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Chapter 525 During the double period, the last single chapter!It can be regarded as a testimony!

Chapter 525 Double period, the last single chapter!It can be regarded as a testimony!
I didn’t fall asleep until around four o’clock in the morning. I struggled to get up around nine o’clock in the morning, turned on the computer, and looked at the monthly pass. Several days of hard work were ruined.

I was in a daze in front of the computer, I didn’t know what to do, and my mind was empty. I went out for a walk, blowing the cold wind, ate a few buns, sat in front of the computer, and coded out this chapter.

Xiaoqi laughed, everyone is a man, who is afraid of whom!But, fight!Xiaoqi has nothing, but there is an end of refusal to admit defeat!In fact, Xiao Qi and the previous few giants who wrote competitions all know each other. They have helped Xiao Qi a lot, and Xiao Qi also knows that these god-like guys can grind Xiao Qi to nothing in a single chapter. But now, there is absolutely no such thing as giving up.hehe.

Man can lose, but will not admit defeat!
The first one is here!
Weeping blood begging for a monthly pass!
Get out of the way of the update arrangements mentioned earlier!

Guaranteed 4 updates today!
This is a guarantee of [-]!
Xiaoqi is going all out, the monthly pass is 350, tomorrow Xiaoqi will change 10!
If the monthly ticket reaches 400, on the basis of tomorrow's 10 updates, Xiaoqi will continue to explode for a week, with 7 updates every day, no less than [-]!

Spit a nail!

I dare to fight like this, brothers dare to continue? !

(End of this chapter)

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