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Chapter 509 Mourinho please drink!

Chapter 509 Mourinho please drink! (Ask for a monthly ticket!!! The seventh update and the third update!)
After the whistle sounded at the end of the game, Aragones looked into the stadium again in the stands of the new Wembley Stadium. His gaze stayed on Li Rui. On the notebook, Li Rui's name was heavily marked and circled.Well, now, the old man remembers this kid in his heart, and he believes that in the game against England, Li Rui will be the focus of Aragones' care!
When walking out of the new Wembley Stadium, the Spanish coach saw an 'acquaintance', that is the head coach of the Swedish national team, Radebeck, who was also taken aback when he saw Aragones.

It was Aragones who greeted Radebeck first, "Lars, would you like to have a drink together?"

"Why not?" Radebeck said with a smile.Both of them came to spy on the 'enemy situation'. However, Spain and Sweden were also opponents in the European Cup group stage. It was a bit awkward for the two to meet each other. However, they are both old foxes, and the awkwardness was laughed away.

Just when the old Spanish coach and the head coach of the Swedish team were walking towards a bar outside the new Wembley Stadium, Li Ai happened to come out of the stadium, and he recognized the two coaches at once. After a quick photo, I believe that the next day, the photos of these two coaches 'hand in hand' outside the new Wembley Stadium will bring a lot of fun and topics for England fans to talk about.

The players left the locker room one after another, and walked towards the bus parked outside the new Wembley Stadium. Although the game had ended for almost an hour, at this time, they could still hear the sound coming from nearby. The singing of the fans, for England fans who regard football as important, although the game is over, they defeated the last World Cup runner-up France 3:1, and no matter from the score or the process of the game , England have a great advantage, which also gives England fans a reason to be happy. For the fans, the wonderful time tonight has just begun.

After the game, Li Rui was named the best player of the game without any suspense. He was also surrounded by many media groups. After accepting a routine interview, Li Rui was taken by Mourinho to Participate in the press conference after the game. Generally speaking, the head coach will bring the captain of the team or the player who performed the best in the game to the press conference. Therefore, Mourinho took Li Rui to the press conference. The press conference is not too strange.

Undoubtedly, at the press conference, Li Rui was still the focus of the media's attention. He even stole part of the glory from Mourinho, who was the media' favorite. Of course, Mourinho would not mind of.

At this moment, sitting in the bus, the seat by the window, Li Rui looked out the window, although it was already nightfall, but the bright lights made the night sky extremely beautiful, which also made Li Rui very excited , very good.

Immediately afterwards, in the car, on the way back to the hotel, Mourinho announced another cheering news to the players: "Free at night, you can do whatever you want, and you can go back to the hotel if you don't want to, but tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning Before that, everyone must gather at the hotel before disbanding. No one should be late, or return to the club without permission."

Li Rui originally wanted to go back to Manchester directly, but after hearing what Mourinho said, he had no choice but to give up. Since that incident, Li Rui seldom appeared at some receptions. The nightlife has returned to calm again, so, although Mourinho announced this decision, for Li Rui, he will only have a good sleep in the hotel, and then wait until the next day to disband before rushing back to Manchester.

Back at the hotel, the players put their things back in their rooms and scattered in small groups. Most of these England internationals are no rookies, and many of them have their own secret or public girlfriends in London or simply 'XING Mate, since the team is on holiday tonight and will return to the club tomorrow, isn't it fun and fun?
Rooney originally planned to ask Li Rui to go out to play together. The little fat man said that he would like to thank Li Rui for giving him an assist. However, when he was about to speak, he saw Mourinho calling Li Rui's name, little fat man Immediately oiled the soles of the feet very unkindly.

Li Rui just wanted to tell the little fat man not to mess around, be careful that it would be troublesome if Colleen finds out, but just as the words came to his lips, he saw Mourinho, and he quickly shut up.

"Li, remember when I said I would buy you a drink?" Mourinho said.

Li Rui was stunned for a moment, then remembered that this was when he just came to the Kearney training base. In the bar, Mourinho asked Li Rui to drink with him. Li Rui quickly explained that he drank without alcohol. of rum.He thought Mourinho was joking at the time, but now it seems that he is not joking?

"Uh—boss, I usually just drink some juice." Li Rui said, he didn't want Mourinho to have a bad impression of him.

