The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 191 Make Liang Huan Cry

Chapter 191 Make Liang Huan Cry

When Jian Zelin rushed to the hospital with Xue Zhiyan and Su Lingxuan in his arms, Feng Ziyao still leaned against the wall outside the treatment room door in the same posture, with an angry expression on his face.

"Jian Zelin, let me down!" Xue Zhiyan saw Feng Ziyao standing there from afar, and felt that something was wrong with her.

Jian Zelin didn't know what Xue Zhiyan was doing, although he was reluctant, he still listened to her and let her go.Slow down and follow behind Xue Zhiyan, carefully guarding her.

"Yaoyao, what's wrong with you?" Xue Zhiyan walked up to Feng Ziyao, took her hand, and looked at Feng Ziyao's face seriously.

"Yanyan!" Feng Ziyao's eyes turned red when he heard Xue Zhiyan's voice, he just called her name and hugged her.

"What's wrong? Who messed with you?" Xue Zhiyan was frightened by Feng Ziyao's red eyes, and gently patted her on the back to calm her down.

"Okay, let's go in first!" It was Yan Shaochen who spoke, and he knew Xue Zhiyan was coming when he heard the sound of high heels, and he opened the door just in time to see Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen standing at the door like bodyguards.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan entered the door, he heard Chi Qian sigh, and only when he walked in did he find that the left side of Liang Huan's tender face was swollen.

"No, what's the matter with you? Someone snatched it?" Xue Zhiyan looked at Liang Huan's face, he didn't care about wearing eight centimeter high heels on his feet, and threw his bag directly on the floor, taking big steps He walked towards Liang Huan.

Liang Huan didn't speak, but bit his lip tightly, lowered his head and didn't look at anyone.Xue Zhiyan lost his temper when he saw her like this, and turned his head to look at Yan Shaochen with displeasure, "You! I asked you to accompany her to help us buy things in the morning, why did you become like this?"

Yan Shaochen glanced at Liang Huan, and found that she raised her head and shook her head at him, a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

After all, if he said that he met Shen Linli, the clever Liang Huan would know that he knew her secret.But if he didn't say it out, he would be afraid of Xue Zhiyan's appearance of eating people!

"She met Shen Linli's crazy wife in the store, and that crazy woman beat her!" Feng Ziyao, who had been standing at the end, solved Yan Shaochen's predicament, his voice was very soft, but it fell heavily on Xue Zhiyan's heart.

"Damn it, isn't that lunatic dead yet?" Xue Zhiyan couldn't hold back, and burst out swearing.

Su Lingxuan shook her head helplessly, knowing that she would not be able to hold back when she knew the truth.

Back then, if he hadn't noticed that Xue Zhiyan was hiding something from him, and secretly asked BEN to check her, Feng Ziyao, and Liang Huan's dynamics, she would not have known that these three little girls wanted to use their own strength to bring Shen Shen down. Home.

Of course, in the investigation of Shen Ang's death later, Su Ling worked a little harder, and finally closed the case with the identification result that he had hallucinated after taking drugs and jumped off the building.

"That crazy woman hasn't finished yet, has she?" Xue Zhiyan stood up and ran outside after speaking, but fortunately Jian Zelin stood by the door and grabbed her.

Xue Zhiyan glared at Jian Zelin angrily, "Let go! If I don't catch that damn old woman's face today, I won't be called Xue Zhiyan!"

"Zhiyan, don't do this!" Liang Huan, who hadn't spoken the whole time, looked at Xue Zhiyan worriedly, and she knew that Xue Zhiyan would react like this.If it wasn't for the fact that her face didn't subside after an afternoon of swelling, she wouldn't have agreed to Yan Shaochen calling her.

"What's wrong with me? Back then, I said that I would dig up the Shen family. You said that you should spare them for the sake of giving birth to you! I listen to you!" Xue Zhiyan shook off Jian Zelin and took her hand, Walking back a few steps, she glared at Liang Huan angrily, "Later she hired someone to pour over your coffee, but luckily it was iced coffee by mistake that day, have you ever thought that if the coffee was boiling hot, you would still drink it now? Can I sit here?"

"That bastard, it's endless, isn't it?" Xue Zhiyan's eyes flickered, and she didn't want to be so irritable, but because of Liang Huan's repeated forbearance, Liang Huan was always the one who got hurt.

Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen were stunned when they heard Xue Zhiyan's words. This Xue Zhiyan hadn't returned to Xue's family back then, and he didn't have the backing of Jian's family.
The two looked at Su Lingxuan at the same time, but Su Lingxuan shrugged, indicating that he was not the one who backed Xue Zhiyan.He opened his mouth but made no sound, but Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen understood the shape of his lips. The name Su Lingxuan mentioned was Shen Bihua.

"I really didn't expect to meet her suddenly!" Liang Huan was also a little depressed, trying to avoid the places where Shen Linli and his wife would go shopping, but still met her.

Being reprimanded by Xue Zhiyan again, all the grievances in his heart suddenly surged up.Liang Huan, who didn't cry when Gao Zhilin beat him, and Liang Huan, who was surrounded by a group of friends, cried in the treatment room.

Seeing Liang Huan's tears, Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao immediately lost their temper. The two walked slowly to Liang Huan's side and gave her a comforting hug.

"Hey, don't cry!" As soon as Yan Shaochen saw Liang Huan's tears, he hurriedly took out the sterile gauze to cover it, and gently applied it to Liang Huan's face.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao with a face of reproach, "There is salt in the tears, which will irritate the skin she hurt. Do you two want her to leave a scar?"

Even Yan Shaochen was extremely depressed. Before treating the wound, he thought that Gao Zhilin's strength was stronger, so his face was so red.It was only after the treatment that it was discovered that the skin had peeled off in some places. How hard did Gao Zhilin use to slap her?

"I'm sorry!" Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao pursed their mouths, thinking that they were wronged. Whenever this kind of thing happened, the two of them were not calm enough, wishing to rush over and tear Gao Zhilin and Shen Linli apart.

"Okay, you all step aside for me! Let me see if there is any way to remedy it!" Chi Qian heard Liang Huan's words last time, and knew the things about Liang Huan and the Shen family, so naturally she also knew Why did Shen Linli's wife act so cruelly?

It's just that this slap was too harsh, it scraped off a whole layer of skin!Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao held hands and stood aside, not daring to speak loudly anymore, for fear that opening their mouths would make Liang Huan cry again, and Yan Shaochen was irritable.

"All three of you go out!" Chi Qian raised her eyes and glanced at Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan who were guarding the side. Of course, she didn't look back at Jian Zelin, and directly issued the order to evict the guests.

Just as Yan Shaochen was about to say something, Su Lingxuan took his hand and walked out.In his opinion, Yan Shaochen should also know about Liang Huan's affairs, so they had to come up with two ways to help Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan solve the disturbing Shen family.

Of course, that's why Chi Qian drove the three of them out together.Seeing the three people close the door, Chi Qian carefully looked at Liang Huan's face.

"How is it? Is it difficult to remedy?" Liang Huan asked worriedly, frowning. If he went to Jian's house to meet the two old men like this, the two old men would probably be worried too.

Although it was because of Xue Zhiyan that he came into contact with the two old people, Liang Huan liked the two old people from the bottom of his heart.She didn't want to worry the two old people because of her own affairs.

"Well, it's not easy to do! No matter how you do it, there will still be a piece exposed!" Chi Qian said, pointing to the cheekbone on the left side of Liang Huan's face, "Look here, the flesh is exposed, there must be no way to use cosmetics here !"

"Then cover as much as you can!" Liang Huan sighed, "I will leave my face to you!"

Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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