The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 192 Going to Su's House for Dinner

Chapter 192 Going to Su's House for Dinner

When the phone on Yan Shaochen's desk rang, Chi Qian had just finished work, and the last stroke was over.Feng Ziyao and Xue Zhiyan stood aside and watched Chi Qian help Liang Huan put on makeup, only to realize that makeup can really turn decay into magic.

Looking at the small area on Liang Huan's cheekbones where he couldn't apply makeup, Xue Zhiyan found a cartoon OK stretch out from his bag, and handed it to Chi Qian, "Paste it on her, if grandpa asks, you can put it on." Said that when I fried eggs this morning, I was scalded by the oil splash!"

Chi Qian took what Xue Zhiyan handed over, and gently stuck it on the eye-catching red.In an instant, the whole face looked more comfortable, but the left cheek was slightly swollen.

When Yan Shaochen pushed the door and came in, he saw the smiles on the faces of the four people, and then glanced at Liang Huan's face, he was secretly relieved.At the same time, she gave Chi Qian a thumbs up in her heart. She really didn't expect that the little girl who loved messy makeup when she was a child is now so powerful.

Yan Shaochen still looked at Liang Huan's face worriedly, "Chi Qian, are your cosmetics okay?"

"Don't worry, it won't irritate your skin! I specially brought a pure natural one!" Of course Chi Qian knew what Yan Shaochen was thinking, and she wouldn't make fun of her friend's face!
"Is it okay?" Jian Zelin walked in with his mobile phone, and when he saw Liang Huan's face, he was stunned for a moment, "Why didn't you come over after calling and asking?"

Even Su Lingxuan was a little surprised when he saw Liang Huan's face. He didn't expect Chi Qian's skills to be so good.

The four women looked at each other and nodded, "Let's go!"


It has to be said that men are powerful, especially men like Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen.

Xue Zhiyan took a break from his busy schedule and watched the real-time news on his mobile phone for a while, then saw the news that Shen Linli's travel company had been reported.

Roughly speaking, his travel team took the tourists to spend indiscriminately, and the accommodation conditions provided did not meet the standards in the advertisement.There is also the problem of tour guides abusing tourists. As long as tourists do not buy things from the stores designated by the tour guide, they will be abused by the tour guide.

Xue Zhiyan smacked his lips while watching the news, this news is really timely!It's better to expose the fact that they made false accounts back then, that will be exciting!

Then they rediscovered the matter of Shen Ang, who had been dead for several years, taking drugs and having sex with his uncle's lover. Their Shen family must be busy again.

"What are you laughing at?" Of course Su Lingxuan knew what Xue Zhiyan was laughing at, and threw a folder on Xue Zhiyan's desk.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Su Lingxuan with a smirk on his face, "Thank you!" Xue Zhiyan flipped through the documents on the desktop casually, "Send it outside or to the planning department?"

"Take it outside and give it to Li Man, and let her take it to the planning department!" Su Ling sat back to her seat, pulled out another folder and began to read.

Xue Zhiyan had been here for a while, so he naturally remembered the names of those beauties outside.The one with short hair is Xiao Min, the one with glasses is Li Man, the one who likes to look in the mirror is Ji Wanying, the one with long hair and floral dress is Cheng Weiwei, and the other is Hu Tao.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Su Lingxuan who was working hard, took the documents and walked out.Looking at Xue Zhi's figure, Su Ling raised a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

In my words, you only need to be a little woman!Some things have to be handed over to men.

When Su Lingxuan heard the sound of the door opening, he put away the smile on his face, and continued to read the documents with a serious face.

Xue Zhiyan took another look at Su Lingxuan who was seriously reading the document, feeling grateful in his heart.She knew that he and Yan Shaochen had done the Shen family's affairs together, and of course Jian Zelin would also be involved.

After all, her and Feng Ziyao's abilities were limited, and considering some factors from Liang Huan, Feng Ziyao and her would definitely have some scruples when they went to clean up the Shen family.

At the beginning, it was with the help of Shen's mother and Yao Xin's mother that the Shen family was hit hard.Now that Xue Zhiyan had the backing of Jian's family, although she didn't want Jian Zelin to help her, she was very happy to see Jian Zelin helping Liang Huan without saying anything.

And let Yan Shaochen do this, maybe it can narrow the distance between him and Slow!But there is still a problem, how to tell Huan Xu that he has told Yan Shaochen everything about her?
Xue Zhiyan, who thought for a while but didn't think of a specific solution, could only shake his head helplessly.Forget it, let them settle their affairs!It would be counterproductive for outsiders to be too enthusiastic.

When they were about to leave work, the phones of Xue Zhiyan and Su Lingxuan rang at the same time.The two people who were working hard were obviously startled by the sudden ringing of the phone. They looked at each other, picked up the phone and found that it was a text message from old Jane.

"Go to Su's house for dinner tonight!" Xue Zhiyan read the content of the text message, and then checked the time, he really sent the message stepping on the spot!

"Are you driving?" Su Lingxuan asked casually as he put down his phone and continued to read the documents.

"If you don't drive, do you want to walk here?" Xue Zhiyan didn't put down the work at hand, and replied while sorting out the documents passed to her by the secretaries outside.

The two of them just said this one after another, and the time passed quickly.Since it was already November, it was getting dark quickly.

Xue Zhiyan sat on the chair and stretched a lot, turned off the computer, threw the USB flash drive that Ben gave her into her bag, and tidied up the slightly messy desktop.

Walking to Su Ling's rotating table, he tapped lightly on the table, "Boss, are you still leaving?" Xue Zhiyan just likes to joke with him after work, so that it can relieve his physical and mental fatigue from a hard day's work.

"Miss Secretary, are you going to leave before the boss leaves?" Su Ling put down the pen with a smile, closed the folder, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a smile on his face.

He likes such a little girl who occasionally jokes with him. He knows that she is doing this for his own good and helping him relieve his fatigue.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at the half-read document on Su Lingxuan's desk, knowing that he wanted to read it before leaving. "Keep watching, I'll wash the cups, and I'll leave after you're done!" After speaking, he picked up the cup on Su Ling's table and walked out.

How many people would not like such a sensible girl?But no matter how much he likes Su Lingxuan, the two of them can't be together.Some things are destined from birth, just like him and Xue Zhiyan, they can only be siblings in this life.

When Jian Zelin drove to Su's house, Liang Huan and Chiqian were already there, but Xue Zhiyan hadn't arrived yet.He couldn't help being a little disappointed, but he couldn't express it too obviously.

Jian Zelin looked at Liang Huan's face and raised his eyebrows, "Is it better?"

Liang Huan nodded, "Well, it's almost there, thanks to Yan Shaochen's ointment and Qianqian's stuff!" Liang Huan glanced at Chiqian as he spoke, his eyes full of gratitude.

"What about them?" Jian Zelin found a single sofa, sat down, and looked around pretending to be calm, but he still didn't see Xue Zhiyan.

"Zhiyan sent a text message saying that he seems to be working overtime. Yaoyao went to pick up Yao Xin's mother. Yan Shaochen seems to be sick?" Liang Huan answered Jian Zelin's question casually, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Jian Zelin, "It's better to say The brew is delicious, let's make do with it!"

Fourth watch~ Today is Wednesday again, and every time it comes to the end of the year, I find that life goes by very fast~
(End of this chapter)

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