Chapter 162

The days returned to normal again, and several women still mingled together all day long.The few people were too happy to think about leaving. Fortunately, the old men Jian Guozheng and Su Kai didn't urge Xue Zhiyan to go home recently.

Xue Zhiyan's foot was almost healed, except that Yan Shaochen met Liang Huan when he went to the hospital to remove the plaster that day, Yan Shaochen never took the initiative to look for Liang Huan at other times.

Yan Shaochen knew not to stare too closely, otherwise it would be counterproductive.The two still talked and laughed when they met, but An Shaochen felt more distressed for Liang Huan.

It was natural for Liang Huan, although she rejected Yan Shaochen, she didn't say that the two couldn't be ordinary friends.Of course, Liang Huan didn't know that Yan Shaochen already knew everything about her and had already taken action.

But between Xue Zhiyan and Yan Shaochen, there was a little secret.Although Xue Zhiyan didn't know Yan Shaochen for long, he knew that Yan Shaochen's nature was not bad.So she supports Yan Shaochen's pursuit of Liang Huan, and also believes that he can make Liang Huan come out completely.

"Liang Huan!" Yan Shaochen saw the two people opened the door and was about to get in the car, so he hurriedly stopped the two people and ran to the side of the car.

Liang Huan looked at Yan Shaochen calmly, what's the matter, running in such a hurry?Xue Zhiyan glanced at Yan Shaochen, secretly smiled, and got into the car.

"These are some anti-inflammatory medicines and medicines for the throat. Don't take cold medicines indiscriminately, it will hurt your body. After taking them, go to the pharmacy here to get them, and just give your name!" Yan Shaochen stuffed the bag in his hand into it without any explanation. In Liang Huan's hand, he turned and left before she could speak.

Looking at his cool back, Liang Huan felt a warm current flow in his heart.But it was only for a moment, he smiled and threw the medicine on the back seat and drove away from the hospital.

When Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan returned to wait, Chi Qian had already returned with her equipment.This girl Chi Qian is a well-known makeup artist in S City, and her brother is the well-known Chi Yuan, so Chi Qian's business is also very good.

Of course, there are some people who want to curry favor with her Chi family.Seeing Chi Qian's impatient face, Xue Zhiyan knew that the person who went to do the makeup today must have indirectly asked about her brother again.

Xue Zhiyan doesn't have a deep impression of Chi Yuan anymore, and she has been back to Jian's house for so long, and she has never heard Su Lingxuan or Jian Zelin mention him. If Chi Qian didn't mention him from time to time, she would have forgotten that there is such a childhood playmate. with.

"Oh my God, I will kill that bastard Chi Yuan when he comes back!" Chi Qian weakly laid out on the exclusive seat she chose, rubbing her swollen temples with both hands, "You don't You know, as soon as I went in, the old woman dragged me to ask questions!"

"I must ask, how old is your brother, how old are you, who else is in the family, and how rich are your assets?" Liang Huan smiled and handed her a glass of water, then sat next to the little "embroiderer" Xue Zhiyan, looking Follow Xue Zhiyan to work on the picture of eight horses.

"I thought she would ask Chi Yuan, but who knew she would ask me along with me!" Chi Qian took a sip of water, as speechless as she could be, "I seriously suspect that they are using the pretense of asking me to do makeup. , come to investigate our family!"

"Then next time you have someone introduced by a regular customer like this, don't go!" Xue Zhiyan threw the picture of eight horses in his hand aside, the embroidered cloth was almost turned into a rag by her hands, and he clearly remembered that there was one The fixed embroidery frame is here, but I can't find it no matter how hard I look for it.

"That's right, anyway, the fee paid by this big family is enough for you!" Liang Huan deliberately pouted at Xue Zhiyan, "What else do you have to worry about if you guard this gold master Xue?"

As soon as Chi Qian heard Liang Huan's words, she regained her spirits, and a strange light shone in her eyes.Xue Zhiyan sensed something was wrong between the two of them, so he quickly raised his head and found that Chi Qian was staring at him with golden eyes.

"What...what are you doing?" Xue Zhiyan felt a gust of wind blowing on his back, and with Chi Qian's appearance, there must be nothing good!
"Aren't you going to be Su Lingxuan's secretary next month?" Chi Qian had a shrewd smile on her face, her pretty eyes were crescent-shaped, and her white front teeth were shining brightly.

"That's right!" Didn't those people who went to Jiang Linge for dinner that day know about this matter, why did this guy ask again when he was there?
"Then let me help you design your hairstyle!" Before Xue Zhiyan could answer, Chi Qian rushed over.Of course, Xue Zhiyan couldn't hide even if he wanted to, Liang Huan just blocked himself like that, and he had no way to run away.

Xue Zhiyan pouted, sitting there like a doll and let Chiqian play with it, while Liang Huan went to greet the few guests, and would come over from time to time to see Chiqian's results.

Not to mention that Chi Qian is really talented in this area, she put on light makeup for Xue Zhiyan, making Xue Zhiyan's skin look whiter and more tender.Chi Qian divided Xue Zhiyan's long hair into several parts, and gently turned it into a braid.The hair closest to the neck was coiled low behind her neck and fixed with small black clips.

The long black hair scattered on top, after Chi Qian measured the length, it turned into a loose braid, which of course was only half braided.Then she looked at her result with a smile, and with a light wave of her bare hands, she transformed Xue Zhiyan's long hair into short hair that matched her ears, and it couldn't be seen from the outside that it was made of long hair.

"How about it, isn't it beautiful!" Chi Qian took a small mirror and helped Xue Zhiyan shine on the back of her hair so that she could see the overall effect clearly.

Xue Zhiyan's eyes were dull at first, but when he saw the hair in the mirror change from long to short, his eyes were filled with surprise. "How did you do it?"

"This is a secret!" Chi Qian proudly put away the mirror in her hand and the clips and combs on the table, humming a little tune with a mysterious smile on her face.

"Stingy!" Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, thinking that I will learn it sooner or later!
"Tell you that I still have to lose my job?" How could Chi Qian not know what Xue Zhiyan was thinking?
"Hey, I'm so happy today!" While talking, Su Ling walked in with a smile, and seeing Chi Qian's happy face, I knew they were in a good mood today, because Liang Huan also had a faint smile on his face when he came in just now.

When he looked at Xue Zhiyan again, Su Ling's chin almost hit his foot in shock. When he met him in the morning, he still had long black hair. Why did he turn into short hair in just a few hours! Ben didn't report to him that Xue Zhiyan cut his hair short?
"Hey, doesn't it look good?" Chi Qian saw Su Lingxuan's appearance, and knew that Su Lingxuan was also taken aback, she stood on tiptoe with one arm on his shoulder, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with admiration.

"You cut it for her?" Su Lingxuan pointed at Xue Zhiyan's short hair with a look of disbelief.

"It's me, but I didn't cut it. I just used a few hair clips to hide my long hair!" Chi Qian said as she waved the small black clips in her hand, and then threw them into herself. In her cosmetic bag, she carefully closed the lid of the cosmetic case.

Seeing Chi Qian's action of buttoning the lid of the box, Xue Zhiyan suddenly remembered where her cross-stitch holder was.

She stood up excitedly, took Chi Qian and Su Lingxuan's hands and walked out, "Quick, come with me to Jane's house, I want to get something very important!"

 Today's fourth update is over here, if you like it, please wave your pretty little hand and press the favorite button!

(End of this chapter)

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