green star

Chapter 508 Conquest!

Chapter 508 Conquest! (Ask for a monthly ticket! Explosive! The sixth update and the second update!)

The entire New Wembley Stadium was completely boiling like hot magma, the English fans cheered wildly, Mourinho celebrated wildly, the commentator roared, and the England players celebrated.

Li Rui was lying on the turf. All these seemed to have nothing to do with him. His mind was full of roaring noises, which kept him in a state of excitement, and finally subsided slowly.

Li Rui felt a face appeared in his line of sight, and his consciousness matched his vision. It was Beckham's face.

Beckham stretched out his hand, "Li Rui, get up, beautiful goal."

Li Rui got up and patted the grass rust on his body. At this time, the sound of substitutions sounded on the court. Li Rui knew that he was about to be replaced. He turned his head and looked at the sidelines. No. 11 went off and No. 10 came on. !

The entire Wembley Stadium also burst into warm cheers that cannot be described in words.

Li Rui patted the jersey, walked towards the sidelines, and applauded to the stands.

In the stands of the new Wembley Stadium, all England fans stood up, applauded vigorously, and sent Li Rui off.This is the highest courtesy a player can receive!
For the proud England fans, it is unimaginable for them to give such a high courtesy to a Chinese star.

They were conquered by Li Rui, by Li Rui's football talent, by his persistence and arrogance on the field, and by his wonderful goals! !
Li Rui hugged Owen tightly on the sidelines. Owen ran into the field, while Li Rui stood on the sidelines and applauded in the stands again to thank him!
The applause lasted forever! !
"This is Li Rui's second goal in this game! 3:1!! England's victory in this game is set, and the French can't stop Mourinho's England from ushering in their first victory! Li Rui defeated France alone Man, two goals, one assist! Although the game is not over yet, although the game has only reached 60 points, but, I want to say, he is well-deserved player of the game! England's bench is crazy, the head coach Mourinho even rushed to the field to celebrate, and had to trouble the fourth official to intervene... Forgive my incoherent speech, but what I want to say is: Congratulations Li Rui, congratulations! This is a match that belongs to you!!" Lineker, the former England genius striker and former captain of the England national team, is also sincerely convincing Li Rui to send such praise!

"This is indeed a classic game, and it will not be devalued in the slightest because of the nature of the warm-up match! Yes, I also want to say that this is a game that belongs to Li Rui! Congratulations to Li Rui, congratulations to Li Rui! He completed a great game." Taibi said, looking at Li Rui who had walked to the sidelines and was still applauding in the stands.

Mourinho stretched out his right hand and gave Li Rui a high five!

Li Rui then walked to the bench and high-fived everyone on the bench. Then he received the coat handed over by assistant coach Brito. After putting on the coat, he sat on the bench and continued to watch the game.

Li Rui's goal was a big blow to the French team. When everyone thought the goal would not appear, the goal appeared, which caused two completely different reactions——

The English players were all cheering. This goal greatly boosted the morale of the England team. Some superstitious players even believed that God was on England's side.

The French players were obviously a little frustrated. This goal hit the morale of the French team, especially the goalkeeper Coupe. He still seems to be unable to believe that the goal was actually scored. Lahm's spirit is also not very good. Just now Thuram's defense against Li Rui was almost perfect. If it were any other shooter, there would be no chance to score again. But, that's it, Li Rui still Still scored a goal, which hit the veteran who had already achieved fame.

Domenech was obviously not reconciled to losing to England. Although this was just a warm-up match, the players of the French team were hit hard at this point in the game, which made this game different.

Domenech knew that his team had to get their spirits up and try to score goals to close the gap and an equalizer would be even better.

Now, the French team urgently needs a goal, a morale-boosting goal. Otherwise, it is conceivable that if the French team faces England again after this, or when they face Li Rui again, they will be psychologically frustrated. First of all, I am not confident.

Domenech looked at the bench, and he shouted at Govou, telling the top scorer in Ligue [-] to get up and warm up.

"Gevou is warming up. It seems that Domenech does not intend to surrender early." The movement on the bench of the French team did not escape Lineker's eyes, he joked.Before Lineker retired, the England team was suppressed by the French in the international arena. Lineker was also very aggrieved at the time. Now he saw the French deflated. Although he did not play football by himself, he felt happy after all. of.

After a simple warm-up, Govou stood on the sidelines, and the French team asked for a substitution.

