Chapter 173 Her Plan ([-])

This is also the first time she has seen Jian Zelin like this. Unlike the previous Bingshan, today she is more serious.Xue Zhiyan thinks that men who are serious at work are the most attractive, regardless of age and occupation.

Although Jian Zelin's body is still protected from cold air today, with a serious expression on his face, in Xue Zhiyan's eyes, it seems that he is coated with the light of a male god.

Sensing a fiery gaze from behind, Jian Zelin looked up from the document, turned around and met Xue Zhiyan's gaze of admiration and admiration.Heart skipped a beat.

Jian Zelin was flustered, but his actions were as calm as usual.He bowed his head and said something to his handsome secretary, and the secretary walked out of the conference room, returning with a stack of documents in his hand.

Before the meeting officially started, Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin's profile for a while, then looked down at the notes he had just made on the notepad.Feeling a shadow cast in front of him, he looked up and saw Jian Zelin's handsome secretary standing beside him, "What's the matter?" Xue Zhiyan glanced at the gradually increasing number of people in the conference room, and asked in a low voice.

The man put the document in his hand on Xue Zhiyan's open notebook, bowed halfway, and whispered in Xue Zhiyan's ear: "This is the issue to be discussed in this meeting, Mr. Jane, let me bring it to you, let me get acquainted with it first. !" After speaking, the man walked back to his seat and sat down, no longer looking at Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan flipped through the document in front of him - "Xinjingdi Development Plan", which is the development of a piece of land jointly developed by Su's and Jian's. Xue Zhiyan glanced at Su's information in the morning, but hadn't had time to study it carefully.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin gratefully, but found that Jian Zelin was seriously looking at the document in his hand, frowning slightly, and gently stroking his dry lips with one hand.

Seeing Jian Zelin frowning, Xue Zhiyan suddenly thought of how he was when he was making car models when he was a child. He was always like this when he was stuck at a critical point. He didn't expect that after so many years, he still hasn't changed his habit. .

Xue Zhiyan shook his head with a smile, picked up his cell phone, and wrote a text message.Jian Zelin's phone in his pocket vibrated twice, Jian Zelin took out the phone impatiently, but saw Xue Zhiyan's name flashing on the screen, and a text message.

Only then did Jian Zelin turn his head to look at Xue Zhiyan, only to see Xue Zhiyan smiled and pointed to the screen of the phone, motioning him to read the text message.Jian Zelin looked at his mobile phone with a puzzled expression, and clicked on the text message: Drink more chrysanthemum tea in autumn to prevent getting angry.

When Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan again, she had already lowered her head to study the document Jian Zelin gave her, and stopped looking at her.Jian Zelin pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, and a nice smile appeared on his face.

"Zhuo, make me a cup of tea!" Jian Zelin turned to look at Su Lingxuan after speaking, and then said to his secretary, "There's Su Shao!"

Not long after Lin Zhuo, Jian Zelin's secretary, came back with two cups of tea, the meeting started.Xinjingdi is definitely going to be developed, and this meeting is mainly to decide whether to develop it into a mid-to-high-end community or to develop it into a high-end villa community.

Originally, Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan had decided to develop it into a mid-to-high-end community for the general public. The main consumers were young and middle-aged couples and single white-collar workers, and the housing price positioning had also been determined.Helpless, there are always voices of opposition in the company, so another meeting is held before the official start of construction to make the final decision.

Xue Zhiyan felt that this project was not bad just by looking at the information. After all, the rich and powerful in this city now have a fixed area. If a new high-end community is developed, those rich who already have one or more single-family villas Jia may not buy it out of pocket, after all, he already owns a single-family house, so why buy another one and leave it empty?Unless you have three, four, five, six milks, you have to buy so many houses to save your wives and concubines from fighting.

Xue Zhiyan didn't take minutes of the meeting, but just scribbled some random things in his notebook.The vision of these old antiques is really bad, so they only target the circle of the rich, so ordinary people and ordinary white-collar workers don't have to live?

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan couldn't help feeling dizzy when they heard the elders' words. If they couldn't make a decision, they wouldn't be able to cut the ribbon on New Year's Day, and they wouldn't be able to dig the foundation for construction.

The two sides were at a stalemate, and the meeting room became more and more quiet. Everyone held their breath and waited for Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan to make a decision.Xue Zhiyan sighed without fear of death, and made a lot of noise.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan turned their heads to look at Xue Zhiyan at the same time, but Xue Zhiyan shrugged indifferently, and said slowly: "There are actually other development plans in this community!"

The shareholders of the opposition turned their attention to Xue Zhiyan, and when they heard someone denying their opinion, they wished they could swallow him alive.

"You are a little secretary. You only need to keep your meeting minutes. When will it be your turn to intervene?" The leader Yang Dong saw Xue Zhiyan's attire and sitting position, and couldn't help but criticize Xue Zhiyan.

Su Lingxuan sneered, and looked at Mr. Yang. The reason why the case could not be settled was because of him. It was fine for him to hold opposing opinions. He even went out and said that the Su family and the Jian family wanted to make a lot of money by doing this real estate project that favors the public. He made a gimmick, and then made a fortune out of it, which made some directors who were already very unstable shaken.

"Director Yang, this is not an ordinary secretary!" Jian Zelin didn't know what Xue Zhiyan was thinking, but felt that since she spoke, she must have a different suggestion from everyone else, and she shouldn't be wrong.

"Then please tell our Miss Xue in detail?" Su Lingxuan looked at Xue Zhiyan with a softer gaze, with a confident smile on his face, as if he knew what Xue Zhiyan was going to say.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Su Lingxuan gratefully, then glanced back at Jian Zelin, and got Jian Zelin's nod of agreement. She then cleared her throat and said quietly: "Actually, it can be integrated. There are both single-family villas and Mid to high-end apartment.”

"Nonsense!" As soon as Xue Zhiyan said this, the leader, Director Yang, slapped the table heavily, making some people tremble in fright, "This is related to the development prospects of Xinjingdi, how can it be you The girl has the final say?"

"You don't understand the importance of this land at all, so you dare to talk nonsense? Believe it or not, I will fire you for your boss!" Director Yang stood up and pointed at Xue Zhiyan's nose when he was excited, his face was full of anger. If it weren't for the top floor of Shengshi, I'm afraid he would rush over and tear Xue Zhiyan apart.

"Don't be angry! The weather is so dry and you are so angry. What's wrong with me, I can't afford it as a young secretary!" Xue Zhiyan was not angry, but laughed instead.As he spoke, he stood up and bowed slightly to Dong Yang as an apology.

Today's fifth update is over~ Weiliang looks forward to your comments~~ I wish you all a happy weekend~
(End of this chapter)

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