Chapter 187
Xue Zhiyan knew that these people were worried about him, so he looked at Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan with embarrassment, and then at Chi Qian, and expressed his worries: "Then how do I come back at night?"

"Take my car, or take Ling's car!" Of course, Jian Zelin had already thought up a countermeasure, and as soon as he heard Xue Zhiyan's words, he expressed his thoughts.

"Well, let's take Jian Zelin's car!" Chi Qian swallowed the last piece of toast into her mouth, and then clapped her hands easily, "I plan to go to old man Jian's for dinner tonight!"

Now that there are countermeasures, everyone doesn't have to worry. After eating, they acted according to the previous arrangement.Su Lingxuan drove Xue Zhiyan to work, and Jian Zelin drove his own car to the company.

Yan Shaochen sat in the living room and waited for Liang Huan to finish packing the dishes, then sent her to the hypermarket near the hospital, and then sent her to Kaisheng to give Xue Zhiyan a "vampire".

As for Chi Qian, she sent a text message to Jian Guozheng and Su Kai, telling them that the big troops would move to Jian's house at night, so she turned her phone to silent and went to sleep in her cage.

The fact that Su Lingxuan and Xue Zhiyan took the same car to work spread quickly in the Kaisheng building, from the cleaning lady to Su Lingxuan, no one knew about it.

What was even more exaggerated was that Su Lingxuan got out of the car with Xue Zhiyan in his arms, walked all the way into the special elevator in the parking lot, and then put Xue Zhiyan down.

Xue Zhiyan was in the tea room listening to the whispers of some colleagues who came in, and the eyes of those people looking at her, and sighed helplessly, gossip is king these days!
"Actually, President Su didn't carry me into the elevator!" Xue Zhiyan finally couldn't help but speak after hearing the version of Su Lingxuan carrying her into the elevator for the hundreds of times.

Seeing those people looking at her in surprise, Xue Zhiyan suddenly became playful, since you guys want to gossip, let you gossip as much as you want!

"He carried me into the elevator!" Xue Zhiyan deliberately paused, and took a sip of the boiled water in the cup, because she couldn't drink tea when she came here, she could only drink plain water. "The moment the elevator door opened, he put the I let it go!"

After finishing speaking, Xue Zhiyan pretended to be mysterious and turned around to leave. After walking a few steps, he still didn't forget to turn around and add: "Mr. Su is so considerate. He is afraid that I will be tired, so he is reluctant to let me stand in the elevator!"

The words had already been uttered, and Unintentionally was a pink bomb, which exploded in Kaisheng's room in an instant.Of course, this time it's not about how ambiguous the two of them are, but about how narcissistic Xue Zhiyan is, even saying that Su Lingxuan is behind her back, and he is reluctant to let her suffer!

Xue Zhiyan was sitting on her chair, drinking hot water while looking at the information in the tablet computer, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, it could be seen that she was in a good mood today.

"How about it, Ms. Xue broke her own topic?" Su Lingxuan came out of the conference room, and heard the staff quietly discussing the matter between Su Lingxuan and Xue Zhiyan, and even heard that Xue Zhiyan said it himself!

"If you don't give them some stimulation, how can you satisfy their gossiping heart?" Xue Zhiyan saw Su Ling turning back, he hurriedly stood up, took the document in his hand, and obediently followed behind him.

"You!" Su Lingxuan said as he turned around and scratched Xue Zhiyan's nose, "You still like to play so much!"

"How can there be!" Xue Zhiyan watched Su Lingxuan sitting on the executive chair, respectfully put the document in his hand on his boss's desk, and stuck out his tongue playfully.

He poured a glass of boiling water for Su Ling, and after handing it to him, he sat on the chair opposite Su Ling and said proudly: "Your female employees are so cute, if I don't give them some bad news, how would they know about me?" Is it not easy to mess with?"

"No, you can take it easy, is it easy for me to save some beauties, don't let me run away after being stimulated by your fierce stories!" Su Lingxuan joked while drinking water.

"You still want to have an office romance?" Xue Zhiyan looked at Su Lingxuan in surprise, "I didn't expect that you are still so trendy, but I don't know if my aunt can't bear it when she finds out!"

"Stop!" As soon as Su Lingxuan heard Xue Zhiyan mentioning his mother, he hurriedly yelled to stop, otherwise his mother would really know, and the jobs of these beautiful white-collar workers would really be lost. "Play however you like, big brother will be your strong backing!"

"Wouldn't it be enough to say that earlier!" Xue Zhiyan pinpointed Su Lingxuan's psychology, she knew what Yan Wen was most jealous of, because Chi Qian's biological mother was Chi Weiran's female subordinate.

Su Lingxuan waved his hand at Xue Zhiyan helplessly, "Go, go and read your information, didn't you see that big brother has a bunch of documents to deal with?"

"That's okay, you are busy, call me if you have something to do!" Although it was the second day of work, Xue Zhiyan had a strong ability to accept and got used to it very quickly.

Su Lingxuan glanced at Xue Zhiyan, who was sitting on a chair, looking at the tablet seriously, occasionally writing something on the notepad, and nodded in relief.

It turned out that she really grew up unconsciously. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit it.


Yan Shaochen quietly followed behind Liang Huan pushing the shopping cart, without saying a word, just followed her quietly like that.Even when she walked into the women's products area, he followed her without hesitation.

Originally Yan Shaochen's handsome guy was enough to attract attention, but he followed Liang Huan and entered the ladies-only area, which attracted many people to watch.

Faced with everyone's pointing and pointing, Liang Huan frowned impatiently, glanced at the people on both sides of the aisle, and then at Yan Shaochen who was stuck behind him like a wooden stake. To be honest, she felt sorry for him.

She couldn't bear the fact that a big man followed her around the ladies-only area, accompanied her to choose sanitary napkins, and was pointed at by others.

"Otherwise, go shopping elsewhere first, I'm going to choose a portion for four people!" Liang Huan first threw the things Xue Zhiyan wanted into the shopping cart, and wanted to take the shopping cart from him, but who knew he couldn't take it away. .

"It's okay, you choose yours, don't care about other people's eyes." Yan Shaochen looked at Liang Huan with soft eyes, watching Liang Huan turn around and continue to pick things, his eyes froze, and he glared at him sinisterly Those who were pointing and pointing felt a chill instantly, carrying their baskets and pushing their cars away.

"What are you doing?" Liang Huan helped Feng Ziyao pick out the things again, threw them into the shopping cart, and looked at Yan Shaochen with a puzzled expression. How could it only take a few minutes, and all the people who were here just now were all confused. gone?
"What are you doing? What else do you want to buy?" Yan Shaochen smiled, and when he looked at Liang Huan, his eyes softened a lot, without the harshness just now.

"Oh, there are Qianqian's and mine, just wait a little longer!" Liang Huan stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, turned around and walked to the shelf to continue picking things.

Fourth watch~~~
(End of this chapter)

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