begun, and it is not yet known who will win the game!
but.For a long time after conceding the goal, Manchester United did not have a good chance.Because after leading the score, Tottenham Hotspur significantly strengthened their defense and did not rush to counterattack. The defense in the backcourt was very tight, and Manchester United would not have any good opportunities for a while.

The game has gone on for 37 minutes, and the score on the field is still 0:1. Manchester United is behind Tottenham Hotspur at home.

This was a rare opportunity for Tottenham Hotspur to attack the front of Manchester United's penalty area.

Defoe headed the ball, and after Robbie Keane stopped the ball in the chest, he suddenly split the football, and Marblanco, who was plugged in, hoisted the football into the penalty area.

Vidic was just about to push the football out, but he felt great pressure beside him. It was Berbatov who came up. He squeezed Vidic away. After stopping the ball in his chest, he volleyed directly. The quality of the volley shot was very high, and the football brushed the post and went out of the baseline, which made Van der Sar, who had already made a save, break out in a cold sweat.

Ferguson on the sidelines was also taken aback.If Tottenham Hotspur took the lead and scored another goal, Manchester United would be really in danger.

However, Berbatov's shot also made Ferguson's eyes shine. This Bulgarian striker was bought by Ramos' predecessor Martin Juul for 1090 million pounds. Began to show the ability of a super shooter.If it weren't for Manchester United already having Li Rui and Rooney, Ferguson would really consider introducing this Bulgarian striker whom he admires very much.

After Ruud van Nistelrooy had a stalemate with Manchester United and finally moved to Real Madrid, Ferguson always wanted to have a king of the penalty area like Ruud van Nistelrooy's replacement, and Berbatov's impact made Ferguson very happy. Appreciation, the Bulgarian is tall, has excellent jumping ability, and good header ability. These are all related to Berbatov's training in the Bundesliga.

Moreover, as an Eastern European player, Berbatov's basic skills are very solid, and he is very skilled at controlling the ball at his feet. Back then, Berbatov was the core of Leverkusen's offensive in the Bundesliga. , The Bulgarian's ability to protect the ball in the penalty area is good, and he can get more shooting opportunities.

Moreover, the "Mirror" once analyzed the characteristics of the Bulgarian striker, and finally boiled it down to one word, that is 'lazy', yes, this is the word, Berbatov out of the kind of very stingy running on the court Player, his stinginess for every move can even be described as mean, that is to say, this kind of shooter will rarely leave his attack zone, and will not waste energy to fight for the pass that cannot be obtained.

Take this game as an example, the shot just now was Berbatov's first chance to shoot in this game. In the previous game, the Bulgarian was almost 'lost' in the penalty area of ​​Manchester United, but Marblanco When the pass reached his attacking area, he immediately looked like a leopard who had had enough rest, rejuvenated, and almost killed him with a blow.

Ferguson drew a circle heavily on Berbatov's name in his notebook.

Ronaldo dribbled the ball and advanced at high speed on the wing.

Facing Boateng's attack, he passed the football to Fletcher, while he ran forward. Fletcher gave the football to Scholes who retreated to ask for the ball. Scholes turned around and made a direct one. The straight pass was given to Li Rui who retreated and held the ball with his back.

For fear of being intercepted midway, Scholes's low pass was slightly stronger. Ronaldo leaned against Olaha and raised his right foot to catch the ball.

England's tabloids, especially the "Sun" talked about the brave and majestic appearance of Manchester United's No. 7. It was said that Ronaldo was in the royal number one night. You know, if you only pay attention to the strength of the waist, Manchester United's No. 7 is indeed full of capital.

Olaha originally wanted to block Ronaldo and prevent him from turning around easily. Unexpectedly, Ronaldo exerted force on his waist and knocked Olaha into the air. Then he twisted his waist, increased his speed, and broke through.

After breaking through Olaha, Ronaldo dribbled the ball and passed YP. Li with speed, then stopped suddenly, and knocked the football to Li Rui with a ground ball.

Li Rui leaned against Dawson who was defending him, and first took another step back, pretending to catch the ball. Between his legs, and between Dawson's legs...

Seeing the football go through the two wickets, Li Rui quickly turned around and caught up with the football.

In the stands of Old Trafford, there was a commotion, admiration one after another, applause, and screams from fans. This kind of action is simply unbelievable, because it not only requires Li Rui's skills to be good , the brain is bright, and, moreover, he has to calculate the movements of Dawson who is defending him.

"It's unimaginable. I think Dawson must have fallen in love with Li Rui. The two really have a good understanding..." Taibi shouted in a rough voice.

Lineker, who was born as a former England international striker, was full of praise. He naturally understood how difficult this extraordinary move was.

Dawson spread his legs almost in a tacit understanding, and let the ball pass through his crotch without any reaction. When Li Rui turned around to catch up with the football, Dawson wanted to catch up with Li Rui's footsteps and intercepted it. Impossible.

In the stands of the Old Trafford Stadium, there was thunderous applause, and many fans stood up excitedly. Everyone knew that this was the beginning of Li Rui's performance. wet.

Li Rui stepped forward to catch up with the ball, and he caught up with the ball before L Jin came up to grab the ball and poked the ball!
Another one!
After scoring a goal, Tottenham Hotspur's impenetrable defense was broken by Ronaldo and Li Rui's super personal abilities in the blink of an eye! !
Rooney also immediately ran in the penalty area, pulling cover for Li Rui's attack. At the same time, on the other side, Ronaldo also came to respond. As long as Li Rui needs it, he can do it on both sides and between the two at any time. Out fit.

At this moment, Manchester United even formed a three-on-three situation in the frontcourt!
"Stop him!" Tottenham Hotspur goalkeeper Czerny shouted, directing his teammates to defend.

