The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 190 Liang Huan is in the hospital

Chapter 190 Liang Huan is in the hospital

After Xue Zhiyan and Su Lingxuan had lunch, they felt that their stomachs were getting more and more uncomfortable. They hurriedly took out the painkillers they carried with them from their bags and took them, looking at Su Lingxuan pitifully.

Su Lingxuan was the most irresistible to Xue Zhiyan's coquettish and innocent eyes. Originally, he planned to let Xue Zhiyan go to his lounge to rest. When he saw her innocent eyes, he knew that she must be uncomfortable.

"Go, go and rest inside. There's nothing important to do in the afternoon. I'll call you if there is anything to do!" Su Lingxuan said slowly while flipping through the documents.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan heard this, he quickly ran over from his seat, solemnly put his mobile phone on Su Ling's table, and looked at him sincerely.

"Let's talk, what else is there!" Su Lingxuan raised his head and glanced at the white mobile phone on his desk, then continued to look down at the documents without looking at Xue Zhiyan.

"Will you call me slowly to deliver something, can you just let her come up? Is that okay?" Xue Zhiyan asked tentatively, nervously waiting for Su Lingxuan's answer.

Xue Zhiyan knew that if he wanted to think about Kaisheng's top floor, without Su Lingxuan's consent, the security guard downstairs would not swipe his card to let strangers in.If he had just told Su Lingxuan to go downstairs to help her get her daily necessities, if those three and eight saw her, she would definitely cry again.She has already released an explosive news this morning, and she plans to hold back for two days before stimulating those girls who only know nympho.

Not to mention, Su Lingxuan really never bought that thing for Xue Zhiyan.As soon as he heard Xue Zhiyan's words, he knew that Xue Zhiyan had already thought of a way for him, so what were he waiting for if he didn't nod his head in agreement?Of course, nodding like pounding garlic.

Seeing Su Lingxuan nodded, Xue Zhiyan walked into his exclusive lounge with peace of mind.Xue Zhiyan glanced at the lounge decorated in black and white. Although he didn't like this kind of too stiff color, he still had to use it if he had no other choice!

Anyway, it's dark when you close your eyes, and she doesn't have to look at the black and white colors.Finding a comfortable position, he clutched his stomach and fell asleep.

Xue Zhiyan didn't know how long he had slept, but he felt that someone was shaking him and calling his name.

"Zhiyan, wake up, Zhiyan!" Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Su Lingxuan squatting in front of the bed nervously, holding his mobile phone, as if he had something to say.

"What's the matter?" Xue Zhiyan just woke up, his nasal voice was a bit heavy, he didn't know if it was because he didn't wake up or he felt a stomachache, he frowned and looked at Su Lingxuan.

"Get up first, let's go to the hospital!" Su Lingxuan patted Xue Zhiyan's chubby face, then stuffed the phone into her hand, got up and walked out.

go to the hospital?Why are you going to the hospital?Although it took Xue Zhiyan a while to wake up, she still accurately grasped the information in Su Lingxuan's words.Why are you going to the hospital in such a good way?

Xue Zhiyan borrowed his bathroom inside, and when he finished cleaning up and walked out, he saw Jian Zelin sitting on the sofa surrounded by a cloud of black air.

Jian Zelin raised his eyes to look at Xue Zhiyan, and asked angrily, "Have you cleaned up? Can you leave now?" Can Jian Zelin not be wrapped in a cloud of black air?After receiving Yan Shaochen's call, Su Lingxuan came here. Su Lingxuan said that he would wait for Xue Zhiyan to wake up.

From the time Su Lingxuan walked to the lounge to call her, it took 10 minutes until she came out!But thinking that she was in a wandering state when she just woke up, she forgave her.But looking at her ignorant face, she was really a little angry, how could she just use a man's lounge?
"Wait for me to change my shoes!" Xue Zhiyan raised his feet and let Jian Zelin look at the lavender slippers on his feet, then walked to his place and began to change his shoes.

What exactly is going on?Go to a hospital with all out?What exactly happened here?Eh?You can call Yan Shaochen to ask!

"There's no need to call Chen to ask, he is the one who asked us to go to the hospital together!" Jian Zelin seemed to have mind reading skills, looking at Xue Zhiyan's expression, he knew what she was thinking.

When Su Lingxuan received Yan Shaochen's call to tell them all to go to the hospital, his heart skipped a beat, thinking that his grandfather was dying.

But when he heard Yan Shaochen say that it was Liang Huan's matter, he didn't let go of his suspense, because he still had to worry about whether Xue Zhiyan would react excessively when he knew what Liang Huan had encountered today.

Xue Zhiyan changed his shoes and carried his bag, followed Jian Zelin and Su Ling, twisted and twisted into the VIP elevator.

Of course, there was a lot of attention during the whole process, and to be honest, she didn't want to twist and twist, that posture was too ecstasy, but there was no way she was wearing high heels, and she couldn't do it if she wanted to.

Jian Zelin, who entered the elevator, glanced at the pair of high heels on Xue Zhiyan's feet, and his dark face began to freeze again.

"Can you tell me why you are going to the hospital?" Xue Zhiyan stretched out one hand to grab Su Lingxuan's arm, stretched out his right foot, and shook it in front of the two of them, "My foot is fine. , and the bandage is also tied, so there is no need to go, right?"

"It's not because of you!" Su Lingxuan said as he stretched out his hand to support Xue Zhiyan, for fear that she would accidentally fall down again, and if she twisted her left foot again, it would be really useless.

"Who is that because of?" Xue Zhiyan put down his feet and stood up, looking at the two big icebergs with a puzzled expression.

With a ding, the elevator arrived at the underground parking lot. Jian Zelin glanced at Xue Zhiyan, bent down and hugged her without thinking.Holding her and walking is definitely faster than her stepping on high heels and walking behind them.

Xue Zhiyan didn't know why Jian Zelin wanted to hug her, and looked at Su Lingxuan with a look of fear, only to find that the two of them were leaving very quickly.

"It's because of Liang Huan!" Jian Zelin felt Xue Zhiyan's tense body, leaned stiffly in his arms, and sighed helplessly.

Jian Zelin stuffed Xue Zhiyan into his car, trotted into the car, and started the car before Xue Zhiyan fastened his seat belt.

Feng Ziyao crossed his arms and stared angrily at Liang Huan who was sitting on the sofa bed.The left side of the face is red and swollen, and the wrist is also wrapped with a bandage. Did she go shopping or was robbed?
When Chi Qian hurried over with her cosmetic case, Feng Ziyao had already stood by the door for more than ten minutes.

"Why don't you go in?" Chi Qian glanced at Feng Ziyao who was standing outside the door sulking, she didn't know who she was angry with.

"Go ahead and take a look!" Feng Ziyao sighed helplessly, she wasn't angry with Liang Huan, but just angry that she didn't tell her mother to keep an eye on the Shen family.

Yan Shaochen saw Chi Qian enter the treatment room carrying a makeup case, pointed to the sink in the corner, "Wash your hands, and then touch her face!"

Chi Qian curled her lips, thinking that Liang Huan hasn't agreed to you yet, if she agreed to you, why don't you put it in her pocket and keep her as a treasure all the time?

Of course, it was just her thinking about it in her heart. She glanced at Liang Xu's red and swollen face, put down her suitcase and went to wash her hands obediently.

Today's second update, if you like it, please stamp it as a favorite, hee hee~
(End of this chapter)

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