Beckham sent the ball upfield, Gallas headed it over the touchline, England got a throw-in upfield and Govou finally got his chance.

The fourth official held up the substitution sign, Makelele was replaced and Govou was replaced!

"The French team made a substitution, Govou came on, Makelele was replaced, a striker was replaced with a deep midfielder, and Domenech was going to attack desperately... But, did he think that adding a forward , the three-forward style of play, the number of forwards increases, can it bring goals?"

"Gary, this is not something we need to worry about." Taibi said.

Gowu ran to the field, found Henry, told him Domenech's new tactical arrangement, and the camera was also aimed at Henry. Although Henry's performance in this game was relatively positive, at least it was better than Henry in Barcelona. , However, when the team needs to score, if there is no goal, for a shooter, he has not completed his task! !

It is not yet known whether the addition of a striker can bring goals, but removing a lagging midfielder may bring great hidden dangers to the defense. On this point, Mourinho immediately Just noticed.

In Mourinho's view, the most important thing about the defense of the French team is neither Gallas nor Thuram. It will be too late when the central defenders come to fight, and it will really play the first layer of defense. The role of the line of defense is precisely Makelele.

For Makelele, can Mourinho still not understand?
When he was at Chelsea, Makelele was Mourinho's favorite player. He admired the attitude of the French veteran on the court. Makelele was arranged as the first iron gate of the team's defense line, and he stuck to it like that. There, even if there are good offensive opportunities in front of him, Makelele will never step forward to attack easily. He knows that his first task is to defend!

Although, when Mourinho left Chelsea, the relationship between him and Makelele had deteriorated, but this did not prevent Mourinho from admiring the French veteran, so seeing Makelele actually being replaced at this moment , Mourinho immediately made adjustments.

He replaced Beckham with Milner.

This is a match-up substitution, but Milner is younger and more impactful. Although Milner's passing is far inferior to Beckham's, Milner's impact can give the current The very thin French team's defense posed a great threat.

When Beckham was replaced, he also won huge cheers from the new Wembley Stadium. Beckham's performance today was quite excellent. England fans vaguely saw the demeanor of the full moon scimitar back then. Beckham Mu's pass can always find Li Rui's point, which makes both England and England's coach Mourinho very happy.

The biggest threat of Beckham lies in his free kicks and passes, and if Beckham can cooperate and cooperate with Li Rui, it will be the biggest boon for Mourinho's England.

Li Rui also stood up and gave Beckham a high five. He gave a thumbs up, indicating that the ball Beckham passed to him was great.

Beckham also smiled, saying that Li Rui scored a beautiful goal, Li Rui smiled and said, "Which goal?"

As Mourinho expected, after Milner played, he had a great impact on the French team.

Vieira is no longer as brave as he used to be. Facing the impact of Milner, he is tired of coping.After the transfer to Inter Milan, the once world's No. [-] defensive midfielder has declined sharply.

In Mourinho's view, if he is the head coach of the French team and has to replace someone to strengthen the offense, he would rather replace Vieira than Makelele.

In the rest of the game, the French team with three forwards was even more suppressed by England in offense. If it weren't for England's bad luck, the score would be rewritten again.

In the end, in this warm-up match, England defeated the French team with a score of 3:1 at the New Wembley Stadium. Mourinho's Three Lions also won their first victory!
At the end of the game, Li Rui and all the English players went to the stands of the New Wembley Stadium to thank the English fans. The fans also gave them warm applause and shouted the names of the players.

At this time, everyone in the press box heard that the England fans shouted the surname with the highest decibel, but it was——


Li Rui, it took only two games for England fans to accept him. It can even be said that many England fans have already been conquered by him! !
For a Chinese star to be able to do this, it is really something that no one dared to imagine before.

PS: The sixth update is here!Without stopping, I posted nearly 220 words. This is Chapter 1 with a monthly ticket of [-] plus updates. After that, there will be another chapter with updates.

Although it has passed 12 o'clock, these are still updates on the 4th.

Xiaoqi's guaranteed 5 update on the [-]th is calculated separately, so don't worry.

Thanks to the book friend @夜眠@ for the reward of [-] starting points, this brother has also become the eighth master of this book!Thank you so much for your support.

Ask for the support of the monthly ticket again!
Brothers are awesome!Xiaoqi will never have diarrhea!Must be awesome!After adding updates in the next chapter, Xiaoqi will talk about the update arrangement on the 5th!

There is one more chapter to add!
(End of this chapter)

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