The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 150 I Know About Them Slowly

Chapter 150 I Know About Them Slowly

Xue Zhiyan, Liang Huan and Chi Qian sat together, enjoying the leisure time while basking in the sun and drinking tea.

Chi Qian frowned slightly, playing with the phone in her hand, not to mention the serious expression on her usually joking little face, there was an indescribable beauty.

"What's wrong?" Xue Zhiyan saw that something was wrong with Chi Qian's state, and asked with concern.

Chi Qian shook her head, frowning slightly like a small rope twisted together, telling the two people in front of her of her tangled thoughts.

"Zhiyan, have they called you these two days?" Chi Qian thought for a while and decided to ask.

Xue Zhiyan took a sip of the hot grapefruit tea, which was sweet and sour. Hearing Chi Qian's question, her brows twitched slightly, "They? Who are they?"

"It's those two stinky old men! Didn't they call you?" Chi Qian looked at Xue Zhiyan incredulously, and was even more sure that there was something wrong with the two old men, Jian Guozheng and Su Kai.

"Why are you looking for me?" Xue Zhiyan was even more confused, what exactly did Chi Qian mean by this question?

"Didn't I call you to have a meal or make some tea?" Chi Qian still refused to believe it, and continued to ask, but did not explain to Xue Zhiyan why she asked.

These two old men must be wrong, with how much they treasure Xue Zhiyan, it is impossible for several days to pass without asking Xue Zhiyan to come over for dinner.

"What's the matter?" Xue Zhiyan was stunned by Chi Qian's question, looked at Liang Huan in confusion, and asked her for help.

Chi Qian frowned and took a sip of coffee, then shook her head, "Then you called old man Jian these two days, did the old man say anything?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head like a big fool, "No, I said as usual that I will come out slowly today, and it's gone!"

"No, these two old men must be holding back something bad!" Chi Qian was suddenly very excited after hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, and raised her voice, "With the temper of those two old men, they haven't asked you to eat for so many days, there must be something wrong !"

"Why do you have to ask her to eat?" Liang Huan, who had been holding back all this time, finally opened his mouth, not because she had a cold and a sore throat, but mainly because she didn't understand the meaning of Chi Qian's words, "Besides, that day Didn't grandpa say that Jian Zelin's birthday is coming up, so let's eat it then!"

"It's not that simple!" Chi Qian threw her mobile phone on the table, huddled on the sofa in exactly the same posture as Xue Zhiyan, and took a sip of coffee, "What do these two old men's treasures Xue Zhiyan look like, just say Me, when my dad took me back, those two old men once mistook me for Xue Zhiyan, so this old man Su has been back for four days, and he hasn't asked her to come over for dinner and tea, there must be something wrong!"

"Think about it, he is so precious to Xue Zhiyan. I haven't seen him for more than ten years. Now that I can see him, I wish I could hold her in her palm and watch him every day!" Chi Qian said, looking at Xue Zhiyan, and she was even more sure of the two. The old man has something to say, "So, there are only two opinions, either the two old men haven't discussed it yet, about whose house Xue Zhiyan will stay in, or the two old men have already discussed it, but haven't told you yet, wait for the opportunity !"

As soon as Chi Qian finished speaking, before Xue Zhiyan and Liang slowly digested it, Xue Zhiyan's funny bell rang.

It was the cry of the cute pet in the anime that Xue Zhiyan liked to watch. In Feng Ziyao's words, "It's a ringtone and you don't need any personal belongings. If you have a heart attack, you will be scared to death."

Chi Qian snatched Xue Zhiyan's phone, and Su Lingxuan's three large characters kept jumping on the screen.Chi Qian raised her eyebrows at the two of them, "Are you coming?"

Liang Huan raised his eyebrows, cleared his throat, "Pick it up first, let's see what he says!" His voice was still a little hoarse, it seemed that the cold was showing signs of seriousness.

Chi Qian connected the phone before it hung up, and quickly pressed the hands-free button, and Su Lingxuan's pleasant voice came out from the phone.

"Xiao Zhiyan, it's been so long since I answered the phone, do you miss my brother?" The voice sounded so frivolous, if one didn't know him well, one would have thought the caller was a prodigal son.

The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched, Liang Huan made a motion to vomit, Chi Qian pulled a smirk from the corner of his mouth, and cleared his throat, "Little brother, be careful, there are so many of us!"

When Su Lingxuan heard Chi Qian's voice, he was stunned for a moment, but soon recovered to normal. It's normal for them to hang out together all day long.

"Grandpa said..."

"Grandpa said let's go over for dinner tonight, right?" Before Su Lingxuan could finish speaking, Chi Qian said the rest, with a smug smirk on her face.

"Well, tonight, we will visit the pavilion." Su Lingxuan was not at all surprised by Chi Qian's guess, he knew that Chi Qian understood the temperament of these two old people, "The three of you call Feng Ziyao, are you waiting?" Wait for me to pick you up, let's go there together."

"Do you still want to call Yaoyao?" Liang Huan asked, and when he realized that his voice was wrong, he quickly covered his mouth and stopped speaking.

"My grandfather said that he likes you and Yaoyao very much, so let's go together, it's lively!" Su Lingxuan frowned when he heard Liang Huan's hoarse voice, should he reveal this to Yan Shaochen, so that he can be courteous?Although he hasn't asked Yan Shaochen yet, it can be seen that Yan Shaochen is interested in Liang Huan.

"Then you called Yaoyao, why did you ask us to invite you?" Xue Zhiyan stretched his neck and said such a sentence, forcing out a smirk.

They all knew that Feng Ziyao was busy with the design and had already entered a state of madness. In addition, that scumbag Lin Mo came out to make trouble for her, and now Feng Ziyao was on the verge of going berserk. Don't dare to provoke her easily.

Su Lingxuan thought about it, he should be the one who made the call, "Okay, let's have dinner together later, I'll be busy first!" After speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for a few people's answers.

Several people looked at the hung up phone, glanced at each other, and burst out laughing.

"Look, I'm not wrong, I'm waiting in Jianglin Pavilion!" Chi smiled and shook her head, she was most familiar with Jianglin Pavilion, it was a high-end hotel jointly opened by the four of them.

As long as they have a certain status in S city, entertain guests or something, other than going to Shengshihuatian, they will go to Jianglin Pavilion.To put it bluntly, the four young masters came up with such a novel place to eat. To put it bluntly, the four young masters came up with a place similar to Qingcheng but with a higher threshold than Qingcheng for their own convenience. *********** That's all.

But even if the four of them like to play, only Chi Qian's old brother Chi Yuan has more scandals, and the other three are not close to women. Up to now, unknown sexual orientation is everyone's gossip. .However, apart from the four young masters who opened it, the real usefulness of Jiang Ling Pavilion was known to her, and only she knew it.

After laughing, Liang Huan looked at the time, "I'm going to prepare something to eat!" Liang Huan has a character that moves as soon as he talks.

"Wait!" Xue Zhiyan interrupted Liang Huan's movements, even Chi Qian, who was about to drink coffee, stopped and looked up at the startled Xue Zhiyan, wondering what she was going to do.

"Jian Zelin's birthday, what should I get him? Are you ready to come now?"

 Today's second update~~ Free recommendation, favorites, comments, and amazing horses are coming~~ Weiliang Niuzi is ready~~ Where are the true fans?Stretch out your little hands and let Weiliang see~~~

(End of this chapter)

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