The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 152 The Stalking Tong Yuan

Chapter 152 The Stalking Tong Yuan

Pfft - Chi Qian and Liang Huan couldn't hold back this time, they hurriedly put down their cups, pulled out a tissue and wiped the water stains from the corners of their mouths.

"As far as Jian Zelin's status and status are concerned, he was born with everything. What is he not?" What Chi Qian said is not an exaggeration at all. As long as he likes Jian Zelin, even if his family doesn't get it for him, he will find ways to find it. Got it, what's missing?
Feng Ziyao raised his eyebrows confidently, and glanced at Xue Zhiyan, "What Xue Zhiyan has, he doesn't have!"

Before Xue Zhiyan could ask herself something, the ringing of the phone caught her attention.It was Su Lingxuan.

"Have you all arrived yet?" The hands-free was also on, so that everyone could hear Su Lingxuan's voice.

The four women hummed in unison, making Su Lingxuan on the phone really uncomfortable. These four people rarely responded to him in such a cooperative manner.

"Then wait for me for another half an hour. I'll finish what I'm doing and go downstairs?" Su Lingxuan didn't dare to make a decision on his own, so he had to add a questioning tone at the end of the sentence.

Su Lingxuan, who was ready to be chased down by the four people, was surprised that he didn't hear any of them complaining, but vaguely heard someone calling Xue Zhiyan's name from the phone.

"Zhiyan?" Su Lingxuan frowned beautifully, and the hand holding the signature pen to sign the document also stopped, turned around, stood in front of the window, and looked downstairs.

"Huh? Ling, you can just call us when you come down later. Someone is calling me, so let's not talk about it!" Xue Zhiyan hung up the phone hastily before Su Lingxuan asked for more details.

I only heard the louder and louder shouts outside, "Xue Zhiyan! Xue Zhiyan! Xue Zhiyan!"

The four of them looked at each other in blank dismay, you looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what was going on outside.

"I'll go out and have a look!" Xue Zhiyan got up and went out, her feet had already healed a lot, Yan Shaochen said that in another ten days and a half a month, the small plaster cast would be removed, and the same fixed bandage as last time would be enough.

At this time, there were no customers in the waiting room. When Feng Ziyao came over just now, Liang Huan and the others had already put up the closing sign.As soon as there was excitement outside, all the customers who were in the store would go out. After all, if you don’t watch the excitement for free, what are you waiting for?
"Wait, let's go with you, I just saw a lot of people outside, don't hurt you!" Feng Ziyao said, took the things, and winked at Liang Huanhe and Chiqian, and they followed Xue Zhiyan They went out of the waiting door together behind them.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan came out, he was confused by the situation outside. He didn't know when the red carpet was laid out. This side was at the main entrance where he was waiting. There were beautiful champagne roses on the red carpet twice. On the other side of the red carpet stood a man holding flowers.

The man stood inside the heart-shaped candle he had arranged, looking at Xue Zhiyan with a smile on his face.

"Tong Yuan?" Xue Zhiyan squinted his eyes and saw the man clearly. These two words came out of his mouth. What is this guy doing?
Even Liang Huan was taken aback. This man hasn't been here for a while, why did he make such a big fuss today? What is he doing?Why didn't a few people hear such a big commotion outside while waiting inside?
Both Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian also knew the Tong Yuan that Xue Zhiyan was talking about, they listened tirelessly to Xue Zhiyan's complaints every day, and would send a large bunch of red roses at a fixed time every day, which annoyed her to death.But from this point of view, Tong Yuan seems to have a lot of intentions, but he just doesn't know if he will get Xue Zhiyan's nod of agreement.

Xue Zhiyan frowned in displeasure, this person really couldn't understand what she said, a bouquet of roses every day was enough to annoy her, what is this for?
What Xue Zhiyan hates the most is being stalking, buzzing around his ears like flies all day long, which is really annoying.Now I can't even ignore it, why did it attract so many people?
Xue Zhiyan unceremoniously kicked the red carpet under his feet, and a large part of the red carpet was thrown up in a temperless manner, and then spread limply on the ground.Of course, Xue Zhiyan didn't let go of those delicate champagne roses, he didn't pay any attention to them, he pawed a place with his feet, and went around by himself.

Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan looked at each other, with a happy smile on their faces, they held Chi Qian's hand, and they followed Xue Zhiyan, walking towards the man in a leisurely manner.

He strode up to Tong Yuan and glared at him with not only impatience but also disgust in his eyes.Glancing at the light sign for confession standing behind Tong Yuan—"Xue Zhiyan, please date me?"

Xue Zhiyan pointed to a passerby standing behind the light sign, and frowned impatiently, "Brother, please, turn off that dazzling thing for me! Thank you!"

The passer-by A saw Xue Zhiyan's impatient face, called his elder brother and thanked him. Although he really wanted to watch the show, he quickly turned off the flashing lights and squeezed out the crowd to stop watching the excitement. Who knew this woman Will it hurt innocent passers-by if I get angry later?Most of the people who can open a shop next to the Su's building are not easy to mess with.

Facts have proved that this elder brother ran at the right time, otherwise it would not be the case when he saw Su Lingxuan later.

"Tong Yuan, why are you so annoying?" Xue Zhiyan saw that the man turned off the light and squeezed out of the crowd, so he didn't say anything, and looked at the standing in front of her with disgust. The smiling man annoyed her more and more.

"Miss Xue Zhiyan, please agree to a date with me!" Tong Yuan took a step back, knelt down on one knee, raised the bouquet in his hand to Xue Zhiyan's chest, and looked at her sincerely.

Xue Zhiyan sighed, waved the flowers on the ground with a big hand, raised his foot angrily, and kicked the well-placed heart-shaped candles to one piece.Not to mention the bad tone of her speech, if she could swear, she would have already sweared.

"Tong Yuan, I told you when we met for the first time that we are not suitable, and I also said long ago that I would not go on a date with you, why are you still stalking me?" Xue Zhiyan spoke again. Pointing to the things Tong Yuan prepared, "I hate flashy things the most. You put these messy things in public places. Are you going to clean them up or I will clean them up?"

As Xue Zhiyan said, he kicked the candle that fell at his feet again, "It's just this broken thing, dripping on the bluestone road, do you know how difficult it is to clean?"

"Hurry up, pack up your things, leave quickly, don't pester me anymore, we are really not suitable!" Xue Zhiyan didn't want to make too much trouble, after all, she lives in Jian's house now, and she will do whatever she says There are a lot of troublemakers hiding in the corners and staring at it, so we can't bring trouble to the two families just because of her.

Tong Yuan put away his smile, stood up and held Xue Zhiyan who was about to leave, Xue Zhiyan looked back at him impatiently, "What else?"

"What if I say that I really want to ask you out? I don't need these things, I ask you out with my sincerity, will you agree to my invitation?" Tong Yuan's words were very sincere, and he looked at Xue Zhiyan seriously .

The onlookers also held their breath, waiting for Xue Zhiyan's answer.After listening to it, I probably knew that the lady rejected this gentleman, but this gentleman was really moved and really wanted to ask her out.

"Why can't you understand the words?" It was Su Lingxuan who was speaking, Xue Zhiyan tilted his head, and saw that the crowd automatically gave way to a path, Su Lingxuan walked towards them with a dark face.

 The fourth update~ Every day goes by quickly, right?Hehe~~ Friends who love Weiliang, please click to bookmark it~~ Then you can see Weiliang’s update dynamics, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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