The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 146 Mr. Su is Here

Chapter 146 Mr. Su is Here (Part [-])

"You old man, my grandson himself is reluctant to criticize, when will it be your turn to criticize!" As soon as Jian Guozheng's words fell, there was an angry voice from outside.

Hearing this voice, the people present couldn't help but froze for a moment.Especially Su Lingxuan, his expression froze, and the silly smile on his face couldn't cover up the little surprise in his heart, didn't he arrive the day after he finished speaking?Why today...

"You old bastard, you even fooled your own grandson!" Jian Guozheng knew it was the old guy Su Kai when he heard the voice.

Later, the old man laughed and walked to Jian Guozheng's side, and the two old men just smiled and looked at each other without speaking.

"Grandpa Su!"

"Grandpa!" Jian Zelin, Yan Shaochen, and Su Ling got up and politely saluted Su Kai who was sitting next to Jian Guozheng.

Su Kai didn't bother to look at these three bastards, they were all 30 years old, and they were not in a hurry to get married and have children.He felt troubled when he saw the three of them looking like dogs, so he didn't look at them at all.

Su Lingxuan naturally knew his grandfather's temper, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he winked at the two brothers beside him, and they sat down together again, not daring to speak, just staring at the two old men like that.

Even Jian Qiyang was taken aback. This old Su really hasn't changed at all. After all these years, he still has a hot-tempered personality, so he can leave as soon as he wants to?It's the same as the concept of young people today. If you have nothing to do, take a trip as soon as you say it.

But the son and daughter-in-law of the family also left as soon as they said they wanted to, and never played their cards according to common sense.This is really hereditary, and looking at his father and son, Jian Qiyang sighed helplessly, every place is similar, just that stubborn donkey-like temper is really like the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead!
"You old bastard, are you overjoyed? Look at your radiant face, huh?" Su Kai stretched out his big hand and tapped Jian Guozheng's shoulder, "You didn't say anything after you returned home, so I'm still here The world is looking for you outside!"

"If it wasn't for that bastard Su Jianxi who came to visit me, I wouldn't know that you old bastard has returned to China!" Su Kai glanced at Jian Zelin and the three sitting beside him like wooden piles, "If you find a treasure, I'm afraid I'll snatch it away!" What's the matter? Don't even tell me!"

Jian Guo is familiar with this old comrade-in-arms and can no longer be familiar with. The two were in the same army when they were young, and then they recovered and were assigned to the same city. After that, the two went to sea. They were both opponents and partners for most of their lives. All mixed together.Of course, there is also Xue Zhiyan's grandfather who has passed away. Thinking of this, Jian Guozheng can't help but feel a little disappointed. It would be great if Lao Xue was still alive?
"I don't have any baby! But I found the baby bump on the apex of my heart!" Jian Guozheng didn't say who it was, just smiled, and looked at Su Kai's reaction with treachery.

Su Kai can say this, Jian Guozheng knows that Su Jianxi and his wife must have said what Xue Zhiyan said, so he has to give old Su a chance to speak?
Su Kai rolled his eyes at the old brother who was smiling in front of him, and looked at Jian Zelin and the three of them angrily, pointing to the tip of their noses, "What are you looking at, I know that we are two old things at home all day long, can we What is it like to give birth to a daughter-in-law for you?"

The three brothers who were dizzy by this sudden rebuke, the three of you look at me, I look at you and don't know what to do.They were shot while lying down, and the three of them secretly thought, how did the good things get involved in the three of them?

Seeing the stupid looks of these three people, Su Kai became even more angry, and directly slapped the table, "You three, hurry up and find a girl, find a girl, and find a wife, don't follow this and look at us. Old man, what do you want to listen to if we both have something to say?"

Ah, the three of them understood this time, they thought they were getting in the way by sitting here!The three of them laughed and bowed again, before going out.

Looking at the figures of the three, Jian Qiyang shook his head helplessly, and got up to go upstairs, after all, he would be the next one to be stabbed.

Jian Guozheng and Su Kai directly ignored Jian Qiyang, doing what they love.It's just that Su Kai looked at his grandson's back, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt annoyed, and when he got angry, he called his brother three again.

"I'm telling you, if you get together again, the three of you will really become diamond kings!" Su Kai didn't know what to say, every time he let them go out, these people would go out obediently, why did they go out? ?These guys went to the bar to get high by themselves, it was completely different from what he thought, there was no woman around him!

"Hey, grandpa, it's the same now!" Su Lingxuan stroked the back of his head fearlessly, smiling like a fool.

"I'll tell you Su Lingxuan, if you fight with me again, don't blame me for being rude!" Su Kai also knows what kind of temper his grandson has, and his son simply treats him with a free-ranging attitude. Don't be angry with the couple, "If you can't bring a wife back before you turn 30, I'll arrange one for you!"

"Hey, grandpa, I'm 30 years old, I'm sure I'll find a wife when I'm 30 years old!" Su Lingxuan continued to pretend to be stupid, he could be as gentle as water to Xue Zhiyan, and as cold as ice to outsiders, but he could only play tricks on his own grandfather, " Find a girlfriend at the age of 30, talk about marriage at the age of 35, and give birth to a big fat grandson before the age of 40."

"After careful calculation, there are only thirteen or four years left, not too long!" Jian Zelin added without fear of death, and stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Sensing Su Kai's sharp gaze, Yan Shaochen quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Grandpa, I didn't say anything!"

"Go away! Everyone's belly is full of bad water!" Su Kai rolled his eyes at them, and lost all anger after being made by these boys.

"Let the children make their own decisions. You don't feel too tired to worry about them every day at such an age!" Jian Guozheng sipped the tea brought by Yu Ma, looking at the boys The figure shook his head.

Why didn't he want to make arrangements for Jian Zelin, but he was helpless, Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin were two children with ideas, and they would definitely not obediently listen to his arrangements.

"Go, I'll take you to see my baby!" Jian Guozheng patted Su Kai on the shoulder, and walked to the living room with his hands behind his back.

The three brothers who had just sat down saw the two old men coming, so they hurriedly raised their farts.The stock vacated the ground, and the province was scolded for a while.The three of them were just about to move to the first basement floor when they were stopped by Jian Guozheng.

"Go, call those little girls upstairs, let this old man open his eyes today!"

The three of you look at me, I look at you, and finally agreed that Jian Zelin is the best candidate.Yan Shaochen had just been molested just now, so it was naturally impossible for him to be delivered to his door.No matter what Su Lingxuan said, he was just a guest when he walked through the door. If his grandfather wasn't there, he would go there. This old man suddenly appeared, so naturally he didn't dare to make his own way.

Jian Zelin sighed, thinking about this amazing job, he is really suitable for him.Shaking his head, he walked upstairs helplessly.

 Today's third update is here~~ Big guys, give Weiliang some motivation~~ Free favorites and comments, poke hard~~
(End of this chapter)

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