"Okay then, you can just drink the juice." Mourinho shook his head and signaled Li Rui to follow him. Li Rui shrugged helplessly and followed behind Mourinho, as if he had been pissed off. Tongfang girl.

The two came to drink in the bar downstairs of the hotel.

There are already many people in the bar, most of these are hotel guests, many of them are England fans, and they are singing and dancing to celebrate at the moment.

These people appeared in the stands of the new Wembley Stadium more than an hour ago. Now, it is also a kind of enjoyment to gather together, chat about the game just now, and spank farts.

And the just-concluded England 3:1 France match was really exciting for the fans. If you don’t come out for a few drinks, chat a few words, and completely vent, you will lose sleep if you are not excited No wonder.

Engel is the owner of this bar. He is a die-hard Chelsea fan. However, he also respects Mourinho, even though Mourinho was fired by Abramovich long ago.

And now, Mourinho is the head coach of the England team, which also allows 'Engel' to find his 'love' again!
At the moment, Engel is sitting behind the bar and is busy. After every game day, the business in the bar will improve a lot.As for the England game, it goes without saying.

"Jose?" Engel was also a little surprised when he saw Mourinho, "You haven't been here for a while, and you've been staying in the hotel these days, but you haven't come either."

Seeing Mourinho coming with Li Rui, Engel greeted Mourinho from a distance. He and Mourinho are old friends.

"Hey Jose, what would you like to drink?"

"Munich stout." Mourinho said casually, then pointed to Li Rui, "Give him a glass of juice."

Engel agreed and got up to get busy.

Li Rui was sitting in his seat at the moment, and Monk Zhang Er was still a little puzzled. For no reason, the boss called him to "drink" together.

"Hey, Jose!" The other guests in the bar were also a little surprised. Since Mourinho resigned from the position of Chelsea's head coach, he hasn't been to this bar. Everyone is a little surprised to meet at this moment.

Mourinho smiled and greeted every fan he knew, most of them were Chelsea fans. Seeing the enthusiasm of Mourinho and the fans, Li Rui couldn't believe that this smiling man was actually The usual serious boss.

Moreover, Mourinho has long since resigned from the position of Chelsea's head coach. However, judging from this posture, Mourinho's popularity among Chelsea fans is still quite strong.

"Look, it's Li Rui!"

"Haha, it's Lee, hello Lee! It's good to see you beat up the French."

"Welcome, our hero!" A hiccupping fan who might spit it out at some point said with a thumbs up.

"Relax, they have no malice, they are your fans now." Mourinho joked to Li Rui.

At this time, the waiter brought over Mourinho's dark beer and Li Rui's juice. Mourinho glanced at Li Rui, "Only drink juice? Would you like a glass of wine?"

Before Li Rui said anything, Mourinho was already smiling. He picked up his beer glass and clinked glasses with Li Rui's juice, "Your birthday is still a few days away. Happy birthday to you."

Li Rui was a little dazed, how could Mourinho know his birthday?

As if aware of Li Rui's doubts, Mourinho smiled, "You have a lot of forms to fill out in the team."

Hearing this, Li Rui was a little relieved, but he was also a little moved in his heart. As the head coach of the team, it is really not easy for Mourinho to think of a player's birthday.

Moreover, Li Rui believes that the player's birthday that Mourinho remembers is not just his own!
This is really a different head coach.

PS: The seventh update, this is also the third update of Jiageng. The 220 monthly ticket plus update has also been updated!
Calculated in this way, this time, more than [-] words have been continuously updated, which can be called a record since the book was opened.

Everyone can see Xiao Qi's efforts. Speaking of which, he never thought of grabbing a monthly ticket before. The reason is very simple. The results of this book are dismal, and he has no capital to grab a monthly ticket.

But now, since I have decided to grab the monthly pass and decided to fight, I don't think about anything, and I just focus on fighting!
Brothers and sisters, you can rest assured that Xiaoqi will guarantee the quality.

The following plot has been almost conceived, and I guarantee that everyone will enjoy watching it, and the Chinese New Year will be coming soon, so it will not cause trouble for everyone.

Please ask for the monthly pass, during the double period, it is Xiaoqi's only hope this month, everyone is also Xiaoqi's only support, brothers and sisters who still have the monthly pass, help is here!
(End of this chapter)

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