The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 166: Turn Your Face When You Turn Your Face

Chapter 166: Turn Your Face When You Turn Your Face
Seeing Jian Zelin like this, Xue Zhiyan wished he could bite off his tongue and swallow it! "Hey, what did you ask me just now?"

"Jian Bingshan?" Jian Zelin raised his eyebrows and looked at Xue Zhiyan seriously.Is your image so cold?Even a nickname has to be called Bingshan?

"Your car..." Xue Zhiyan simply refused to admit it, and went directly to the next question.

It's like this when I was playing haha ​​with Su Lingxuan, and I quickly got over it.But she forgot that this person is Jian Zelin, not Su Lingxuan.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan like this, Jian Zelin didn't plan to tell him what Jian Bingshan was, but he knew that Xue Zhiyan must have given him the nickname in private, who made him always look like an ice cube that rejected people thousands of miles away ?
However, he still wanted to investigate the issue of Xue Zhiyan's lack of vigilance, Jian Zelin raised his thin lips lightly, and a cynical smile hung on the corner of his mouth.With a hook of his big hand, Xue Zhiyan was picked up, of course by the collar of Xue Zhiyan.

"Ahh~Jian Zelin, what are you doing!" Xue Zhiyan wanted to kick him, but he thought that it had not been 24 hours since the plaster cast was removed from his foot, so he quickly stopped the movement of his feet.

I had no choice but to wave my hand to reach him, my own hand was already long enough, but compared with Jian Zelin's, it seemed to be a section shorter.

Like a brat, Jian Zelin walked back carrying Xue Zhiyan.He was still muttering: "Are you saying that you are usually so unvigilant? Huh? The property management called and said that there was a car parked at the door and you came out. This is me. What if it is a bad person? Huh?"

Xue Zhiyan saw Jian Zelin like this for the first time, what should I say?It seemed to be blaming her, but there was concern in the words.Calling it caring, it also means hating iron but not steel.Looking at his handsome face again, the unspeakable expression, worried?nervous?Are you still teasing her?
"I, I, I..." After hearing Jian Zelin's words, Xue Zhiyan didn't know how to answer him.This kind of Jian Zelin is too rare, even when he was a child, he always looked cold!Is this male god Jane going to subvert his previous image today?
"You, you, what are you, I'm asking you something!" Jian Zelin seemed to like his current appearance very much, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

"I just wanted to give it a try, isn't it very safe!" Xue Zhiyan stuck out his tongue, struggled again, and finally grabbed Jian Zelin's arm, "You put it down first, it's very uncomfortable!"

When Jian Zelin saw that she had entered the courtyard of Chi Qian's house, he put her down with confidence, let go of his hands to watch Xue Zhiyan arrange his clothes, and looked at her intently with a smile on his face. She looks better with short hair.

"If it's you in the car, then there's nothing to be afraid of!" Xue Zhiyan finally straightened his clothes, raised his head and looked at Jian Zelin with a serious face, "If it wasn't for you, I'd say I made a mistake, and then just run away! "

"Are you an idiot?" Jian Zelin said as he stretched out his hand and patted Xue Zhiyan's forehead, "If it wasn't for me being someone with ulterior motives, why would I spray you with drugs while lowering the car window?"

"Uh..." Xue Zhiyan really didn't know how to answer this time. When she received the call from the property manager, she thought that the car must belong to him, so she didn't think about other questions.Unexpectedly, all these series of questions were thought of by Jian Zelin.

"Uh, what, er, in the future, when this kind of thing happens again, I will leave it to the property management. Such a big person has no brains at all!" After speaking, Jian Zelin bent down and hugged Xue Zhiyan horizontally, "I don't know why all women I like bare feet!"

"Put me down!" Xue Zhiyan didn't expect Jian Zelin to hug her suddenly, and struggled unaccustomedly, "My feet are healed, I can walk!"

"Tsk tsk, what a noise!" Jian Zelin frowned impatiently, "How can Su Lingxuan suffer from you!"

