The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 151 What should I get?

Chapter 151 What should I get?
"Jian Zelin's birthday, what can I get him? Are you going to come in a hurry now?" Xue Zhiyan looked at the two expectantly, but Liang Huan gave her a big roll of eyes.

"If you really don't know what to give, just pack it up and send it to him yourself!" Liang Huan raised her eyebrows, her hoarse voice matched what she said, so obscene!
"Go cook your meal!" Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes at her speechlessly, and this guy would tease himself.Xue Zhiyan hugged his quilt angrily, and took a sip of grapefruit tea.

Feeling Xue Zhiyan's help-like eyes, he put down the coffee cup in his hand, and glanced at Xue Zhiyan helplessly, "Don't ask me, like they usually give my brother a sports car check for his birthday, every time I don't have anything Send it, just take a mouth to eat!"

Seeing that there were more and more people inside, Liang Huan was busy walking around alone, and Chi Qian also put away her quilt and went outside.

Xue Zhiyan grabbed Chi Qian's arm and looked at her pleadingly, as if saying: "Help me, God Qianqian!"

"Really, they don't lack anything, you just need to eat with your mouth!" Chi Qian patted Xue Zhiyan's head comfortingly, "Besides, so many people give him this and that every year, he may not necessarily Look, it's probably all piled up in the utility room!"

Xue Zhiyan sighed helplessly when he heard Chi Qian's words, what Chi Qian said was not unreasonable.I also noticed that there were more and more customers in the store, so I put away my quilt and followed Chi Qian to the counter to help.

Seeing the figures of the two laughing and joking, sitting at a table not far from the three of them, a stylishly dressed young woman couldn't help holding the cup with strength, and her joints were bluish white.


Feng Ziyao deliberately got off work early. Anyway, those blueprints will still be the same after being changed. Unless it is done again, there will be no big changes at all. It's just that bitch Lin Mo really lingers.

But that guy Lin Mo can solve it after he finishes his busy work, and it won't affect Miss Feng's good mood at all.It is really an honor for her to have a meal with her mother's teacher tonight after living for more than [-] years.

When I was at home, I listened to my mother talking about Teacher Su, Teacher Su all day long. When the old man said it that night, she didn't think about it for a while.Thinking of this made me depressed, and after I went home and told my mother, she gave me a scolding.

The further you go, the more people there will be. Why is this business so good?Feng Ziyao walked forward with doubts, and when he reached the door, he realized that it was not waiting for the overcrowding, it seemed that someone was doing something in the open space in front of him, which attracted many people to watch.

Looking at the gate of the Su family a little further in the past, the number of security guards has increased. Feng Ziyao shook his head, and ignored what was going on among the crowd over there, and walked in with a smile. After all, she All the little sisters are waiting for her inside.

But if she squeezes into the crowd to have a look, there will be no further incidents. Maybe this is God's own arrangement?
As soon as Feng Ziyao entered, he saw Xue Zhiyan and three people sitting around a table without saying a word.Especially Xue Zhiyan, with his head drooping and his face full of bitterness and hatred, he knew that something must be wrong.

Feng Ziyao deliberately didn't go over, but went to the counter and rang the call bell installed on the counter.


The three people who heard the voice couldn't help looking up at the counter, and had to say that Chi Qian had chosen this position, by the window, where they could enjoy the sun, and when they turned their heads to look inside, they could clearly see the situation at the counter.

Seeing Feng Ziyao with a smirk on his face, leaning on the counter with his head propped on one hand, several people gave her a blank look.

What kind of temper is Feng Ziyao, can he obey the three of them?Feng Ziyao deliberately lowered his face, tapped the counter lightly with his fingers, parted his red lips lightly, and a wind chime-like voice came out, "What's the matter, the boss isn't here today and no one is ordering, right?"

Feng Ziyao's words attracted a small number of customers to look at her, looking at her like crazy. The boss is clearly here, why is he talking nonsense?
Chi Qian helplessly supported his forehead, walked over with a dark face, poked Feng Ziyao's arm, leaned in front of her, and said something in a low voice, Feng Ziyao turned to look at Xue Zhiyan, with a bad look on his face He walked over with a smile.

"Come on, sir, take a look, what's wrong with our little lady boss today?" Feng Ziyao sat beside Xue Zhiyan, wrapped his arms around Xue Zhiyan like a man, and pulled Xue Zhiyan into his arms, lightly pointing his fingers With a light hook, he hooked Xue Zhiyan's chin, and carefully looked at Xue Zhiyan's face.

"Tsk tsk tsk, tell me, which of you two bullied her! Why do you look so resentful?" Feng Ziyao looked at the customers in the shop as he said, "No wonder there are not many customers waiting today. Let's see Young Master Su later. Come here, don’t let him clean up your little hooves!”

Pfft——Xue Zhiyan couldn't help laughing, knocked off Feng Ziyao, took her hand, straightened his clothes, and looked at her with a serious face, "Tell me, what should I give for Jian Zelin's birthday?"

Feng Ziyao picked up Xue Zhiyan's cup and took a sip of the grapefruit tea in her cup, she frowned sourly.He looked at the hot cocoa in Xu Xuan's cup again. He planned to take a sip, but thought that she was still suffering from a cold, so he put down the cup again because he didn't want to be infected.

"What for?" Feng Ziyao pouted, and took the cup Liang Huan handed her, which was also a cup of hot cocoa.After taking a sip, he glanced at Chi Qian and Liang Huan who were holding back their laughter, "What do you want to give?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, did not speak, and continued to drink the grapefruit tea in his cup.It's really annoying, if she didn't hear from Su Lingxuan's grandfather, she wouldn't know about it, and if she didn't know, she wouldn't be so worried.

The most annoying thing is to help people choose presents. Every year, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan don't have to give them for their birthdays. Make a cupcake and go out for a good meal, and it's over.It's just that Jian Zelin...

"I think it's better to pack her up and give it to Jian Zelin!" Liang Huan had a smirk on his face, and glanced at Xue Zhiyan, "At that time, Jian Zelin will have revenge, and you don't have to be afraid of stabbing him!"

"Actually, I don't think it's that complicated. You don't need to send anything!" Chi Qian followed Liang Huan's words and said that she knew Jian Zelin more or less, and he rarely cared about these things.

It's just that Jian Zelin's thinking is different from before. Sitting on the top floor of Shengshi, he has been thinking about what different things Xue Zhiyan will give him all day long!
"It's actually not that difficult, you don't have to send yourself out!" Feng Ziyao naturally knew that Liang Huan was joking, but he sensed Xue Zhiyan's nervousness, so he had to comfort her, "You can tell Qianqianzi, nothing Send, besides, if you send some similar things, he doesn’t lack, what Jian Zelin lacks most is money and those rags!”

"So?" Of course Xue Zhiyan knew what Feng Ziyao said, so she felt entangled.

"Then give him what he doesn't have!"

Pfft—this time it was Chi Qian and Liang Huan who couldn't help laughing. "He, Jian Zelin, was born with that status. What doesn't he have?" Chi Qian took out a tissue and wiped her mouth, with a helpless smile on her face.

 The third update today! !Rong Weiliang acts like a coquettish and sells a cute god horse~~Favorites haha~Comments haha~There are also free recommendation tickets wow~Come on~~It would be best if you subscribe to god horses again~~Bobo ~~

(End of this chapter)

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