The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 182 Let's Drink Some Bars

Chapter 182 Let's Drink Some Bars
Xue Zhiyan carefully cut the minced ginger, completely oblivious to Jian Zelin standing behind her.Looking at the heat coming out of the steamer, Xue Zhiyan put down the knife in his hand, reached out and turned the heat down a bit.

For the staple food, she steamed the red bean buns stored in the refrigerator, and decided to make a simple Hu spicy soup. The crabs were so cold after eating, the men were fine, but the four of them, as women, might not be able to bear it.

"Are you always like this?" Jian Zelin stood behind Xue Zhiyan, leaning against the door and watching her busy figure, feeling an indescribable sense of happiness in her heart.

After living for 28 years, it was the first time he felt that he wanted a home. It would be even better if the mistress of that home was Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan jumped when he heard the sudden sound, and the hand holding the knife trembled, and the knife cut Xue Zhiyan's finger.

Before Xue Zhiyan could exclaim in surprise, he quickly dropped the knife in his hand, rushed to the faucet and pointed at his fingers.Jian Zelin didn't expect that his words would scare Xue Zhiyan, so he rushed to her and took her hand, and put it in his mouth without thinking.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin in a daze, not knowing what he was going to do.When she flushed the water just now, she didn't see the red blood, probably it was cut on the nail.

But Jian Zelin didn't notice, because she was nervous, she held her fingers in her mouth with a worried face for a while, and then opened her mouth to look at her fingers seriously.

Xue Zhiyan's face turned red in a flash, he pulled out his finger in a panic, looked carefully, and it really was cut on the nail.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Xue Zhiyan pulling out his fingers, Jian Zelin frowned in displeasure. He didn't seem to realize how ambiguous the two people's actions were just now.

"Well, it's okay!" Xue Zhiyan said, turned around and rinsed his fingers under the faucet, and turned his head to face the tense Jian Zelin with a perfect smile, "It's just that I cut my nails, I'll ask Qianqianzi to fix it for me later." Nails!" Xue Zhiyan stretched out her fingers into Jian Zelin's hands and shook them.

Really, a piece of the nail on the index finger of his left hand fell off.

Xue Zhiyan shook off the water from his hands, bent down and leaned on the ginger powder to carefully look for his cut nails. "You can eat later, you go outside and talk to them!"

As soon as Xue Zhiyan finished his casual words, Jian Zelin pulled her aside. Jian Zelin gave her a serious look, and went to the cutting board to find that piece of nail.

"Hey, don't touch your hands, it will be fine soon!" Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand to pull Jian Zelin, but he didn't want to, but he held her hand back and blocked her behind.

"Be careful in the future!" Jian Zelin quickly found the nail, picked it out and glanced at Xue Zhiyan who was standing behind him silently.

I don't know why I've always been worried about her recently. The moment he saw her put down the knife just now, his heart was clenched together, for fear that she would get hurt because of him.

Xue Zhiyan felt warm in her heart, because Jian Zelin protected her behind her, and she saw the expression of nervousness in his eyes.But Xue Zhiyan didn't show it, he just looked at Jian Zelin fixedly, afraid that if he said something, it would break the current beauty.

"Are you always like this?" Jian Zelin turned his head, let go of Xue Zhiyan's hand, walked back to the door, leaned against the door and asked casually.

Xue Zhiyan patted his hot cheeks, found a glass bowl and put the minced ginger in it, "Well, after returning, we will each do our own thing, and if there is any confusion, we will talk about it, and we will work together to find a solution. "

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he turned off the fire, put on thick cotton gloves, and carefully lifted the lid of the pot, the unique fragrance instantly filled the whole room.

Xue Zhiyan took out the balls, poured the soup in the pot evenly on the balls, took off the gloves and handed them to Jian Zelin, Jian Zelin took the gloves and looked at Xue Zhiyan in puzzlement.

Xue Zhiyan walked up to him with a smile, helped him put on the gloves, and then pointed to the plate of Sixi meatballs he ordered, "Please take it out for me!" The hairy crabs were picked up one by one on the plate, holding the plate and winking at Jian Zelin playfully.

"How to solve the meal?" Jian Zelin walked out behind Xue Zhiyan with Sixi balls in his hand, and glanced at the five people in the living room, who were still doing their own things.

"Come back and eat if you want to cook, and eat outside when you don't want to cook!" Xue Zhiyan arranged the two big dishes, helped Jian Zelin take off the heat-insulating gloves, and walked back to the kitchen on his own.

Realizing that Jian Zelin was still following her, Xue Zhiyan lit the fire again, and looked back at Jian Zelin, "Go and wait outside, you can eat these two dishes after the quarrel!" He said and glanced at the table on the clock, "It won't be past 09:30!"

Jian Zelin didn't want to go out at first, because this feeling was so good, the two of them were like a newlywed couple, the wife cooked, and the husband followed behind to help make trouble, this unprecedented sweetness swept over him, even Let him remove the cold protective shell that originally belonged to him.

Seeing that he had no intention of going out, Xue Zhiyan turned around and started cooking.Today's Jian Zelin is different from the past. Although he doesn't know why, Xue Zhi can clearly feel that the original cold him is gone.

Jian Zelin standing behind her now gave off a warm feeling.Just like him when he was a child, although he rejected her thousands of miles away, he always made her feel warm.

Xue Zhiyan quickly cooked the dishes, and when they brought them outside, he found that the six people had already started eating without waiting for her.Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, and without saying anything, he put the dishes on the table, and went back to the kitchen to put the prepared hot and spicy soup in a big bowl, and brought it out.

"Let's drink some wine!" Feng Ziyao, who had been eating like this, suddenly suggested, looking at the dishes on this table, it would be a bit wasteful not to drink some wine.

"You're not afraid of gout after drinking!" Xue Zhiyan threw the crushed crab claws on the table, gave Feng Ziyao a blank look, and continued to eat the delicious crab meat in the crab legs.

"Who said you must drink beer!" Liang Huan also joined in the fun and gave Xue Zhiyan a blank look.Calmly, she pushed Jiang Vinegar, who was placed in front of her by Xue Zhiyan, towards Yan Shaochen.

"Please, big sister has to go to work tomorrow, okay?" Xue Zhiyan saw Liang Huan's little tricks, but didn't say anything to stop her. It seems that her heart is a little bit biased towards Yan Shaochen. I don't know if I should tell him Woolen cloth?

"I'll give you half a day off tomorrow!" It was Su Lingxuan who said this, he raised his eyes and glanced at Jian Zelin, the two of them smiled knowingly, Su Lingxuan threw his car keys on the table.

Chi Qian picked up Su Lingxuan's car keys with a smile, and ran out with a mysterious look on her face.Xue Zhiyan gnawed on the crab legs while looking at Su Lingxuan, not knowing what he meant.

"Wow! Your uncle Su Lingxuan! You have the 83 Lafite!" Chi Qian quickly walked back with two red wine bottles in her arms, gave Su Lingxuan a blank look, and threw the car keys back on the table.

Jian Zelin shook his head regretfully, glanced at Su Lingxuan sympathetically, and threw his car keys on the table.

The fourth update, haha~ This Monday is coming to an end again~ Where are Wei Liang's true fans? ?
(End of this chapter)

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