Chapter 165
Hearing the sound of the car starting, Jian Zelin walked into Xue Zhiyan's bathroom with a serious face.In the bathroom, nothing that could be smashed remained in its original state, it was broken and broken.

This Xue Zhiyan was so angry, even the Luluo that she kept in the bathroom, and even the beautiful glass jar, were thrown to pieces by her on the ground, and the poor Luluo lay powerlessly on the ground.

Jian Zelin frowned in displeasure, but let Di Wei use her bathroom for a while, so why are you so angry?Glancing at Di Wei who had already changed her clothes, she said coldly, "You go downstairs and wait for me!"

Diwei watched Jian Zelin walk by in front of her eyes, without any emotion on her face, and even said to her without any emotion.My wishful thinking was disrupted by Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian who came back suddenly. They had already found an excuse to pay for the cook at home, but who would have thought that another Xue Zhiyan would come out halfway?

Di Wei's hand holding the towel, the knuckles were already bluish white, which shows how much effort she used.What?Is this towel Jian Zelin's?Doesn't it mean that two people are impossible?Why are his towels in her bathroom?Duplicity woman, scheming woman, I won't let you get it!Di Wei thought bitterly in her heart.

If this towel was Xue Zhiyan's neck, he would have been pinched by Di Wei long ago and couldn't breathe.

It's normal for Di Wei to feel that there is something between Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan, but she takes it for granted that Jian Zelin belongs to her, and that's her fault.After all, Jian Zelin never said that he was subordinate to anyone, especially a woman.

After changing her clothes, Jian Zelin went downstairs and saw Di Wei with a very bad face, her eyes narrowed like a cat's, and she quickly returned to her expressionless expression.

While tidying up the cuffs, he walked out.Looking at Di Wei's back, he really had the illusion that the person sitting there was Xue Zhiyan.

Thinking of Xue Zhiyan, his pretty sword eyebrows frowned, shook his head, sighed and said coldly to Di Wei's back: "Aren't you leaving?"

Hearing Jian Zelin's voice, Di Wei threw the towel she had been holding tightly in her hand on the sofa in a panic, adjusted her clothes and followed.

Yu Ma heard Jian Zelin's voice and ran out in a hurry, "Master, the old man said to go to Miss Chi's for dinner tonight, look..."

When Jian Zelin heard that he was going to Chiqian's for dinner tonight, his thin lips raised slightly, and he smiled just right, "Yes, I see."


Xue Zhiyan came out of Jian's house and was taken to Yan Shaochen's hospital by Su Lingxuan, avoiding Jian Guozheng and Su Kai of course.Yan Shaochen looked at Xue Zhiyan's purple and blackened fingers, and there was a blood blister of Fan Hei on the belly of the finger.

Yan Shaochen pushed the blood blisters away and the blood flowed out, Xue Zhiyan felt that his hands were much more comfortable, at least they wouldn't feel swollen.

Yan Shaochen gave her some basic disinfection and bandaging, and sent a few people to leave quickly.Otherwise, he was afraid that he would accidentally tell about Su Kai living here.

After a few people had lunch, Xue Zhiyan packed up his things and went back to Chi Qian's place first.I don't know why, but after I came out of Jian's house, my heart was in a panic, I couldn't calm down when doing anything, and I was extremely irritable.

I stayed and waited, because I was afraid that my bitter face would scare people, so I might as well just go back, it would be better to stay slowly and shallow, and save the two of them having to take time to take care of her.

Xue Zhiyan, who returned to Chi Qian's house, was playing music, sitting on the sofa in the living room, embroidering a picture of eight horses, thinking that she could give this picture to Jian Zelin in the near future, although she knew that Jian Zelin had various famous paintings , but she was sure that Jian Zelin didn't have such a painting, it was embroidered to him with full of heart, stitch by stitch, and her mood gradually improved.

Following the music played by the phone, Xue Zhiyan hummed a ditty, sweeping away the haze before, not to mention how happy he was.

But Jian Zelin, who was sitting in the conference room listening to the report, was distracted again and again. For some reason, Xue Zhiyan's face, with tears in his eyes, was in front of him.

What she said was still in my ears, the more Jian Zelin thought about it, the more something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.But Xue Zhiyan's crying and aggrieved appearance kept appearing in front of her eyes, and the words she accused him later, when he thought about it now, he seemed to be acting like a spoiled child to himself.

"I'm sorry, I broke your good deed"... The good deed is big!What did she think they were doing?But it was Di Wei who accidentally sprinkled Yangzhi nectar, which made both of them sticky, so she lent her bathroom for status use.Thinking of this, Jian Zelin became angry and punched hard on the desktop in front of him. The manager of the marketing department who was making a report trembled in fright, and looked at Jian Zelin in horror.

"Go ahead!" Jian Zelin left the meeting room without looking back after saying this.At this time, Jian Zelin hadn't realized that Xue Zhiyan's words smacked of jealousy, and the reason why he wanted to find her was to explain something to her.

The boss who listened to the results is gone, what the hell is going on with the meeting?Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one knows why Jian Zelin became so angry today, in the past Jian Zelin would not show it directly even if he was angry, right?
Jian Zelin drove to the neighborhood where Chi Qian lived, but he refused to get off when the car reached the gate.What are you talking about coming so early?Tell Xue Zhiyan that I'm coming over for dinner?This point is a bit early.Tell her to look at your hands?She certainly won't believe it.

While Jian Zelin was struggling in the car, someone knocked on his car window.As soon as he turned around, he saw that Xue Zhiyan's entire face was about to be pressed against the car window.

Jian Zelin took a deep breath, rolled down the car window but did not look at Xue Zhiyan, and asked calmly, "What's wrong?"

Seeing Jian Zelin's familiar ice face, Xue Zhiyan heaved a sigh of relief, and said happily: "Just now the property management called to say that there was a hot and green sports car parked in front of our house. I'm afraid there is something wrong. Let me see if it is someone I know, if not, I will drive you away!"

As Xue Zhiyan said, he reached in, unlocked the safety lock, pulled open the car door, and looked at Jian Bingshan inside, "I was a little puzzled when I heard about the show. Why don't I come out and see, it's really you!" Don't sit here! Go in, Grandpa called and said that he will come over for dinner tonight, and he will be back after a while!"

As he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation, and Jian Zelin immediately felt warm in his heart, so he got out of the car along with her.He walked in front of Xue Zhiyan with big strides, and Xue Zhiyan followed behind in a leisurely manner.

"Hey, Xue Zhiyan, are you usually like this without any vigilance?" Jian Zelin walked in front, thinking about what Xue Zhiyan said carefully, he couldn't help feeling scared.

"Huh? By the way, Jian Bingshan, when did your car get repaired? I remember it wasn't hit by me last time..." Xue Zhiyan didn't pay attention to what Jian Zelin said at all, and only looked at the buttocks of Jian Zelin's car. A Dali was horribly bumped by her.

Xue Zhiyan, who was overjoyed for a while, blurted out the words "Jian Bingshan", which made Jian Zelin's gaze colder and colder. The cold Xue Zhiyan pulled his coat, not knowing where this "cold current" came from for a while.

"Do you feel that it's so cold all of a sudden!" Xue Zhiyan turned around with a dumbfounded look, just in time to meet Jian Zelin's cold gaze.Xue Zhiyan remembered that there was an iceberg in front of him that could bring a cold snap at any time.

 Today's second update is here~~ Weiliang is still immersed in the collection that has broken a hundred, there is still nothing~~ Quickly wave your little hand and poke it~~ Meme~~~~~~~~~~ ~
(End of this chapter)

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