The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 161 The Story of Liang Huan

Chapter 161 The Story of Liang Huan ([-])
"I deliberately described the balcony on the seventeenth floor as a high-end water bed. I provoked him to say that, Young Master Shen, you are just fooling us ignorant girls, and I gave him a look of disdain. I Knowing that Shen Ang loves women the most, he likes to see women wanting to refuse but still welcome. He laughed, and he told me, wait for Lord Shen to lie on that water bed and wait for you to serve me. I deliberately glanced outside, turned my head shyly and said to him, how shy are you with so many young masters?

"Shen Ang was crazy about his sperm. He squatted on the railing of the balcony and touched my chin. He told me that he liked your shyness. He went to the bed and waited for me first. He didn't wait for me to stimulate him after he finished speaking. He jumped down. I glanced at Shen Ang who was lying motionless downstairs like a little ant, with a happy smile on his face, and finally avenged my brother. But Shen Ang died so happily, My brother has been in pain for so long.

"Shen Ang didn't know until his death that I was the one who pushed him to jump off the building. The Shen family exploded as I expected. The pain of losing a son, the withdrawal of capital by the company's partners, and various emergencies happened. I watched Shen Linli look old all night on TV, and laughed.

"But I'm not happy at all. Even if Shen Ang dies, so what, it's just that there is one less disaster to live in this world. The elder brother who loves and spoils me will never come back to life. My adoptive parents After knowing that Shen Ang was dead, they called me and wept bitterly on the phone. They knew that I did all of this, although there is no evidence that Shen Ang was pushed downstairs, and there is no evidence to point out that the Shen family's series All the things I have brought out, but they are very sure.

"In order not to let me get hurt again, I would call me every once in a while, asking me to go abroad to accompany the two of them, but I refused. I can't leave my brother alone in S City, this city is too cold I can't leave him alone."

There was crystal liquid flowing out from the corner of Liang Xu's eyes. Shen Ang had been dead for three years, but this was still a scar in her heart. When she dreamed back at midnight, she still dreamed that her brother was holding her hand to go shopping and buying delicious drinks for her. hot chocolate and buy her sweet marshmallows.

"I didn't find a boyfriend because I would think of Shen Ang. If I hadn't agreed to date him, I wouldn't have been taken back to Shen's house, and this series of things wouldn't have happened." Liang Xuyouyou He said, "I don't agree to Yan Shaochen, not because he is not good. I know he is good to me, and I am not a fool. It's just that I don't know how to respond to him. Every time I see such friendly contacts between you, I will Thinking of the Shen family, if they were willing to take their feelings a little bit more seriously, they wouldn't be what they are now."

"Besides, Shen Linli vowed to catch the real culprit who killed his son. I can't kill Yan Shaochen. Although Yan Shaochen is much stronger than the Shen family, I don't want to have another enemy because of me, Yan Shaochen." Liang Xu smiled helplessly. Laughing, it would be a lie to say that she didn't have feelings for Yan Shaochen?

Yan Shaochen is sunny and handsome, with a good family background, good character, and empathy, and he can stick to it forever.Only when Liang Huan agrees, will his kindness and his dedication become meaningful, right?It's just that she doesn't know whether her feelings for Yan Shaochen are the friendship between ordinary friends, or the kind of feelings between men and women.

"So let's let things take their course between the two of us!" Liang Huan sat up and looked at Chi Qian seriously. She knew that Chi Qian was doing it for her own good, "If there is a destiny between us, maybe it will end in the end." We just got together? It’s just that now I really don’t want to think about it so much, really.”

"When I get out of the strange circle in my heart and figure it out, if he still likes me, I might agree to him." There was a helpless wry smile on the corner of Liang Huan's mouth, no one would be waiting for her to walk over to him Say, hey I found out I like you too, shall we date?
Besides, she had already rejected Yan Shaochen today, so his proud self-esteem must have been hit, right?This time it was no different than last time in his car, just the two of them.This time his brothers are all here, as are his girlfriends. It must be heartbreaking, right?

Liang Xu secretly said in his heart, Yan Shaochen is sorry, I have to promise you irresponsibly, at least for now.I can't tarnish your sincere feelings for me, and I don't want to be friends because of me.

Yan Shaochen hung up the phone lightly, and not long after he left Chi Qian's house, Xue Zhiyan called. He thought Xue Zhiyan had something urgent, but he didn't get Xue Zhiyan's answer.It must have been accidentally pressed, Yan Shaochen who was about to hang up the phone, but heard Liang Huan's hoarse voice.

Accidentally, he listened to everything Liang Huan said in his heart, Yan Shaochen's heart seemed to be tightly held together by something, and it hurt unspeakably.

It turned out that she, who seemed calm and optimistic, had such a painful past.If she hadn't said it, he would never have known the real reason for his rejection.

It's not because she conflicts with his identity and status, but because she instinctively hates the intrigue in their circle, right?

Yan Shaochen leaned weakly on the driver's seat, closed his eyes, and rubbed his swollen temple with one hand, repeating what Liang Huan said over and over again in his mind.

Yan Shaochen suddenly opened his eyes, the pupils shone with a cold light that was different from the tenderness like water in the past, which was daunting.Yan Shaochen took out a mobile phone, dialed a call skillfully, and the call was connected quickly.

"Yan, what's the matter?" The voice from the other side of the phone was also cold and emotionless.

Yan Shaochen lightly tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, and Xu Jiu's thin lips parted slightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "I want to see Shen Linli and Shen's close down by the end of the year, no later than January 31 next year."

At this time, Yan Shaochen was exuding a strange coldness all over his body. If there were other people in his car at this time, he would be frostbitten by this man who seemed to be fished out of an ice cave.

But Yan Shaochen himself didn't realize it, he just felt that he had to do something for Liang Huan.No matter what the ending of the last two will be, at least Liang Huan is the first and last woman to approach his heart.

Those who wronged his woman (at present, he only thinks so) must be punished accordingly, whether they are dead or alive.

How will I be punished if I die?Hehe, there is no other way, it is nothing more than digging graves, so that people will not live in peace after death.

As for his relationship with Liang Huan?He is not a person who gives up so easily. In ancient times, Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times in order to win the sage Zhuge Liang.Although he was not looking for a sage, lifelong happiness is also a very important thing, and he was rejected only once, so giving up like this is not Yan Shaochen's style!

It's just that if he wants to catch up with his wife, Liang Huan has to nod his head in agreement.If she wants to nod her head in agreement, she has to untie her knot first...

 Today is the third update. Speaking of the sluggish background data in the past two days, Wei Liang really wants to reduce the update, and wants to reduce it from the fifth update to the third update~
(End of this chapter)

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