The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 147 Mr. Su is Here

Chapter 147 Mr. Su is Coming (Part [-])
Jian Zelin stood in front of Xue Zhiyan's room door, and heard the laughter coming from inside, thinking that it was the same before, when he opened the door and went in, he saw Xue Zhiyan...

I don't know why, but I felt my face was burning, and thinking of the scenes of Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian playing and laughing before and during the meal, I felt my face was burning even more.

Jian Zelin, who was stunned at the door and didn't know what to do, realized for the first time that he was also in such embarrassment.

It's just that before he had time to think about anything, the door opened, and Xue Zhiyan straightened his collar while looking at Zi Xiang's room with a smile, and walked out of the room.

As soon as he turned around, he collided with Jian Zelin who was standing at the door. Xue Zhiyan yelled, and Jian Zelin hugged her waist, for fear that she would fall.

To be honest, October is coming to an end, Xue Zhiyan lived at Chiqian's place for the whole month, and he never had a chance to see her. They saw Xue Zhiyan's figure on their bodies, as if they were the Xue Zhiyan who stabbed him.

The person in his arms should have gained some flesh this month, and his waist is not as skinny as when he held it before, but he prefers the feel of her waist now, and there is no trace of fat on her slender waist. But it is fleshy in the hand.

"Why did you come up here?" Xue Zhiyan patted her chest, comforting her beating little heart, and looked at him suspiciously.

In order to avoid him, try to seldom go back to Jane's house.And he promised Jian Guozheng that she would not come back until Yan Shaochen removed the plaster for her again.

To be honest, she was still a little afraid of seeing Jian Zelin, because she couldn't help but think of his bloodless face that day.But I was afraid of returning home, and I still looked forward to seeing him in my heart.The words I said are always echoing in my ears, no matter how well I conceal it, some things that shouldn't happen still happen, just like her feelings for him.

Originally thought that her feelings for him were nothing more than the kind of dependence and trust left in her heart when she was a child.But when she saw Jian Zelin sleeping beside her weakly, she realized that her relationship had deteriorated, surpassing that kind of dependence.She didn't want to lose him, she didn't want to from the bottom of her heart, she wanted him to live well, even if she left him again, as long as he was well.

She wanted to hide it well, but she didn't expect Chen Hang to break all her disguises.In desperation, for his own good, she could only hide out.Chi Qian's place is a good place to go, otherwise he would stay with Liang Huan for a long time, and sooner or later he would find an excuse to take her home.Some things are hidden as long as possible, once exposed, it can never be undone.

"Uh..." Xue Zhiyan looked at him with pouted lips, which gave him an urge to bite on him. He didn't know how to answer Xue Zhiyan's question.

"Then let me go first, I'm going to the bathroom!" Xue Zhiyan twisted his body as he spoke, and found that he couldn't get rid of Jian Zelin's embrace at all, he couldn't just hold it like this, but it would burst his bladder!

Jian Zelin stared fixedly at Xue Zhiyan's frowning face, noticing her displeasure, frowned indistinctly, and let go of her arms. "Grandpa asked me to call you down, there are guests coming!"

After Jian Zelin finished speaking, Xue Zhiyan nodded, "We'll go down later, you go down first!" As soon as Xue Zhiyan heard Jian Zelin's words, he knew that someone must be here, otherwise Jian Guo, an ordinary guest, would not let him come up and call Four of them.

Xue Zhiyan came out of the bathroom and ran over. When passing by Jian Zelin, Jian Zelin reached out to hold her, "Can't you be careful?"

"Yo, Big Ice Cube, will you care about people?" Chi Qian opened the door with a smile, "I heard the downstairs is quite lively, let's go and have a look?"

"I was just about to say, grandpa said let us go down, there are guests!" Xue Zhiyan calmly broke away from Jian Zelin and held her hand.

"Well, grandpa also said that except for Qianqian, the three of you can't make a sound or talk!" Chiqian laughed after Jian Zelin said this.

Of course she laughed, it must be that smelly old man!The smile in Chi Qian's eyes was very mysterious, which made Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan feel goose bumps all over their bodies.

Xue Zhiyan patted Jian Zelin on the back, "Carry me down, it's inconvenient to walk!"

Jian Zelin frowned in displeasure, forget it, I told her by myself, if it is inconvenient, I will ask someone for help.It's just that I've never seen someone so confident and reasonable in asking for help.

Xue Zhiyan watched Jian Zelin turn his back to her, proudly made a victory gesture to several people, and then lay down firmly on the ground.

The old man in the living room was startled when he saw Chi Qian, and then calmed down in an instant. He knew how crazy this girl was, but he didn't expect to stay in the country obediently this time.

Looking at the two young girls following behind, Su Kai had a headache. They were both tall and thin, with long hair, and there was a spirit in their eyebrows and eyes, but they just felt that something was wrong.

Looking at the girl on Jian Zelin's back, she is even more miraculous, she is really the first one who can make this ice cube boy approach women, especially when she is willing to carry her downstairs.

Taking a closer look at the girl's appearance, the eyebrows and eyes are exactly the same as hers!Su Kai laughed instantly, patted his thigh, and pointed at Jian Zelin, "Stinky boy, quickly carry your wife on your back, and let grandpa take a good look at it!"

These words made everyone present gasp. This was the last thing these two misfits wanted to hear.I don't know what will happen to the small volcano that just went out, and the big ice that just started to thaw.

"Old man, let me tell you, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!" Xue Zhiyan patted Jian Zelin on the shoulder, and motioned him to let her go. You can walk on the flat ground by yourself, why are you still carrying her on your back?
Seeing that Jian Zelin didn't move, Xue Zhiyan simply pinched him secretly, and Jian Zelin, who was in pain, turned his head angrily and stared at the person lying on his shoulder.It's not that he doesn't want to let go, it's just that he is a little bit reluctant.

Xue Zhiyan quickly jumped off his back, limped to the sofa where Yan Shaochen was sitting just now, and stared at the old man who called her "Jian Zelin's wife" just now.

"He, at best, is one of my fiancés. I don't know who I will marry in the future. Do you know?" Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes in displeasure. Why did this old man mess up the couple when they met?

"Ouch!" Su Kai straightened up, leaned forward slightly, stretched out his big hand, and pampered Xue Zhiyan's smiling face, "This lovely granddaughter! She's much better than your mother!"

"When I was young, I was a eloquent ghost spirit, and this is even more so when I grow up!" Su Kai burst into tears while talking, why?Think of Lao Xue!

When the granddaughter of the old Xue family was first born, she wanted to marry a baby, but her daughter-in-law and Lao Xue's daughter-in-law were cousins, and these two children were also cousins, so they had to give up.

 The fourth change is la la la la ~~ Where is the collection?Where are the comments?Don't play peek-a-boo with Weiliang~~
(End of this chapter)

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