Chapter 174 Her Plan ([-])

Sitting next to Xue Zhiyan, Su Lingxuan's other three secretaries all stared at Xue Zhiyan in a daze, as if they wanted to watch a good show. They didn't expect this airborne girl to make such a big commotion when she participated in the meeting of two companies for the first time.

Jian Zelin was also not angry when he heard Xue Zhiyan's words, but instead laughed, and waved to Lin Zhuo who was at the side, "Make a cup of tea for Director Yang, and lower the fire!"

"Keep talking!" Jian Zelin turned her head and gave Xue Zhiyan an encouraging look, signaling her not to be afraid to continue talking, and to say whatever comes to mind.

When Director Yang saw that Jian Zelin was not angry but smiled, the little fire in his heart was even more intense, but Jian Zelin had already spoken and Xue Zhiyan continued to speak, so he couldn't say anything more, so he had to suppress his anger and sat down on his chair again.

"What I mean is that the development of new scenic spots can be combined with the design of mid-to-high-end apartments and single-family villas, targeting young and middle-aged couples, white-collar workers and the wealthy class, so that everyone's life can be integrated."

As Xue Zhiyan expected, there was a cold snort of disapproval, but it didn't affect her at all. After all, she was just expressing her own ideas. As for how to develop it in the end, it was up to Jian Shi and Su Shi. It doesn't matter at all.

"Tell me, what kind of fusion method?" Su Ling became interested, and felt that what Xue Zhiyan said was not impossible.When Director Yang raised his objection for the first time, he had thought about doing this, but he couldn't find a better way to integrate it.

Xue Zhiyan pulled up the chair and sat back down again. She didn't want to stand like that and become the object of everyone's attention.Although she has a good quality in her heart, it is hard to guarantee that she will be looked down upon by these people, and she will stutter when she speaks.

"It's very simple. Make some unique villas, such as sinking design and antique ones. These single-family villas are all unique in shape and design, and they are concentrated in the central area of ​​the community." Xue Zhiyan paused and took a look. Seeing that they were listening carefully, Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin continued: "Then build apartments outside these villas, of course the floors should not be too high, interspersed with duplex buildings in these apartments, so that they can be integrated !"

"There is enough open space between the buildings, and there is a parking lot that is convenient for parking, so that visitors who come to visit can park easily and won't get lost in the underground parking lot." Xue Zhiyan briefly stated his opinion, and the specific drawings A designer is required to do it, but she just expressed a different opinion.

Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan in surprise, he had already learned her wonderful things, but when these strange things were used in the right place, they seemed to be pretty good.

"Can you tell me about your philosophy?" Jian Zelin rested his head on one hand and looked sideways at Xue Zhiyan.Su Lingxuan knew that Jian Zelin was as interested as he was, and felt that Xue Zhiyan's plan was feasible.

"Idea? No!" Xue Zhiyan didn't expect to have his own business, looked at Jian Zelin with a surprised face, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Then tell me, what is the original intention of your proposal?" Su Ling wanted to know what this girl was thinking before she could decide whether to follow her proposal or not.

When Xue Zhiyan finished the passage just now, even the opposition was much quieter, as if they were carefully considering Xue Zhiyan's suggestion.

"Original intention? No! But..." Xue Zhiyan didn't dare to continue. He stopped and waited for Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan to nod in agreement. Seeing the two nodding, Xue Zhiyan finally expressed his thoughts.

"The last time I went to a friend's Sea View Villa, I always felt that the community was too quiet, and there was no popularity at all!" After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he glanced at Jian Zelin embarrassedly, but Jian Zelin didn't notice what Xue Zhiyan said. The friend is him, waiting for her to continue talking expectantly.

"I was thinking at the time, if I bought a house in this unpopular community, if I suddenly fell down or something happened to me, even if I starved to death, no one might find out, that would be too pitiful!" Xue said. After speaking, he stuck out his tongue, and when he looked at Jian Zelin again, he found that he was staring at himself. It seemed that he knew what she was talking about.

"Right now, the division between rich and poor is very serious. The common people have their circles, and the rich have their circles. The boundaries are too clear. It's not easy for the rich to blend in with the common people and live an ordinary life." Xue Zhiyan held in his hand. With a pen, he lightly tapped his notepad, "Isn't it great that the development of Xinjingdi can integrate the rich and the common people? The rich can live an ordinary life like ordinary people, because the community There are busy white-collar workers and people from ordinary families walking around and gaining popularity. You don’t have to worry about turning yourself into a mummy and no one will find out. Ordinary civilians who live next to the rich have also received great psychological support. Satisfied, as soon as I go out, I will say that I live in the same community with so-and-so, and it will be more face-saving!"

"Think about it carefully, which rich family must be rich and powerful if you count up to three generations? Who doesn't have a commoner background?" Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes shrewdly, and glanced at Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan, "Besides, If you live with money for a long time, you will get tired of it, and you want to return to ordinary life!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, there was moderate applause. It turned out to be Cheng Jianfeng, and Xue Zhiyan remembered him.I thought he had resigned because of that incident and had already rested at home.

Xue Zhiyan nodded and smiled at him gratefully, and stopped talking. After all, as Director Yang said, she is just a little secretary who just arrived by air today.

However, Jian Zelin didn't want to let her go, and wanted her to continue talking, and asked, "Then you said that those villas should have unique exterior designs, why?"

Xue Zhiyan really wanted to rush over and slap him in the face, but he didn't even give him a chance if he wanted to keep a low profile.Xue Zhiyan gave Jian Zelin a sneaky look, adjusted his emotions and said quietly: "It's also to satisfy the psychology of those rich people!"

"In S City, there are many high-end villas with a uniform appearance and no new ideas. If the rich man drinks too much and doesn't pay attention to it, he might walk into someone else's house! The design is unique and easy to recognize. This is to highlight the different status of the head of the household from other people!" Xue Zhiyan paused, then glanced at the shareholders and employees present, "The most important thing is that making a unique design can bring greater benefits to Shengshi and the Su family. "

"Oh? I'd like to see what ideas you girl can come up with!" Director Yang, who had never had a chance to speak, finally found a chance to speak.

"Director Yang, do you know what an independent profession is called now?" Xue Zhiyan is really not angry, after all, he is older than his father, and it is understandable that he is slow to accept new things. "Now there is an independent profession called As a designer, you pay the money, and he will help you design according to your ideas, and you will be satisfied!"

"Haha~ I really found a lucky general!" Hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, Su Lingxuan's original doubts were dispelled.

He originally wondered what Xue Zhiyan said would bring greater benefits, but he fully understood what Xue Zhiyan said later.I'm afraid that if this Xinjingdi really does this, it will be the first in S City, right?It is too late for others to imitate, of course this is another project that can gain both fame and fortune!

Today's first update~ Weiliang presents it affectionately~ Wireless is not good yet!So is there any support for Weiliang by collecting tickets?

(End of this chapter)

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