The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 181 Order Your Cooking

Chapter 181 Order Your Cooking

Xue Zhiyan is not someone who would kill a donkey just to let go of the grind, he let go of Su Lingxuan, and glanced at Jian Zelin with a dark face and Yan Shaochen who looked like he was watching a show, "I treat you to dinner!" Then he turned his head Glancing at his sister Tao, the three of them nodded at the same time, then looked at Su Lingxuan and asked him what he thought.

Yan Shaochen raised his hand to look at the time, and frowned, "If you still eat at this time, you will grow meat!"

When Liang Huan heard Yan Shaochen's words, he gave Yan Shaochen a displeased look, "How can I lose weight if I'm full?" I hadn't seen him for several days, and wanted to ask him out alone to thank him for curing her cold, but Think about the things between the two before, and let it go.

Yan Shaochen shrugged and stopped talking. Who told this to be what his future wife said?He had to admit that he was a wife slave. Although Liang Huan hadn't agreed to him now, he had already regarded her as the first in his heart, and she would do whatever she said, and he would never refute it.

Jian Zelin glanced at the hopeless Yan Shaochen, and shook his head helplessly. It seems that among the four of them, apart from Chi Yuan, the other one is about to fall!

"I don't know if I can order food?" Jian Zelin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his mouth after hearing Xue Zhiyan invite them to dinner, with a vague smirk on the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to set up something for Xue Zhiyan General trap.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin, what is this guy planning?But since I said that I want to invite them to dinner, let them order!She nodded, "What do you want to eat?"

"The Sixi balls you made last time!" Jian Zelin was a noble person, and most of the food he ate was prepared by Yu's mother.The most important thing is that before Xue Zhiyan went to Jian's house, he seldom went home for dinner.

Although they had eaten Xue Zhiyan's food in Su Lingxuan's office very early, it was the first time that Jian Guozheng and Su Kai had Xue Zhiyan's food.It was that time that Jian Zelin fell in love with the Sixi Ball made by Xue Zhiyan.He also ate a few times in Jianglin Pavilion, but the taste was not as good as the one made by Xue Zhiyan, which really made him want.stop.cannot.

The corners of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched a few times when he heard Jian Zelin's words, and he looked at the time, "It's already past eight o'clock, and the meatballs I cooked are already at ten o'clock, should we have dinner or supper?"

It's good that Xue Zhiyan didn't mention it, but when she mentioned dinner, Feng Ziyao, Chi Qian and Liang Hun tacitly touched their empty stomachs.The four of them went shopping on the eighth floor after drinking in the coffee shop. They basically didn't eat anything!

"Zhiyan, my good words!" Feng Ziyao looked at Xue Zhiyan with a pitiful look, and kept stroking her stomach with her hands, and her stomach also cooed. stand up.

As for Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan, and Yan Shaochen, they didn't feel very hungry when they were with Su Kai in the hospital. After they came, they saw that there was nothing to do and relaxed their tense nerves, so they naturally felt empty.

"Okay!" Xue Zhiyan made a stop gesture. She can't stand Feng Ziyao acting coquettishly. The important thing is that as long as Feng Ziyao is acting coquettishly, she must eat what she wants to eat before it's finished. "It's so late Even if you go to the supermarket, many dishes are sold out!"

"It's okay, I can send it to Jiang Linge! And it's guaranteed to be fresh!" Jian Zelin was uncharacteristic today, when he heard Xue Zhiyan let go, he quickly took over the conversation, there was no sign of Bingshan at all, he looked like a greedy cat.

Su Lingxuan took the packaged jewelry handed over by the manager, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, this woman's shopping ability is really not ordinary, and in just a short while, she has created hundreds of thousands of income for Xiyan.

Chi Qian stretched out a finger to poke Xue Zhiyan's arm, Xue Zhiyan looked at her puzzled, wondering what kind of trouble Chi Qian would cause again.

"Miss Xue Zhiyan, you don't want to go out for dinner with inestimable jewels in the dead of night, do you?" Chi Qian shrank her neck pretending to be afraid, "You are not afraid of me, I am! Once the lawbreakers are on top, we weak girls..."

"Losing things is a minor matter, but losing your body is a major issue!" Liang Huan cooperated tacitly with Chi Qian, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and looked at Xue Zhiyan in horror.

Even Feng Ziyao covered his chest with his hands and nodded in horror.Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen, who stood watching the play, twitched a few times at the corners of their mouths, are they weak girls?If these four people go up together, I'm afraid the three of them won't be able to subdue them!
Xue Zhiyan smiled speechlessly, these three people really love acting, acting is really addictive!Seeing that they had six votes to one vote for herself, Xue Zhiyan didn't struggle anymore, so he nodded in agreement, and went to Chiqian's Qianxiang Xiaozhu to cook for them uncles.

When the group of seven arrived at Chiqian's Qianxiang Xiaozhu, the car that brought the ingredients from Linge had already stopped at the door. Seeing Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen, they bowed respectfully and followed behind with the things Jian Zelin ordered. Behind a few people.

When Xue Zhiyan changed his clothes and went downstairs, the people who brought the things just now had already left. In the living room, there were only three uncles, Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen, leaning on the sofa and watching TV.

Xue Zhiyan prepared something to drink for the three of them, and went into the kitchen to look at the ingredients Jian Zelin prepared.It's really a good thing, good hairy crabs, cleaned sea bass, deveined prawns, soaked lilies and celery, and chopped yams and fungus. There are only five dishes in total?

Xue Zhiyan came out of the kitchen while wearing an apron, and looked at Jian Zelin who was sitting on the sofa with a relaxed attitude, "Would it be enough for seven of us to eat five dishes?"

"Enough!" The person who spoke was Chi Qian, she walked down with Liang Huan, jumped onto the sofa like a monkey, found a comfortable position to nest in the sofa, and played with the tablet as if no one else was there.

"Isn't thrift popular now?" Liang Huan said quietly without raising his head.

Hearing the footsteps of Xue Zhiyan turning and leaving, he looked up at Xue Zhiyan as if remembering something, "By the way, don't forget to pick out all the ginger after cooking!"

Xue Zhiyan was speechless to the extreme, he was already very tired after a day and a half of work, and it was even more tiring to go shopping and fight wits with Li Er and Di Wei.After finally returning to her own nest, she still has to be a cook.

"I guess Xue Zhiyan can't do this!" It was Feng Ziyao who spoke, she went to the kitchen to make a cup of hot cocoa for herself, and by the way helped Liang Huanhe and Chiqian pour a cup of milk, and put it on the coffee table.

Lifted his foot and kicked Yan Shaochen, Yan Shaochen consciously moved to Jian Zelin's side, Feng Ziyao sat where Yan Shaochen was sitting just now, took out his laptop and put it on his lap, pressed the power button, and then looked up seriously. Looking at Liang Huan, "I just saw fresh hairy crabs in the kitchen. If you don't want to get painkillers this month, just eat the ginger obediently!"

After speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Yan Shaochen who was stupefied, and before Yan Shaochen could react, he looked down at his computer and stopped talking.

The third update today~
(End of this chapter)

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