green star

Chapter 526 I am the king here!

Chapter 526 I am the king here! (Second update! Ask for a monthly pass!)
Players from both sides ran out of the player tunnel, setting off the first climax in the stands of Anfield Stadium.
And when the Liverpool fans saw Li Rui appearing in Manchester United's starting lineup, they booed collectively in a tacit understanding.
"This is really interesting." Sky TV commentator Taibi joked, "Before the game, Li Rui and his family received death threats from Liverpool fans. It turned out that it was just a young man's prank. Expressed 'peace' to Li Rui, and then he received the greatest courtesy when he appeared on the stage."

"Haha." Lineker said with a smile, "I bet if Li Rui transfers to Liverpool, the fans who booed him will immediately worship him as a banner."

Taibi cast a glance at his partner, "Wherever he transfers to, he will be welcomed wildly. Of course, before that, you need to bring down Ferguson before you can let him go."

While the two were talking, Torres' name was called out on the stadium broadcast, and the boos were replaced by huge cheers and applause.

"Welcome Fernando—"

The Spanish striker walking in Liverpool's starting team raised his arms and waved to the fans. Liverpool fans used this way of cheering their leading striker to express their confrontation with Li Rui. However, it is undeniable that Torres' performance also worthy of this cheer:
This season, the Spanish striker has scored 19 goals in the league. Although there is still a gap of 4 goals from Li Rui, Torres is also expected to become the first Liverpool team since he scored 1995 goals in the 96-28 season. Liverpool players who scored more than [-] league goals in a single season.

Many Liverpool fans have begun to believe in a belief called Torres.They think the Spanish striker has a chance to become one of Liverpool's all-time greats.

"This is the first leg of the UEFA Champions League semi-final in the 2007-2008 season. Liverpool faced Manchester United at Anfield! Liverpool has only one Champions League title left to compete for this season, and the Champions League The status quo of the defending champion Manchester United seems to have given up the league and focused everyone's attention on the Champions League! This is a civil war in English football, and two teams with nearly a century of history of confrontation have come together! Welcome to watch Sky TV will broadcast live the first round of the 07-08 European Champions Cup semi-final for you!"

At this time, on the big screen of the stadium, the starting lists of the two sides began to be played.

Manchester United (4-3-3):
Goalkeeper: Van der Sar;

Defense: O'Shea, Brown, Vidic, Evra;

Midfielders: Carrick, Scholes, Giggs;

Forwards: Cristiano Ronaldo, Li Rui, Rooney;
Liverpool (4-3-1-2):
Goalkeeper: Reina;
Defense: Carragher, Arbeloa, Skrtel, Riise;
Midfielders: Mascherano, Gerrard, Alonso | Benayoun;
Forwards: Dirk, Torres;

The game is about to start, on the sidelines, Ferguson and Benitez shook hands.

Both of them touched hands and moved away. The relationship between Ferguson and Benitez was not harmonious, and Benitez once accused Ferguson of "behaving vulgarly", and the two shook hands only for outsiders to see. In fact, I know in my heart that the other party doesn't like me.

This is actually very interesting. When Arsenal and Manchester United played, Ferguson and Wenger were able to shake hands with a smile, even though the two had been fighting for nearly 10 years.

The subway fans in the main stand of Anfield Stadium kept shouting "Liverpool" and "Anfield", and there was a huge momentum. In the stands of the visiting team fans, although there were only a few thousand people, Manchester United fans did not show weakness , They tried their best to shout the name of Manchester United to cheer for their team.

In the middle circle of the stadium, Li Rui stood there, and a loud noise sounded in his ears:

'It's...European Cup...semi-finals again! ! ', Li Rui took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

At this time, beep—the referee's whistle sounded

The game has begun, no, it should be said, the battle has begun!
After the game started, the home team, Liverpool, with the belief that they must win, broke out with a crazy desire to attack. In fact, at Anfield Stadium, Liverpool is definitely one of the most difficult teams in Europe. The Red Army is in this great stadium. Their combat effectiveness can often be improved by dozens of percentage points compared with away games. In this regard, a Liverpool fan once said piously that it was because Bill Shankly watched his children in heaven and cheered for them.

