Chapter 148
After hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, Jian Zelin felt as if something was stuck in his heart, and he couldn't pull it out or insert it in, feeling uncomfortable.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan's dazed face, he was angry for no reason.Regardless of the old man Su's presence, he pinched Xue Zhiyan's face with a doting expression, and said a word coldly, Xue Zhiyan's answer was even more tender to Lei's audience.

"If you want a figure without a figure, a tutor without a tutor, neither gentle and virtuous, nor tender, marry a hedgehog as your wife, it is better not to marry!" After speaking, my heart hurt even more, but I had to endure it, my eyes drifted deliberately Open, don't look at Xue Zhiyan.

"Di Wei is good. She has a good figure and a pretty face. She needs a tutor. She is gentle and virtuous. She is tender like water. Being with you is like a vine, and I can't wait to entangle you for a while. Holding it is definitely not as good as a hedgehog. You marry Kill her!" Xue Zhiyan didn't know why he said such sour words, and suddenly remembered the action of Jian Zelin hugging Di Wei at KTV that night.Glancing at Jian Zelin, he continued to say angrily:

"If you want to marry her, hurry up. Tell me in advance that I will prepare a generous gift. By the way, I will invite all my sisters to celebrate with me. Finally, you don't have to tie your name as Jian Zelin's fiancée. How easy it is!"

Jian Zelin was momentarily speechless by what she said, so she gave her a hard look, thinking that the beauty you want, I won't let you get it!I will haunt you for the rest of my life, annoying you to death!

etc?Why do you want to pester her for the rest of your life? Why do you have this idea?Seeing Jian Zelin's expression getting more and more serious, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen shook their heads at the same time and sighed.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan, he found that she was still like a big rooster in a fight, eagerly waiting for Jian Zelin to hit her back.

Just saying those words, how much pain in her heart, only she knows.Even if I am reluctant in every possible way, after all, after so many years, I dare not have any extravagant demands.

"Your appearance is inherited from Yan Xi, but your temper is inherited from Xue Li, a virtue!" Su Kai finally moved his calloused hands away, sat back on the sofa, satisfied Looking at Xue Zhiyan in front of him, he pointed to the gap on the nanmu tea table, "I just don't know if this tea art has been inherited from your mother?"

Xue Zhiyan looked at Su Kai, raised his eyebrows, and stopped worrying about the matter between Jian Zelin and her. Sooner or later, the day will pass, and she will watch him happy. "What kind of tea do you want to drink? Grandpa Su!"

This time it was Jian Guozheng and the others' turn to be surprised. He had never told her that this was Su Lingxuan's grandfather, so how did she know?

"Look at the grandson of Su Lingxuan!" Xue Zhiyan glanced at Su Lingxuan with a smirk, slowly washed the tea set, and said slowly.

Su Lingxuan was taken aback for a moment, then stretched out his hand to pinch the back of Xue Zhiyan's neck, and did not forget to bark his teeth at Xue Zhiyan, warning her not to talk nonsense.

"I'm not wrong! You are indeed Grandpa Su's grandson!" Xue Zhiyan refused this time. He put down the tea set and pouted on the sofa, stopping what he was doing.

Su Kai glared at Su Lingxuan, and Su Lingxuan immediately reached out to help Xue Zhiyan hold Xue Zhiyan's shoulder, acting like a little follower.Xue Zhiyan sat motionless on the sofa, pouted.

Jian Zelin didn't know why looking at the two of them, he felt panicked, especially panicked.If it wasn't for the education he received from childhood to remind him, he would definitely turn around and leave.

Why can you act coquettishly when you are with Su Lingxuan, but you have to be tit for tat when you are with yourself?Could it be that she really wanted to stay away from him and fall into the arms of others?

Wait, she never seemed to throw herself into his arms, did she?

At this moment, Young Master Jian, who had never had any emotional experience, didn't know that Xue Zhiyan in front of him deliberately confronted him in order to hide his true feelings for him. He just didn't want him to find out her feelings. Maintain the status quo so that you can stay by his side.

Of course, Miss Xue Zhiyan only cared about guessing other people's thoughts, only cared about others, and forgot to feel with her heart.It was because of these words and actions against their will that the two of them almost passed by each other.

"Okay, that's enough, we're still waiting for tea!" Feng Ziyao, who had been watching the show, yawned big, and glanced at Xue Zhiyan, who was acting.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan looking at her, Liang Huan pointed to his watch, reminding her to make tea quickly, and then she should go back to Qianqian's side.

Xue Zhiyan understood, and patted Su Lingxuan's hand on her shoulder, "I will spare you today!"

The corner of Su Ling's mouth twitched, there was really nothing he could do about her. "Thank you Miss Xue for your mercy."

Standing aside, Yan Shaochen suppressed a smile, slapped his brother, and said in a voice that could be heard by two people: "She is the only one who can treat you well, hurry up and get married!"

As he said that, he still didn't forget to look at Su Kai who was sitting there, and raised his eyebrows, "Anyway, grandpa also urged me, hurry up!"

After hearing what his brother said, Su Lingxuan shook his head helplessly, with a wry smile unconsciously on the corner of his mouth.

After washing the tea set, Xue Zhiyan raised his head and looked at the two old men who were sitting together with expectant faces, their eyes were about to glow green.

"Let me tell you first, you two are old, and drinking tea at night will affect your sleep, so I will make a pack of tea and go to rest as soon as I finish, otherwise I will lose my face."

After speaking, he looked at the two old men with a serious face, only to see Jian Guozheng nodding his head.Su Kai next to him saw that the old man Jian, who had always said nothing, was like this, so he quickly followed suit, otherwise it would be difficult for the lost granddaughter to get angry.

Seeing the two old men nodding in agreement, Xue Zhiyan began to pick up tea, wash the tea, and divide the tea.During this period, all the old and young gathered around did not say a word, and looked at Xue Zhiyan seriously until the faint fragrance of tea wafted over.

Not to mention Mr. Su, Mr. Jian hasn't had the tea made by Xue Zhiyan for a while.Seeing the satisfied expression on Jian Guozheng's face, Xue Zhiyan knew that there were too many things going on these days, and he was too worried.

"Grandpa, when Yanyan comes back, I will make tea for you every day!" Xue Zhiyan smiled nicely, and his white front teeth flashed to Jian Zelin who was standing behind Jian Guozheng.

"Yan girl, do you want to go to Su's house with Grandpa Su for two days, and follow this boring old thing all day, it's boring," Su Kai put down his teacup, and looked at Xue Zhiyan expectantly.

The more he looked at this girl, the more he liked him. If it weren't for the fact that she and Su Lingxuan were cousins, she might have become his granddaughter-in-law long ago.He is not old at heart, and he can fully see the carelessness of his grandson.

"Hey, stinky old man, you think beautifully, this girl is mine!" Chi Qian, who had never said anything, patted Elder Su on the shoulder and raised her eyebrows, "My Xiao Zhiyan's feet are not healed yet, you Where do you want to take her for a walk?"

Before Elder Su could answer, Yan Shaochen looked at the elder with a serious expression on his face, "Grandpa Su, there is a reason why you came back suddenly this time, right?"

 Today's fifth update~ When Weiliang is at home, I will try to update as early as possible, unless there is something that delays~~ I also hope that friends will support Weiliang, a newcomer~~
(End of this chapter)

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