The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 164 My room is up to you

Chapter 164 My room is up to you

"Why did you cut your hair?" Only then did Jian Zelin notice that Xue Zhiyan's original long hair had turned into a pretty short hair. No wonder he didn't recognize her when he opened the door and walked in.It was only when he smelled Xue Zhiyan's unique fragrance that he was sure that the person sitting on the ground was Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan sniffed, ignored him and continued to look for his things.Occasionally, when he accidentally touched his purple finger, Xue Zhiyan would gasp in pain.

It's really unlucky, every time he and Di Wei are together, he is the one who gets hurt, and he is a natural cannon fodder!Xue Zhiyan thought aggrieved in his heart.It's just that no matter how wronged I am, I can't cry anymore, it's really embarrassing, but I just got my finger pinched, what's there to cry about!
"Zhiyan?" Jian Zelin heard Chi Qian's voice, and retracted the foot that was about to step forward, and stood there looking in Di Wei's direction.

Chi Qian and Su Lingxuan sat downstairs waiting for Xue Zhiyan, but just now they vaguely heard Xue Zhiyan's screams, so Chi Qian dragged Su Lingxuan to look for him, after all, there is no one in Jian's house today, so it is inevitable that someone who is not afraid of death will sneak in.

Once Chi Qian saw these people in front of her, she didn't have to worry.It's just that something is wrong with Xue Zhiyan, why is he sitting on the ground and can't get up, and what's wrong with the raised orchid finger?
"Yo! It's delivered to your door!" Chi Qian rolled her eyes at Di Wei who was standing aside holding a bath towel, and angrily walked behind Xue Zhiyan to see how she was doing.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" Chi Qian saw that Xue Zhiyan's eyes were red, and reached out to hold her hand.She accidentally touched Xue Zhiyan's finger that was blackened by the drawer, Xue Zhiyan didn't cry out this time, but withdrew his hand.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Su Lingxuan also noticed Xue Zhiyan's movements, and simply walked over, picked Xue Zhiyan up from the ground, and couldn't keep her sitting on the ground.

When Chi Qian turned her head again, she found that Di Wei had timidly hid behind Jian Zelin.There was an unknown light in his eyes, looking at her and Xue Zhiyan.

Su Lingxuan put Xue Zhiyan on the sofa outside, took her hand and checked carefully, only her nails were pinched and blood was bruised, the rest should be fine.

"Does it hurt?" Su Lingxuan gently helped Xue Zhiyan wipe off the wet tears on his face, and looked at her worriedly.

"Nonsense, ten fingers connected to a heart, can it not hurt? It's all dark!" Chi Qian said blankly and cast a blank glance at Di Wei, who came out, "Why has Miss Di learned how to climb a man's bed in broad daylight?"

These unceremonious words that Chi Qian said were right in Di Wei's heart, but they were all her own thoughts, and she didn't say them out.

"Qianqian, don't talk nonsense!" Jian Zelin frowned displeased when he heard Chiqian's words, he didn't like being involved with women.

"What did I say nonsense?" Chi Qian pointed at Jian Zelin and Di Wei, "Look at your two outfits, a blind person can see what's going on!"

"Qianqian, don't get me wrong, Aze and I have nothing to do! I accidentally spilled the sweet soup just now, and it spilled all over us, that's why..." Diwei quickly explained with a pitiful look on her face.

"Who told you to call me Qianqian? You also called me Chiqian by my nickname?" Chiqian was not polite at all, and directly blocked Di Wei's mouth with words. What she disliked the most was women taking the initiative Climbing on a man's bed, and pretending to be an innocent girl, it is obvious that the current Di Wei has been exposed by her before she can climb successfully.

"I said, do you really disagree with Xue Zhiyan?" Chi Qian looked Di Wei up and down, and said impatiently, "As long as you show up, Xue Zhiyan will definitely not be good!"

"Shut up! Get out!" Jian Zelin heard Chi Qian's words, took another look at Xue Zhiyan who was nestled in Su Lingxuan's arms, and yelled out in displeasure.

"I came with me, you have no right to chase Qianqian out!" Xue Zhiyan came over with a nasal voice, "Jian Zelin, I don't care what you have with her, but please leave her in your room Okay? I remember I said a long time ago, don't let her into my room again, you let her into my room while I was away, what do you mean? Now you are driving my friend away in front of me? "

"Don't forget, this is Jian's family, and I have the right to make decisions!" Jian Zelin couldn't help becoming angry when he heard Xue Zhiyan's words, and his brows were tightly knit together.

But he was still a little worried about her fingers. From his perspective, the tips of her fingers had turned black.

"Don't forget that I, Xue Zhiyan, live in your Jian's house. Your grandfather nodded and agreed. Apart from him, no one can be my master!" Xue Zhiyan simply walked to Jian Zelin's side, staring at him with red eyes.

"I'm sorry, don't be angry! Ze, don't be angry either, I'll change my clothes right away!" Di Wei said as she let go of Jian Zelin's hand, and turned around to go to the cloakroom to change.

However, Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian entered the cloakroom before her. Xue Zhiyan randomly picked out a piece of clothing and a coat from the closet and put them in the cloakroom, on the cabinet where Jian Zelin used to put his cufflinks.

"The clothes are there, please go to his room and change them!" Xue Zhiyan didn't even look at Di Wei, and went to the corner cabinet to continue looking for his things, this time he found it quickly, a red round frame.

Xue Zhiyan endured the pain in his fingertips and found another bag, and put all the things he found before into it.Chi Qian took those things, and the two walked out.

It just so happened that Yu's mother also came back. Seeing Xue Zhiyan's red eyes from crying, her heart ached for a while, and she was anxious to bleed Xue Zhiyan's fingertips, saying that the blood had to be released quickly, otherwise the nails would fall off.

Xue Zhiyan smiled and rejected Yu Ma's proposal, and said, "Yu Ma, I'll go directly to Chen's place later and ask him to see if there is any problem."

Only then did Mama Yu nod her head in reassurance, and after glancing at Jian Zelin who was burning with anger, she knew that Ms. Di Wei must be messing up between the two of them again.

"Mum Yu, grandpa is back tonight, can you tell him to redecorate my bathroom and replace the tub and washbasin?" Only then did Xue Zhiyan see that the glass door of his bathroom was covered with water vapor, it was obvious Someone has used it before, and you don't need to think about it to know it's Di Wei.

"Is Miss Xue Zhiyan a bit extravagant? Huh?" Jian Zelin leaned against the cold door frame, squinting at Xue Zhiyan, "You can exchange good things if you want?"

Xue Zhiyan ignored him, just glanced at him, and walked into the bathroom.After a while, the sound of something breaking came from the bathroom.

"Also, Mama Yu, please help me iron a set of more formal clothes and send them to Qianqian. I will wear them to work next month!" Xue Zhiyan said while shaking Mama Yu's hand, looking gratefully looking at her.

Seeing Yu's mother nodding her head in agreement, Xue Zhiyan turned her head to look at Su Lingxuan who had been sitting on the sofa watching the play, winked at him, and they were about to leave.

"Zhiyan! Sorry for using your towel!" Di Wei's voice came from behind when they were about to step out of the door.

Xue Zhiyan glanced back at the towel in Di Wei's hand, then at Jian Zelin who was squinting at him, and said faintly, "That's not mine, that towel belongs to Jian Zelin!"

I don't know why Xue Zhiyan felt very comfortable after saying this.Mama Yu glanced at Jian Zelin, and followed Xue Zhiyan downstairs.

 The first update today, the collection has finally broken through [-], weeping slightly~
(End of this chapter)

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