Xue Zhiyan stopped struggling when he heard Jian Zelin's words. He didn't know why he felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Jian Zelin's words.It seems that he not only misunderstood his relationship with Su Lingxuan, but also forgot some things.

Jian Zelin saw that Xue Zhiyan was in his arms like a good cat, and wished to bite his tongue off, why did he talk about Su Lingxuan, it was so easy for the two of them to get along peacefully, yet he pushed her away, what a fool!

"Okay, you let me down, I'll make you tea, you just go and sit over there!" Xue Zhiyan saw that it was inconvenient for Jian Zelin to hug him to change shoes, so he jumped out of his arms while Jian Zelin was distracted come out.

Xue Zhiyan, who had been busy in the kitchen for a while, brewed black tea and brought it out, but saw something in Jian Zelin's hand, which he was watching carefully.Then I remembered that I hurried out just now and forgot to put away the picture of eight horses.

"Don't look, don't look, don't look!" Xue Zhiyan trotted over with two cups of tea, the overflowing tea splashed on her hands, scalding her tender little hands red.

When she heard Xue Zhiyan's words, Jian Zelin had almost read everything she wanted to see. This is what Su Lingxuan gave her that day. Was it so nervous to use it?
Xue Zhiyan didn't care about the back of his red hands, put down his teacup and came over to grab the embroidered cloth that was still in Jian Zelin's hand.When Jian Zelin saw that she didn't know how to feel sorry for him, the good mood just now disappeared instantly, and immediately put on a straight face.

"Hey, let go, give it to me!" Xue Zhiyan knelt beside him, unable to snatch it no matter what, so he almost rode on his lap to snatch it.

Jian Zelin couldn't help getting angry, her hands were scalded red by the tea, she was still in the mood to grab the embroidered cloth in his hand?Is what Su Lingxuan gave her so important?More important than herself?
"No!" Jian Zelin didn't know what was wrong, he just didn't want to give it to her, and his hand holding the embroidered cloth became tighter and tighter.

"Don't make trouble, give it back to me quickly!" Xue Zhiyan didn't realize that Jian Zelin was already angry, but he just heard that if he didn't give it back, he thought he was playing a child's temper.

The two of them are just like this on the sofa, you fight for each other, and I grab you to hide.But both of them used their strength, the embroidered cloth is a piece of cloth after all, how could they resist the two snatching it like this.

"Hiss!", Xue Zhiyan was stunned, still maintaining the posture of kneeling on his lap.

He looked at the half of the embroidered cloth in his hand in disbelief, and the half of the embroidered cloth left in Jian Zelin's hands.An unknown fire rushed to his forehead in an instant.

"I told you not to snatch it, don't look at it, you have to look at it, look at it, what are you looking at!" Xue Zhiyan roared angrily, and jumped onto the ground with bare feet, completely ignoring how cold the floor was, staring at Jian Zelin angrily, "It's okay to look at girls' things, you are voyeuristic!"

When Jian Zelin heard what she said, an unexplainable anger rushed to his forehead, and he threw the other half of the embroidered cloth at Xue Zhiyan's feet, "Is what Ling gave you so important? It's more important than yourself ?"

Xue Zhiyan was taken aback, what was he talking about, what does this have to do with Su Lingxuan?Xue Zhiyan bent down to pick up the other half, hugged her in his arms like a baby, and stared at Jian Zelin bitterly, this guy really doesn't understand anything!

"I'll pay you back!" Jian Zelin turned his head to one side, not looking at Xue Zhiyan.I don't know why he felt uncomfortable seeing her so precious what Su Lingxuan gave her.

"I'm sorry you big-headed ghost!" Xue Zhiyan said as he put on his slippers, and randomly picked up the embroidery thread that was still spread on the sofa. Because of the fight between the two of them just now, the thread was also knotted.

"I think it's the two of us who don't match!"

 La la la~~ Today's third update~~ Everyone, take it~ Hoho free recommendation tickets, favorites, comments, etc.~~ Come on!It would be even happier if Weiliang was a bit rewarded and subscribed, hahahaha~~
(End of this chapter)

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