No probing attacks!

The game quickly reached a fever pitch, and Liverpool launched a tidal attack towards Manchester United's goal.

Under Liverpool's offensive, the Liverpool fans in the stands at Anfield were even more crazy. As long as the Liverpool players had the ball, applause and cheers rang out crazily.

And as long as a Manchester United player gets the ball, the cheers that were boiling like boiling water half a second ago immediately turned into boos, and Li Rui was even more criticized by the Red Army fans because of his well-known bad relationship with Liverpool. Courtesy, as soon as Li Rui touches the ball, as soon as he takes the ball, the entire Anfield stadium is definitely full of boos, the world will change color, and ghosts and gods will be moved, unless the football leaves from Li Rui's feet , otherwise the booing would not stop, but intensify!

Li Rui received a pass from Giggs, he controlled the football, the boos immediately rose up, there was no need to warm up, and it reached a climax immediately.

Li Rui and Mascherano got entangled, and Li Rui fell to the ground. He sat on the ground and raised his hand to signal that Mascherano had fouled him. The referee shook his finger and told Li Rui to get up quickly.

boo boo! !
The booing at Anfield was once again countless decibels. Both Lineker and Taibi in the commentary booth felt that their eardrums were about to be perforated. They had to shout into the headset to make their voices , to the ears of the fans in front of the TV.

"For Li Rui, this is really an extremely difficult game..." Lineker sighed. He was also a famous shooter and knew the feeling of being booed by tens of thousands of people. People with average endurance will definitely be greatly affected, and their feet are probably going to be soft.

"It's so noisy!" Taibi complained, "I really want to see what will happen at Anfield if Li Rui scores a goal." In fact, this old guy has offended a lot of fans because of his 'outspokenness'.

"Haha, that must be spectacular!" Lineker exclaimed.

Torres received a pass from Dirk, intending to break through and shoot.

Brown immediately came up to defend, and the two entangled together. Brown thought he had blocked the angle of Torres' shot, but in the next second, he saw the Spanish shooter dexterously flicked the football, and at the same time pulled his body horizontally, finding Take advantage of this fleeting shooting space, swing your foot and shoot!
The football bounced off the ground in front of the goal. Such a ball was very dangerous. Van der Sar didn't dare to be careless, and fell to the ground and saved the football from the bottom line.

Then the Dutch veteran got up and yelled at Brown, "Wes, you are too soft!"

Alonso's corner kick passed into the penalty area, and Dirk Dirk grabbed the point, but his header failed to reach the power and went wide.

Even so, the cheers and applause at Anfield still made people feel the heat.

Then, the next moment, Li Rui received a pass from O'Shea in the frontcourt, and the cheers immediately turned into boos, and the camera followed Li Rui, his face was cold and frightening.

Is this a precursor to an outbreak? !
In the 13th minute of the game, Scholes was fouled by Alonso in the frontcourt, and he immediately took a free kick quickly.

When the football reached Ronaldo's feet, Mascherano knew how powerful the Portuguese was, so he immediately came up to intercept it.

Ronaldo stepped on the football and used his skillful foot skills to ensure that the football would not be taken away. Then he leaned to the left and suddenly pulled the ball.

Mascherano immediately judged that he was going to break through, stretched his legs to intercept, but saw the football roll past his feet, facing Mascherano's entanglement, Ronaldo passed the ball.

Rooney came up to respond, the little fat man leaned against Arbeloa behind him, but he made a half-turned shovel pass, and the football flew into the penalty area.

"Beautiful!!" Lineker applauded loudly!
Li Rui rushed towards the ball, and Skrtel followed him closely. This Slovak central defender, who became famous for successfully freezing Li Rui in the 17th round of the league, made a lot of small moves. Li Rui's clothes were pulled back, and at the same time, his feet were ready to tackle the ball. As long as the football was tackled out of the baseline, it would not be a big deal to give Manchester United a corner kick.

Li Rui guarded the football, looking for opportunities.

