The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 189 The only one who is tender to her

Chapter 189 The only one who is tender to her

Shen Linli and Gao Zhilin were left speechless by Yan Shaochen's question. This is their family matter, but they left Liang Xu at the gate of the orphanage right after he was born, and they didn't even give her a name, so her surname is not Shen .

"Mr. Shen, please give me a reasonable explanation!" Of course, Yan Shaochen would not just let it go. He had a good shopping, but he was about to go out to pay the bill, so Gao Zhilin, a crazy woman, rushed over to call him. She slapped Liang Huan, and now her face was still swollen, and it seemed that even if the swelling subsided, she would still be bruised for several days.

"This..." Shen Linli never expected that Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan knew each other, and it could be heard from Yan Shaochen's tone that he valued Liang Huan very much.This time the matter is really not easy to solve.

"I'll teach my daughter a lesson, when will it be your turn to tell me!" Seeing that Shen Linli didn't know what to say, Gao Zhilin hurriedly ended the conversation, still with the same arrogant look just now.

Yan Shaochen felt disgusted looking at her like that, now that Liang Huan is her daughter, he is really not afraid of Feng Da's tongue flashing! "Huh! That's funny. How can a mother call her daughter a slut? How can her daughter have a different surname from her husband?" Yan Shaochen is not afraid to annoy them, anyway, sooner or later they will clean up their Shen family To alleviate Liang's hatred, today just gave him a better reason.

"Besides, Huan Huan doesn't seem to have called Mrs. Shen's mother, right? Why is Mrs. Shen going to date relatives now?" Yan Shaochen looked at Shen Linli and Gao Zhilin with sharp eyes, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"You!" Gao Zhilin didn't expect Yan Shaochen to pick words with her, and he was at a loss for words for a while, and didn't know how to answer.

"Yan Shaochen, let's go!" Liang Huan tugged at the corner of Yan Shaochen's clothes, he smelled very good, Liang Huan wanted to sleep after smelling this smell.In addition, she was pushed like that by Gao Zhilin just now, and the reason why she drank alcohol the night before, now she feels light and light.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Yan Shaochen withdrew his sharp eyes, and looked at Liang Huan leaning on his shoulder tenderly, always feeling that something was wrong with her, "Just tell me if you feel uncomfortable, and I will clean him up for you today ?” Yan Shaochen said the second half of the sentence very lightly, but he knew that Liang Huan could hear it.

Liang Huan shook his head, and grabbed the hem of his clothes with all his strength, "I don't want to hear this woman talk to that man, I feel sick, let's go! You don't need to lose points for these two scumbags, they don't deserve it !" Liang Huan buried his head in Yan Shaochen's arms without even looking at Shen Linli.

At this moment, Liang Huan was actually a little greedy for his embrace.I always feel that Yan Shaochen at this moment can bring her a sense of security.

"Look, Young Master Yan, this lady seems a little uncomfortable, how about..." The manager who had been standing beside the two of them said in embarrassment after hearing Liang Huan's words.

"Can you go by yourself?" Although Yan Shaochen really wanted to clean up Shen Linli and Gao Zhilin now, Liang Huan had no choice but to say that he didn't want to stay here anymore, so he nodded in agreement.

Liang Huan nodded, and continued to lean quietly in his arms.Yan Shaochen sighed, although Liang nodded slowly, he was still worried about her.He hugged Liang Huan without hesitation, turned and left.

"How is it? Are you scared? You bitch, girl!" Gao Zhilin looked smug when he saw Liang Huan and Yan Shaochen leaving.

I have to say that Yan Shaochen's hearing is really good, he can hear Gao Zhilin's words as the radio and music are played on a loop in the supermarket.

Yan Shaochen turned back with a sneer, staring intently at Gao Zhilin and Shen Linli who were some distance away from him, the sneer at the corner of his mouth became heavier.

The thin lips parted slightly, and the voice was heard clearly and forcefully, "Mrs. Shen, I hope you remember what you did and what you said today! You will pay a price that you can't imagine!"

"What are you crazy about!" Gao Zhilin was simply a lunatic, looking at Yan Shaochen leaving with Liang Huan in his arms, he couldn't help but curse a few words.

Shen Linli has been in S City for so many years, so of course he knows what Yan Shaochen said.He grabbed his wife and hugged her impatiently, "Okay, shut up, and walk around when you see that girl again! If you keep doing this, no one will be able to protect you!"

Shen Linli left with his wife in his arms, but he would turn his head from time to time, looking in the direction where Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan were leaving.

Yan Shaochen carried Liang Huan out of the store with a sullen face, showing no emotion.It was the first time Liang Huan saw him like this, and he wrapped his arms around his neck nervously, not knowing what to say.

Yan Shaochen put Liang Huan on the co-driver, and then quickly got into the car by himself. After helping her fasten her seat belt, he put on the bluetooth headset, started the car and drove towards the hospital.

"Clean up the treatment room, and prepare the ointment for reducing swelling and pain. I still have 5 minutes to arrive at the hospital!" Yan Shaochen's words were chilling, and he seemed to be concentrating on the road ahead, but his heart was already in a mess. It became a mess.

God knows how worried he was when he saw Gao Zhilin grabbed Liang Huan's head and slammed it into the shelf just now, seeing how Gao Zhilin slapped Liang Huan's face until it swelled up, how much he wanted to catch that crazy man The mother-in-law's hair was returned fiercely.

It's just that it's not the right time for all this, he has not yet won Liang Huan's favor, so he can't tell her that he already knows about her life experience.If you say so, it will only push Liang Huan away, and it will only make her tighten the protective shell on her body.

"Does it still hurt?" Yan Shaochen resisted the urge to pull Liang Huan into his arms, stretched out a hand to gently caress Liang Huan's cheek, eyes full of distress.

"It's okay!" Liang Huan forced a smile, avoiding Yan Shaochen's hand, "I'm sorry, I asked you to accompany me to buy something, but I went through such a horrible thing!"

Yan Shaochen withdrew his hand and held the steering wheel tightly. Hearing Liang Huan's faint voice, only he knew the pain in his heart.

"Don't worry, it's just a slap!" Liang Huan put his hand lightly on his fiery face, and smiled with difficulty, "It turns out that when I was working in a coffee shop, I was splashed with coffee by customers, but it's still It’s better to have iced coffee, otherwise it would be really disfigured, haha!”

Listening to Liang Huan's pretended relaxed words, Yan Shaochen felt even more uncomfortable.I don't know if it's because of anger or distress, but his handsome face is wrinkled together.

Looking at Yan Shaochen like this, Liang Huan's heart skipped a beat.She had an urge to smoothen his frowning brows, but she suppressed it.Now is not the time to agree to him, Liang Huan was even more flustered at this time, because she found that her heartbeat would speed up because of Yan Shaochen, but she couldn't tell whether it was because Yan Shaochen stood up for her today, whether she was grateful to him or because of other factors .

"Ah!" Liang Huan struggled for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and shouted, "I haven't bought anything yet!"

Yan Shaochen's time calculation was accurate, he fixed the car, turned his head to look at Liang Huan who was flustered, wanted to scold her but couldn't bear it.I had no choice but to reach out and touch her head, "Don't worry, someone will deliver what you want later!"

Yan Shaochen got out of the car, went to the passenger side and opened the door, and hugged Liang Huan out of the car, "Now you have to obediently follow me to the hospital to see your face, or you will be disfigured!"

There was a power outage at Weiliang’s house today, so I didn’t update until now when I called.

(End of this chapter)

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