The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 188 Liang Huan Was Beaten

Chapter 188 Liang Huan Was Beaten
Yan Shaochen watched Liang Huan throw all the things in his hands into the shopping cart, and the cart was full in an instant, Yan Shaochen frowned, "Is it still necessary to pick this thing? Isn't it all the same?"

Hearing Yan Shaochen's words, Liang Huan looked back at his puzzled expression, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing. "Of course it's different! You have to choose the one that suits you! Just like underwear, it must be suitable!"

After hearing Liang Huan's words, Yan Shaochen nodded half-understanding, "Then which one do you use?"

"This, this!" Before Liang Huan could react to what Yan Shaochen asked her, he took two packs out of the car, held them in his hands and looked at them carefully, "I want to use pure cotton, otherwise I will be allergic!"

Yan Shaochen carefully looked at the two packs of things in Liang Huan's hand, remembered the brand and parameters in his heart, then reached out and took the things out of her arms, and put them back into the car.

"You don't have to treasure them so much, I won't snatch them from you!" Yan Shaochen made a small joke, and happily pushed the car ahead after speaking.

You don't need to look to know that Liang Huan, who has already reacted at this time, is already blushing.

"It really is you! You bastard, even if my son dies, I won't let you inherit my family property!" Liang Xu blushed and followed behind Yan Shaochen. Suddenly, a woman rushed out from the side, rushed up and grabbed Hold Liang Huan's hair.

Hearing the movement, Yan Shaochen didn't have time to park the shopping cart aside, and it was too late to turn around quickly. The woman's slap had already landed on Liang Huan's face hard.

At the same time, he didn't forget to grab her hair and slam into the shelf.Of course Yan Shaochen would not let this woman grab Liang Huan's head and hit the shelf.

Yan Shaochen strode to the mad woman's side, protected Liang Huan's head, and at the same time exerted force on his hand, and the hand holding Liang Huan's hair was released in an instant.Yan Shaochen is not a good person, he swung his big hand hard, and the woman who rushed over was thrown out by him, but Yan Shaochen held Liang Hu in his arms like a baby.

"Is there any injury?" Yan Shaochen looked at Liang Huan worriedly, and held her somewhat red and swollen face in his palm, not daring to touch her, for fear that if he touched her, it would hurt her.

Liang Huan shook his head, "It's okay!" Looking back at the crazy woman who just hit her kneeling on the ground, she was Shen Linli's wife and the woman who gave birth to her.

Liang Huan felt something scratched his heart, it hurts, it hurts.Obviously she is also her daughter, but she only recognizes that dead good-for-nothing Shen Ang for the sake of her family property.

Liang Huan suddenly felt that the Shen family should have been completely messed up in the first place, and they shouldn't be given any time to breathe.I am still too kind. You must know that sometimes the kindness to your enemies is the cruelty to yourself.

Liang Huan in Yan Shaochen's arms began to tremble uncontrollably, sensing her strangeness, Yan Shaochen narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman who was thrown aside by him.In an instant, Yan Shaochen was enveloped by an aura of not being close to strangers. If it is correct, this woman is Liang Huan's biological mother and the one who abandoned her.

She didn't expect that her sons were all dead, and she hadn't thought about taking her daughter back. This kind of person really has no feelings for money!It seems that I can't be too kind to them, and even hit him in public?
"You bitch!" The woman sitting on the ground regained her strength in an instant, stood up and rushed towards Liang Huan, still muttering, "If it wasn't for you, how could my son die!"

It was as if she saw Liang Huan kill her son with her own eyes!Liang Xu just wanted to say something, but before she could say anything, Yan Shaochen raised his long legs, and kicked the woman who was rushing hard in the stomach.

The woman lay on the ground in pain, staring at Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan who was being protected in his arms with eyes full of resentment. "If you dare to associate with this cheap girl, you are not afraid of dying!"

"You died unexpectedly!" Before Yan Shaochen could speak, Liang Huan said it without thinking. For some reason, at this moment, she didn't want to hear anyone say no to Yan Shaochen, not even her own mother. .

"Hmph, I really regret that I didn't strangle you and let you live to harm the world!" The woman got up from the ground and sat on the ground panting heavily.If eyes could kill, Liang Huan might not even have a bone left.

"Hmph, I should really thank you for saving my life, let's see how your Shen family falls!" Liang Huan still felt a little pain in his heart, after all, he was the one who conceived in October and gave birth to her.

But she feels distressed, but no one will appreciate it.The woman stared at her bitterly, as if her eyes could really cut Liang Huan.

"Zhilin!" Shen Linli, who hurried over, looked at his wife sitting on the ground in a panic.And standing not far in front of him is the daughter he abandoned——Liang Huan.

"Zhilin, how are you?" Shen Linli gave Liang Xu a hard look with the same hateful eyes, and leaned over to help Mrs. Shen who was sitting on the ground.

Because of the chaos created by this woman, the person in charge of the store was attracted.The manager recognized Yan Shaochen at a glance, can he not recognize him?If Yan Shaochen hadn't nodded in agreement, would he be able to open a store on this land?

"Manager Liu, is your store business getting bigger and bigger? Anyone let in?" Yan Shaochen glanced at him when he saw Manager Liu in charge approaching, and said coldly, using some With strength, he hugged Liang Huan even tighter.

"Young Master Yan, look at this, I don't know what's going on?" The chubby Manager Liu broke out in a cold sweat when he heard Yan Shaochen's words.

Don't look at Yan Shaochen's usual appearance of being a good gentleman and a good doctor. No one has ever seen what he looks like when he is really angry, so no one dares to make him angry.

But looking at Yan Shaochen's current state, you can tell that this good man is angry today.

"Since you don't know what's going on, put up a sign at the door saying that lunatics and dogs are not allowed!" Yan Shaochen rolled his eyes at Shen Linli and his wife Gao Zhilin, and said sternly.

"Young Master Yan, this is a family matter of our Shen family, and it's not your turn to intervene!" Shen Linli saw Yan Shaochen when he first arrived, but his wife was still sitting on the ground, so he had to help her up first before talking to him. Yan Shaochen spoke.

"Family matters? I don't remember that my future wife's surname is Shen!" Yan Shaochen glanced at Liang Huan tenderly, then raised his head and glared fiercely at Gao Zhilin, "Besides, Mrs. Shen, you are so disregarding your image and rushing up to beat people, do you deny it? ?”

Yan Shaochen didn't give her a chance to speak, and continued to say coldly: "If it's true, the person you beat up just now, the person next to me is named Liang, why is it your family business? Huh?"

Liang Huan was leaning quietly in Yan Shaochen's arms at this time, and she was in no mood to refute what Yan Shaochen said.Let him say what he wants, anyway, the posture of the two of them now, in the eyes of outsiders, they are also an intimate couple.

For some reason, Liang Huan felt very at ease being hugged by Yan Shaochen like this.His body, which was trembling incessantly, gradually calmed down.

The fifth watch is over, today is Tuesday, Wei Liang is a little bit uninterested, does anyone feel sorry for Wei Liang, give Wei Liang a little stimulation~
(End of this chapter)

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