The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 172 Attending the Meeting for the First Time

Chapter 172 Attending the Meeting for the First Time

I don't know why Xue Zhiyan felt that she read more words this morning than the books she read in school.Just as she was fascinated and happy watching, a crisp knock on the door caught her attention.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, turned his eyes to the door in displeasure, and glanced at Su Lingxuan who had been looking down at the documents, and then remembered that he was his secretary, and she should be the one who opened the door.

She hurriedly put on her high heels, her steps were a little unsteady, but luckily she just opened the door, and by the door, Xue Zhiyan quickly returned to normal.

Looking at the glasses girl standing outside the door, Xue Zhiyan asked her politely, "What's the matter? Young Master Su is reading the document, I can pass it on!"

The glasses girl didn't want to talk to her very much, so she rolled her eyes in displeasure, and shook the magnetic card in her hand, which is a must for every employee of the Su Corporation, "The people from the information department sent this magnetic card over and said it was You have to hand it over to President Su yourself!"

Of course Xue Zhiyan knew why the secretary with glasses was unwilling to talk to her, but as a secretary, even though it was her first day at work, she still knew some rules.

"Leave it to me! Since I'm Su Shao's special assistant, I can't let you in without his instructions!" Xue Zhiyan said as he pulled out the magnetic card from the glasses girl, smiled politely at her, and closed it. the office door.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan turned around, Su Lingxuan's magnetic voice reached her ears. "It's handled well. That's your magnetic card. It's necessary for entering and exiting Su's gate, reference room, and staff lounge." After speaking, Su Lingxuan looked up from the file, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Xue Zhiyan was not angry at all, she could use Su Lingxuan to block the "crazy bees" that rushed towards her, and of course Su Lingxuan could also use her to block those "wave butterflies" that rushed towards her.

"Would you like to eat at Xu Huan at noon?" Su Lingxuan didn't answer Xue Zhiyan's question, but managed to divert the topic away. He glanced at the time, and it was already eleven o'clock.

"Hmm!" Xue Zhiyan threw aside the magnetic card with his name and photo printed on it, lowered his head and continued to look at the files on the tablet, and entered some things into the laptop from time to time.

"How's it going?" Su Lingxuan simply put down the document in his hand, and after reading it for two hours, his eyes were a little sore.Walking up to Xue Zhiyan, he wanted to see her achievements, and asked her if there was anything she didn't understand.

After walking in, I found that Xue Zhiyan not only made the corresponding excerpts in the laptop, but also wrote down the key information in the notepad.Su Lingxuan had to praise Xue Zhiyan in his heart for being smart, at least smarter than the group of secretaries outside who only knew how to be jealous all day long.

"Tired?" Xue Zhiyan didn't know why Su Lingxuan was standing next to him suddenly, but he was still looking at the information on the tablet seriously, but without Su Lingxuan's response, he raised his head to meet Su Lingxuan's pretty smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Xue Zhiyan put down the things in his hands, and looked at Su Lingxuan with a puzzled expression on his face. Why did this guy look at him smiling like that? Didn't he never see himself?
"I just feel that my words have grown up!" Su Lingxuan said and stretched out his hand to cover Xue Zhiyan's head. Today, she couldn't mess up her hairstyle, it was obviously taken care of carefully.

Xue Zhiyan gave him a blank look, "I've grown up a long time ago, okay?" Pushing away Su Ling's hand on her head, he tidied up the somewhat messy table, "Make tea for you?"

Su Lingxuan nodded, bent down to help Xue Zhiyan take off her high heels, helped her put on comfortable slippers, and took her hand to walk towards the sofa step by step.

If possible, Su Lingxuan would like to drag her into the wedding hall like this, but it is destined that Su Lingxuan can only pull her hand into the auditorium like this, and then hand her over to others.


After lunch, Xue Zhiyan lay on the sofa and squinted for a while. Su Lingxuan took advantage of Xue Zhiyan's rest to read a few more documents, but these documents were not as easy as the ones he read in the morning.

Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes and saw Su Lingxuan sitting on a chair with a sad face.Rubbing his eyes, Xue Zhiyan sat up and asked in a nasal voice, "Is there any problem?"

Hearing Xue Zhiyan's voice, Su Lingxuan was stunned for a second, then shook his head, "Drink a glass of water, follow me to Jane's, there is a meeting!"

Xue Zhiyan frowned, why did he have to go to Jane's for a meeting on the first day of work? "Do I have to follow?" Xue Zhiyan was not ready to meet Jian Zelin as a secretary, so he had to ask.

"Of course!" Su Lingxuan nodded solemnly, as if knowing what Xue Zhiyan was thinking, walked up to her, squatted at her feet, pinched her chubby little face, "Today, you go to get acquainted first, what? Don't do it, just bring your laptop to pretend, there will be many meetings like this in the future, you have to get familiar with it quickly!"

Xue Zhiyan knew that this was a privilege granted by Su Lingxuan for her, so although he still didn't want to go, he nodded.

It has to be said that Xue Zhiyan has the ability to attract attention.Although she was not the only one following Su Lingxuan, Jian Zelin saw Xue Zhiyan right away in Su Lingxuan's group of beautiful secretaries.

Today's Xue Zhiyan is different from what he saw before, mature and confident.The light and appropriate makeup set off her already delicate face.

There was a faint smile on his face, and there was no trace of nervousness, not the nervousness of participating in this kind of meeting for the first time, but calmness and calmness accounted for most of it.

Sensing that someone was looking at her, Xue Zhiyan tilted his head slightly, and met Jian Zelin's gaze.Although he was stunned for a moment, Xue Zhiyan acted decently, smiling and nodding.Then he followed Su Ling and sat in the seat closest to him.

Although Su Lingxuan asked her to go through the motions and get used to the meeting process, she didn't have this idea. Since she came, she should try her best to try, otherwise she would never know if she could do it.

He turned on the laptop he brought, and opened the notepad to the blank space.At this time, the short-haired beauty sitting next to Xue Zhiyan touched her lightly, Xue Zhiyan looked at the short-haired beauty with a puzzled expression, and looked at the magnetic card hanging around her neck, Xiao Min.

"You just take the minutes of the meeting, we will do the electronic version!" Xiao Min lowered his voice, looked at the other two people who came with him, pointed to Xue Zhiyan's opened notepad, and then lowered his head and stopped looking at her.

Xue Zhiyan smiled gratefully, but the other party didn't see it.When Xue Zhiyan is serious about something, she likes to make two-handed preparations. She turns on the recording function on her laptop, so that even if something is missed, it can still be played back.Su Lingxuan taught her this, just in case.

After everything was ready, as soon as Xue Zhiyan looked up, he saw Jian Zelin's profile, with a serious expression on his face.

Today's fourth update is here, Weiliang needs everyone's support very much~ Weiliang is writing an article for the first time, there are many shortcomings, I hope you can point it out~ Weiliang needs you~
(End of this chapter)

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