Marblanco, who was desperately defending back, rushed towards Li Rui. Li Rui kicked his right foot and kicked his right foot, speeding up and passing. However, everyone saw that there was no football on the foot of Li Rui who broke through. ?

Where's the ball? !

It turned out that when the spike broke through Marblanco just now, Li Rui flicked his ankle and passed the football. At the same time, he himself advanced into the penalty area.

The tacit understanding between Li Rui and Rooney has been tempered through so many games. It can be said that it has reached the point of "telepathy". In front of Da, he stretched out his foot, rubbed against the ball, and the ball changed direction and flew towards the right side of the penalty area.

Then, before Tottenham Hotspur goalkeeper Czerny could react, Li Rui made a shovel shot on the ground, just like a birdie in golf. The football slipped against the turf and went into the net. !

"Long live! Li Rui! Long live! Manchester United!!"

"GOOOOOOOOAL!!! LI'S——GOAL!!! Manchester United 1:1 Tottenham Hotspur!! In the 39th minute of the game, they equalized the score! Li Rui scored the Manchester United team this season The first goal in the World Cup!! Let's look at this goal again, Cristiano Ronaldo's breakthrough is wonderful, Li Rui's breakthrough is simply perfect! And the tacit understanding between him and Wayne makes Stunning - beautiful goal, very beautiful! A goal for Goal of the Year was born!"

The commentator was yelling, and Li Rui was also yelling on the court.

Li Rui waved his fists and ran towards Rooney who was assisting him. The two embraced and were overwhelmed by other players.

After celebrating the goal with his teammates, Li Rui kept punching the stands vigorously, which aroused even louder cheers from the Manchester United fans.

The camera also quickly swept over the faces of the two head coaches on the sidelines.

Ferguson was smiling, chewing gum in his mouth. Obviously, the old man was very satisfied with his disciple's performance.

And Juande Ramos was expressionless, and no one knew what he was thinking at the moment.In the first half of the season between Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur, Ramos was not the head coach of Tottenham Hotspur at the time, so this game can be said that the proud former Seville For the first time, head coach Ya felt Li Rui's strength.

It can be said that Ramos does not despise Li Rui. After all, the titles of World Footballer and European Golden Globe are there. Ramos will never be careless. After the team takes the lead, he requires the team to fully The retraction is also due to the attacking strength of the Manchester United team with Li Rui as the core. However, what Ramos did not expect was that under such a dense defense, the Manchester United team could still score goals. The champion coach who won the UEFA Cup twice during the period, although his face was expressionless, he had to admit——

He underestimated Li Rui's strength too much!Not only Li Rui, but the prestigious Manchester United offensive trident composed of Li Rui, Ronaldo, and Rooney is also much more powerful than he imagined.This amazing goal scoring ability can already be regarded as a top star in world football.

Ramos forgot that Li Rui's fame and achievements do not need him to be sure.

And this goal also put Ramos into a contradiction.

Originally, Tottenham Hotspur took the lead, and Ramos's wishful thinking was to solidify the defense. It was the game to end the first half with a [-]-[-] lead. For Tottenham Hotspur, it was extremely beneficial.

And in this case, in the second half of the game, Tottenham Hotspur can fight back more calmly. It would be great if they could have a chance to bite Manchester United and expand their lead. It doesn't matter if they can't expand the score, as long as they can Holding on to that one-goal lead would have been enough for Tottenham to knock out defending champions Manchester United and advance.

Well, in a sense, Ramos's wishful thinking is very accurate, but unfortunately, football games are kicked out, not rehearsed on the tactical board before the game.

Now, before the end of the first half, the score was equalized, so Tottenham Hotspur's tactics must be changed in the second half of the game, whether to attack out, try to score goals and overtake the score again, thereby eliminating Manchester United; or Hold on to a draw, get a chance for a rematch, and make another plan at White Hart Lane, his home stadium?
Ramos was a little confused.

However, the Manchester United players did not let Ramos struggle for too long. Before the end of the first half, Rooney's goal helped Manchester United overtake the score.It also freed Ramos.

This is an opportunity for a free kick in the frontcourt. Ronaldo's free kick was saved by Tottenham Hotspur goalkeeper Czerny.

corner kick!

Manchester United takes a tactical corner kick.

Giggs knocked the football to Scholes, the latter passed the football to the middle, Li Rui got the ball, dribbled the ball to the middle, facing YP Lee who was rushing up to defend, Li Rui stopped suddenly , and then made an action of pushing the ball with the arch of the right foot.

YP. Li didn't know whether Li Rui was going to shoot from the far corner or pass the ball to Rooney on the right, but subconsciously, he still made a blocking action.

However, Li Rui turned his right ankle easily and dunked YP. Li again.

Then Li Rui raised his right foot again, this time to pass the ball, he pushed the arch of his foot, and the football rolled towards the back of the goal...

Then everyone saw that Cristiano Ronaldo appeared on the rolling line of the football. Facing Chimbonda who hurried up to defend, Manchester United's No. 7 pulled the football back to avoid Chimbonda's attack. With a flick of his right foot, he passed the football to the goal.

And Tottenham Hotspur goalkeeper Czerny was completely confused by these two transfers of the ball. When Rooney rushed to the goal and headed the ball, Czerny didn't make a move at all because of his blocked vision. The action of saving, can only watch helplessly as the football is smashed into the net...

2: 1!

Manchester United successfully overtook the score before half-time.

A perfect goal to equalize the score and instigated another goal to overtake the score. This is the first goal given to Tottenham Hotspur champion coach Ramos by European Mr. Golden Globe and World Footballer Li Rui. class!
(End of this chapter)

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