The boos at Anfield started when Li Rui ran towards the football, and at this moment, seeing him entangled with Skrtel, the boos even reached a climax!
The overwhelming boos, even in the TV broadcast, they couldn't really hear what the commentator was shouting. The audience could only hear the crazy boos, and they could feel it in front of the TV. It is conceivable how the atmosphere of the scene was. madness!

On the sidelines, Ferguson stood up. The old man clenched his fists and murmured, "Don't give them face! Goal! Boy!!!"

At this time, in front of the goal, Reina has already attacked. He is the kind of goalkeeper who is very active in front of the goal.This is also considered to be Reina's strengths.

However, at this time, Reina's attack made Li Rui see the fleeting opportunity. He took advantage of the trend and leaned back as hard as he could, keeping his balance with the other hand, stretching his body, and then the toe of his right foot touched the football. Pick the direction!
The football flew up, and Reina, who had already struck, tried to reach the ball, but the football barely passed over his head, and then fell——

Rolling into the goal, there is no suspense... Riise's return defense just kicked the football to the net, and failed to save the lost goal!

1:0! !
The boos at Anfield stopped abruptly.This goal put the stadium into a temporary vacuum for a few seconds, and Liverpool fans were stunned by this conceded goal.

"Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" It's clear!

Li Rui was lying on the ground, watching the football pass over Reina's head, and then it fell into the net! !

There was a bright smile on his face, it was a smile from the bottom of his heart, this smile was captured by the camera that followed him all the time, it was so exciting!
Then, like a lunatic, Li Rui broke away from Rooney who rushed up to hug him to celebrate, followed by the cameras of the audience, ran around the stadium for more than 500 meters, and came to the stand where the most die-hard Liverpool fans gathered, roaring crazily— —

"Shh! Why don't you shhh! You bastards!!!"

Like a male lion that was irritated and vented wildly, Li Rui unconsciously swung his arms and roared hysterically!

You insult my football!

insult my family!

Let the boos fill the sky!

Now, why not boo!
In the end, Li Rui waved his arms vigorously towards the night sky of Anfield again, and then raised his hands under the craziest stands of Anfield Stadium, shouting: "Go to **** Liverpool! Go to **** Anfield!! He is the king here!"

PS: The second part of the guarantee is here. This is a chapter of 4000 words. Today’s guarantee is 5000, and there are still 3000 words left. Let’s use another chapter to release it. Now it’s a competition, and a chapter of [-] words is too little , a bit unsatisfying should be.

Now, there are still 6 hours left before the end of the double monthly pass. No matter what the result is, Xiao Qi is here to thank brothers and sisters, you have accompanied Xiao Qi to fight this time!
Although very tired, although very sleepy, although also a little sad.

However, Xiaoqi has no regrets. To be honest, it’s really fun to fight. The state of crazy coding in front of the computer for nearly 18 hours without sleep can’t be described in words. Everyone is Xiaoqi. In order to fulfill the promise, Xiao Qi is really crazy. It's strange that he really doesn't feel tired in the state of completely overloaded code words.

This is probably because there is something called persistence in my heart.

Hehe, having said so much, do you think Xiaoqi is going to give up?

No, the double monthly pass is just a stage. Maybe, at the end of the double monthly pass, Xiaoqi is completely blown up and has no hope.

However, as long as it is not over, there is hope, hehe, Xiaoqi will not give up until the end of the month, it is not Xiaoqi's act to give up halfway!
Only insist!

Now, there are still 6 hours before the double monthly pass, as before, Xiaoqi is going all out, the monthly pass is 350, tomorrow Xiaoqi will change at 10!
If the monthly ticket reaches 400, on the basis of tomorrow's 10 updates, Xiaoqi will continue to explode for a week, with 7 updates every day, no less than [-]!

Really worked hard, very hard! !

However, there are only 6 hours left, 350 votes away from 38 votes (actually 19 votes away), 400 votes away from 88 votes (actually 44 votes away), such a gap——

Will there be a miracle?

Finally, ask for a monthly pass for a double period!

Weeping blood please!

(End of this chapter)

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