The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 175 Her Excellence

Chapter 175 Her Excellence
Even Jian Zelin, who had always shown others with an iceberg face, laughed after hearing what Xue Zhiyan said.This is really a wonderful way to come up with a wonderful way to make money in a way!Fortunately, this is my partner. If this is my opponent, she will be replaced by her in minutes!
After listening to Xue Zhiyan's words, even the old antiques can understand what it means!That is to say, when they are developing this group of villas, they can collect designs openly, and then let those who want to buy villas pay for the designs.That’s not counting, if you buy a design, you need to pay for a house. This is a house, and you’ve made money twice!
"By the way, I have a small suggestion!" Xue Zhiyan really wanted to accept it when she was good. After all, she knew what kind of virtue Jian Zelin usually had, and it was rare to show others with a smile. If she accidentally said something wrong, she might be punished by him. Instant Freezing ability to Frostbite.

Su Lingxuan reached out and touched Xue Zhiyan's head. This girl really did not disappoint him. She easily solved the problem that neither he nor Aze could solve. "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"It's best to limit the number of single-family villas, not too many!" Xue Zhiyan had a thief smile on his face, "After all, limited edition things are the best!"

"Hahaha! It seems that our employees still need to be strengthened!" Although Jian Zelin was smiling, his sharp eyes swept across the planning department, design department, and administration department sitting on the side. cold sweat.

"As expected of Miss Xue!" Cheng Jianfeng couldn't tell whether he was mocking Xue Zhiyan or praising her.

But Xue Zhiyan is an extremely optimistic person, so he should be praising himself.Finally, I have nothing to do with myself, and I can't hear the voice of the opposing party.

"Yang Dong, what do you think?" Jian Zelin's tone couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry, and his dark eyes were fixed on Yang Fan who was sitting on the side.

In fact, he also knew that Yang Fan's objection was for Jane's Prosperity. After all, the projects that Prosperity and Su had cooperated in the past were aimed at high-spending groups.However, the old viewpoint cannot be kept unchanged forever. Only with the injection of new things can the company develop and make progress.

"Since Jian Shao has already made a decision, why ask us old people's opinions?" Yang Fan was obviously dissatisfied with Xue Zhiyan's sudden suggestion.

Xue Zhiyan poked Su Lingxuan's back with the pen tip, Su Lingxuan looked at Xue Zhiyan with a puzzled face, "What's wrong?"

"The suggestion I put forward this time won't harm the interests of some people again?" Xue Zhiyan suddenly thought of what happened to Xue Shi last time, and was a little scared.

She made this opinion out of good intentions, so don't someone be ungrateful and get into trouble again, causing Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin to be injured.

"Don't worry, Yang Fan is just old and dissatisfied with A Ze's new style these years, it has nothing to do with you!" Su Lingxuan said in a low voice, but she was also relieved a lot in her heart. Although Xue Zhiyan showed her edge today, she also knew that she was afraid Well, it seems that those things that happened before are still a bit good.

Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth wide, nodded, and stopped talking.After all, whispering in a meeting is also disrespectful to the speaker.

"I just hope that Young Master Jian's wish will come true!" Yang Fan glared at Xue Zhiyan who was sitting behind Su Ling, and walked away angrily.

What does it mean to be a gentleman who knows current affairs?That is to say, those who raised objections who did not follow Yang Fan, after all, in the face of interests, allies can also become enemies.Who will have trouble with money?

Now that he heard Xue Zhiyan's words and saw the bright future of Xinjingdi's development, there was no need to insist on who's idea was followed.Still the same sentence, who would have trouble with money?As long as the method can make your wallet bulge, it is a good method!
The people in the conference room gradually dispersed, and the other three beautiful secretaries who had been watching the show were sent back by Su Lingxuan. Even Jian Zelin asked his secretary to go back first, and there were only three of them left in the huge conference room ——Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan tidied up his things, looked at the two people who were sitting in their seats and had no intention of leaving, and looked at their watches.

scare!I don't know if I don't look at it. It feels like the meeting hasn't been held for a long time, but it has been held for two and a half hours!Xue Zhiyan's first day working in the Su Corporation ended like this.

"Huh! So tired!" Seeing that there were only the two of them left, Xue Zhiyan didn't need to pretend anymore, threw off the high heels on his feet, and slumped on the chair.

One hand was clenched into a fist and lightly tapped on his shoulder, turning his shoulder from time to time to relieve the soreness caused by sitting for a long time.

"Tired now?" Jian Zelin stretched his waist, with a faint smile on his face, staring intently at Xue Zhiyan who was slumped on the chair, without any gesture, completely opposite to the previous appearance.

"Of course!" Xue Zhiyan gave Jian Zelin a calm look, "It's hard work for you guys! Besides, it's not the first time you're sitting here in a meeting dressed so formally, why do you feel tired?"

"Okay, okay!" Su Lingxuan smoothed things over for the two of them, otherwise the two of them would quarrel again later. These two guys have been arguing more and more frequently recently. I don't know if it's because they have met more times. No matter who is present, As long as the fight is endless.

"Ask your sisters to have dinner tonight?" Su Lingxuan looked at the time, and will go back to Su's to do some finishing work, and it's almost time to go, "Congratulations to our Miss Xue Zhiyan for helping the two families on the first day of work." Has the company solved a problem?"

Xue Zhiyan waved his hand, then glanced at Jian Zelin again, wondering what his opinion was.Even if Jian Zelin agreed, she would not go, because she had already made an appointment to go shopping tonight.Just waiting for her to get off work and pick up Liang Huan, the few of them are about to go to the appointment.

"Why, I don't want to be rewarded?" Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan naturally didn't know the agreement of the four women. Seeing that Xue Zhiyan had nothing to do, Jian Zelin felt a little uncomfortable and asked.

"When Xinjingdi makes money, please treat me to a good meal! I have an appointment tonight!" Xue Zhiyan put on his shoes and rested for a while, feeling much better.

He took his things and prepared to go back to Su's. After all, his car was still parked in the underground parking lot over there.Thinking of Su Lingxuan still sitting there, Xue Zhiyan looked back at Su Lingxuan, "President Su, why don't you leave?"

For some reason, when Jian Zelin heard the word "Boss Su", he was overjoyed, and the haze of being rejected by Xue Zhiyan had long since dissipated.

Su Lingxuan shrugged helplessly at Jian Zelin, followed Xue Zhiyan and left the top floor of Shengshi.

After the two left, Jian Zelin stood in front of the window, overlooking the whole city, with a trace of unspeakable pain in his heart.Looking at the lights in Su Lingxuan's office on the top floor of the opposite building, a wry smile hung on his lips.

Xue Zhiyan, is it a wrong decision to ask you to be Su Lingxuan's secretary?Thinking about it, I really regret not letting you work in Shengshi!But today you are really impressive, I really look forward to your performance in the future...

Second watch~~
(End of this chapter)

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