The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 149 Terminal Lung Cancer

Chapter 149 Terminal Lung Cancer
"Grandpa, there is a reason why you came back suddenly this time, right?" Yan Shaochen looked confidently at the stubborn old man Su, who would not return home easily.

When Su Kai heard Yan Shaochen's words, the smile on his face froze, but it was only fleeting. "It's not that our family, Zelin, is about to celebrate his 28th birthday. I think that as an elder, I have to come back to join in the fun, right?"

"I'm tired of wandering around outside by myself, and getting together with you young people will also give me some energy!" I laughed out loud as I spoke, and looked at Xue Zhiyan, "This time our little baby I’m back, of course I have to come back and have a look!”

But what he said was just to confuse these girls, those big men who had already been in charge would not believe it.

Mr. Su looked at these children with disbelief, and didn't bother to say anything. He just waved his hand, "You little fellows, go ahead and do what you want. I'll say something sweet to my old brother!"

As she said that, she pushed Chi Qian a little bit, "You girl is so troublesome, hurry up and take your little friends out of the way!"

One second he was asking Xue Zhiyan if he wanted to go to Su's house with him, and the next second he hurriedly sent him away. What's going on?Xue Zhiyan just didn't understand the situation at all, and sat on the sofa in a daze, looking at this weird old man.

Chi Qian was also dazed by the old man's sudden change of attitude. She glanced at Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao, shrugged, and walked outside with Xue Zhiyan.

"That girl!" When they were about to reach the door, Su Kai behind him suddenly called out, and they turned their heads to look at Elder Su and each other, but they didn't know who they were calling.

Several people looked at Elder Su's gaze, and finally turned their attention to Feng Ziyao.Feng Ziyao was confused, and pointed to the tip of his nose, "Me?"

Elder Su looked at Feng Ziyao and nodded with a smile, and said slowly, "Go back and tell Yao Xin that she, Teacher Su, is back!"

"Ah?" The four girls were even more surprised when they heard Mr. Su's words.This Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan didn't report their family background, and the old man just came back, so how did they know?

Before the four of them could ask, this Elder Su waved his hand again to bid them farewell.Seeing the figures of the girls disappear, Mr. Su leaned on the sofa as if he had lost all strength.

Su Lingxuan and the others sat on the sofa after hearing the sound of the car gradually disappearing, and looked at Su Kai seriously.Even Jian Guozheng found out that this old brother was not right, so he hurriedly drove these girls away, does he have anything to say?
"Why don't you guys leave?" Su Kai looked up, and found that his grandson and two other grandsons, Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen, who were not his own grandsons but were better than his own grandsons, were both sitting upright, staring at him intently, and wrinkled impatiently. frown.

"Grandpa, Qianqian and Yanyan are stupid, but we are not stupid!" Jian Zelin raised his lips catching traces.

Jian Guozheng looked back nervously, and found that there were not many girls around. He breathed a sigh of relief, and rolled his eyes at his grandson, "If Yanyan and Qianqian hear you say they are stupid, let's see if they don't pick you up." skin!"

"Grandpa, just say it directly, don't let us guess!" Yan Shaochen heard Jian Guozheng's words, and a few drops of cold sweat rolled down his forehead. If they really heard this, the four of them would go to bed together, okay?

Su Kai glanced at his grandson, and found that his grandson's expression was getting more and more serious, so he sighed, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and threw it on the tea table in front of several people.

Su Lingxuan looked at the words written on the paper, and frowned slightly. His originally serious face was now more worried, and even his hand holding the paper began to tremble.

Su Ling's eyes turned red, and he glared angrily at the old man who was sitting opposite him, leaning leisurely on the sofa, and instantly felt that his hair was much grayer.

"You've come to this point, why don't you just lie down in the hospital and go out for a stroll?" Su Lingxuan held back his tears so that they wouldn't flow out, who said that men don't flick their tears easily, but they haven't reached the point of sadness.

Yan Shaochen and Jian Zelin read what was written on the paper at the same time, and both sighed helplessly.But they couldn't comfort their brother, they just patted Su Lingxuan on the shoulder.

Yan Shaochen rubbed his temples that were beginning to swell, and sighed heavily.As a doctor, he knew what "terminal lung cancer" on the paper meant.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the old man who seemed to be asleep on the sofa. This old man who doted on them very much is only 70 years old now, just...

"What are you yelling! Old man, I'm not dead yet!" Su Kai rolled his eyes at his grandson displeased, saw Jian Guozheng's trembling hands, looked at him in disbelief, and quickly got up and took the piece of paper in Jian Guozheng's hand. He snatched back the medical certificate and stuffed it into his pocket, "I'm telling you, no one will tell me to go to the hospital. I came back to see that little girl for the last time, and I will die in peace!"

Listening to his words, Su Lingxuan bit her lower lip and lowered her head, not looking at him anymore.He knew the old man's stubbornness. Under his influence since childhood, if Su Lingxuan became stubborn, he would not lose to him at all.

"Also, keep it from me, girl!" Su Kai said and glanced at Jian Guozheng, "When Ze Lin's birthday is over, I will return to Country A and be admitted to the hospital to die!"


"Shut up, I know what you want to say, I'll tell your parents when I get back!" Su Kai knew his grandson's temper, and pointed to Yan Shaochen, "Arrange me a ward at your place tomorrow, I'm not feeling well The time will pass, and the fee will be charged to that kid Ling Xuan!"

After speaking, Su Kai stretched, got up and walked outside.After walking a few steps, looking back at Su Lingxuan who was sitting on the sofa in a decadent manner, he cleared his throat, "Boy, why don't you go and wait for the old man to drive you home?"


When Chi Qian was free, she would follow Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan to wait. She loved this small coffee shop very much. She only came here a few times and reserved a special place.

Xue Zhiyan's situation is getting better and better. When the few people are not busy, they will sit in Chiqian's exclusive seat to chat and drink tea.After a few days in a row, Chi Qian also found a pattern, as long as it's ten o'clock in the morning, there will definitely be a brother who brings roses.

This happened again today, the sharp-eyed Chi Qian was blocked at the door as soon as the courier brother entered.He snatched the receipt from the other person, signed his name boldly, and then put the rose directly in the hand of the welcoming little puppet at the door.

The doll was designed by Feng Ziyao and her. It can be used to hold an umbrella with water on rainy days, but it is useless on sunny days. It just so happens that this bouquet of roses can be placed for a while, so there is no need to think that the flowers are in the way on the counter.

As long as they like it, customers who come to wait can take a few away. Not only will Xue Zhiyan not be unhappy, but he is more than happy for them to go away, so as not to waste it there.

While drinking hot water, Liang Huan walked to the door. The naive doll hugged a rose in his arms, and knew that the little courier had come.

Picking up a delicate rose, put it under the nose and smelled it, looked inside, and shouted to the counter in a hoarse voice, "The daily bouquet of roses has arrived, the empress will accept it!"

Hearing her hoarse voice, Xue Zhiyan curled his lips impatiently. He couldn't take it anymore. He looked up at Liang Huan and Chiqian with a smirk, then lowered his head and continued to work on the things in his hands.

What happened to Chi Qian's voice?Nothing, just a cold.

 Today’s first update~ Added a favorite~ Very happy~~ Let’s go on like this, one day will be added, wow hahaha~~ But I didn’t subscribe yesterday~ Weiliang Niuzi squatted in the corner to reflect on herself~
(End of this chapter)

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