The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 171 Arranging Locations and Work

Chapter 171 Arranging Locations and Work

Xue Zhiyan's brow was sweating listening to these women's whispers. It's only the first day here, and there are only so many people talking about her.What if Su Lingxuan had just announced the news?These women haven't exploded yet?

I really answered that sentence, where there are a lot of chickens and ducks, there is a lot of manure, and where there are a lot of women, there is a lot of right and wrong.

Xue Zhiyan obviously felt that Ben's back was stiff, and when he looked at this group of women, he knew what was going on. If Su Lingxuan heard this, these pretty beauties would have to pack up and leave immediately!
Xue Zhiyan patted Ben's shoulder lightly, signaling him not to be too nervous, she can still handle this little situation.

"Hello! Everyone, I'm Xiaomi who came by air—Xue Zhiyan!" Xue Zhiyan smiled confidently, scanning the faces paled by panic, but smiling happily in his heart, making you blindfolded Gossiping!If I don't tease you, I will be gossiped by you for nothing!
"It's the first time we've met, please take care of me!" Xue Zhiyan said as he stood up straight, clasped his hands around his waist, and gave these women a ninety-degree bow.

Time stopped, and these women wanted to swallow their tongues!He was still gossiping behind people's back just now, and this is the end?

With a sound of "Hula", the door of Su Lingxuan's office opened, and a chill spread.Su Lingxuan stood at the door with one hand in his pocket, squinting his eyes slightly at the women in the office.

"You!" Su Lingxuan glanced around, and finally fell on Xue Zhiyan's smiling face, and pointed with his finger, "I told you to come up quickly, don't you understand?"

As he said that, he gave BEN another blank look, and continued to say coldly: "What are you doing standing there, why don't you hurry up and come in!"

Hearing these words, BEN had goose bumps all over his body, but Xue Zhiyan was not nervous, nodded slightly to these surprised women, and walked into Su Lingxuan's office generously.

Before closing the door, Su Lingxuan glanced at them again, and said coldly, "It's working time now, if I hear someone talking about things other than work, get the hell out of me! I don't care for idlers here! You should know your own Location!"

With a bang, the door slammed shut.Xue Zhiyan, who was sitting in Su Lingxuan's office, laughed and looked at Su Lingxuan with a funny face.

"President Su, where is my office?" Xue Zhiyan took off his shoes while smiling, and stepped on the ground with his bare feet. Fortunately, there is a carpet next to the sofa in Su Lingxuan's office, otherwise it would be quite cold.

Su Lingxuan sat on his exclusive boss chair, touched his chin with one hand, and looked at Xue Zhiyan shrewdly.After a long time, he pointed to the place near the window, where there was a desk and a chair, "You work there!"

Xue Zhiyan looked in the direction he pointed. A brown desk and a black chair were placed not far from the door, near the window, where the sun could be exposed to the sun even if the blinds were pulled up.

"However, shouldn't all secretaries sit outside?" Although Xue Zhiyan liked that position very much, he did not forget his accusation and expressed his doubts.

Su Lingxuan winked at BEN who was standing beside him, and BEN nodded knowingly, then turned and entered Su Lingxuan's exclusive lounge.

Su Lingxuan then raised his head and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a serious face, "They are different from you. You are my secretary, Su Lingxuan, who does not accept orders from anyone. In order to prevent you from running around, I can only put you under my nose Underneath!"

Hearing Su Lingxuan's words, Xue Zhiyan's heart warmed, but he curled his lips in displeasure, "It's nice to say, isn't it just your Su Shao's machismo?"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he picked up his shoes and planned to walk to his place barefoot. It seemed that he had to bring a pair of comfortable flat shoes.

"Miss Xue, this is your thing!" Just as Xue Zhiyan stood up, BEN came over with a cardboard box in his arms.As he spoke, he took out a pair of lavender cotton slippers and placed them respectfully in front of Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the shoes on the ground in disbelief, then turned his head to look at Su Lingxuan, only to see Su Lingxuan nodded, and then put his feet into the pair of lavender slippers.

"This tablet contains the company's profile, some important project-related materials, and some materials about the company's partners. You only need to read this this morning!" BEN said, walked to Xue Zhiyan's seat, and took the cardboard box. The tablet was placed on the table, and Xue Zhiyan walked over behind Ben and sat on the chair.

"This laptop is the computer that Ms. Xue uses in her daily work. It has already installed relevant software, and the relevant files have been uploaded to the computer. When you want to use it, you can just search for it!" said BEN. Then he put a silver-white laptop in the cardboard box in front of Xue Zhiyan, and at the same time handed her a USB flash drive, and added, "If you really can't find the file you want to use in the computer, the USB flash drive has been saved for you. You sorted it out!"

After speaking, BEN handed her a notepad and a dozen black fountain pens, "All are prepared according to your preferences!"

After saying this, ignoring Xue Zhiyan's surprised gaze, he arranged the remaining things in the carton one by one and placed them on Xue Zhiyan's table.

"Okay, your task this morning is to familiarize yourself with the contents of the tablet, and I will go to Jane's for a meeting in the afternoon!" Su Lingxuan finished speaking and glanced at BEN who was standing beside Xue Zhiyan, and BEN nodded and left Su Lingxuan's office.

After BEN's figure disappeared, Su Lingxuan lowered his head and began to read the documents. Maybe it was because of Xue Zhiyan's presence. He felt particularly at ease. Even the documents that seemed to annoy him in the past seemed to be full of love today.

After Xue Zhiyan sorted out the things on his desk, he turned to look at Su Lingxuan who was sitting inside.She felt that today's Su Lingxuan was different from the past, with an indescribable aura.

Domineering, gentle, confident, independent.But no matter what, it was Su Lingxuan who doted on her endlessly and was always the most important existence to her.

Seeing the faint smile on the corner of Su Ling's mouth, Xue Zhiyan lowered his head in peace and started his work.

Su Lingxuan secretly raised his head to look at Xue Zhiyan, today's Xue Zhiyan was a little different from the Xue Zhiyan he had seen before.

Exquisite makeup, specially selected clothing, exudes a confident atmosphere, and reveals a natural queen style from the inside out.

Seeing her slightly frowned eyebrows, pursed lips, and looking at the materials he prepared for her with a serious face, she felt a sense of security in her heart that she had never felt before.

No matter Xue Zhiyan is serious, or mischievous and cute, to him, Su Lingxuan, they are all unique in this world, and they are all worthy of his lifelong love and protection.

Today's third update, there is a problem with Weiliang's wireless, so I can only squat on the ground with the computer in my arms and connect to the network cable to update the article for everyone.I sincerely hope that everyone who likes Weiliang can give suggestions and opinions to Weiliang, Weiliang really needs you~
(End of this chapter)

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