The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 193 Xue Zhiyan loves acting like a baby

Chapter 193 Xue Zhiyan loves acting like a baby

Xue Zhiyan and Su Lingxuan were the last to come back. When they entered, everyone was already sitting around the table.Jian Guozheng and Su Kai were sitting in the middle of the round table. On Jian Guozheng's right were Jian Qiyang, Jian Zelin, an empty seat, and Yan Shaochen. There was an empty seat on Su Kai's left, followed by Yao Xin, Feng Ziyao, and Liang Huan. , late.

"Ah! Yao Xin's mother!" When Xue Zhiyan saw Yao Xin, he didn't care to greet the two old people first, so he rushed over and gave Yao Xin a big hug.

"Didn't talk to Yao Xin's mother properly at that shitty party at school last time!" Xue Zhiyan acted coquettishly on purpose, and Yao Xin sat in the empty seat next to Su Kai, pulling Xue Zhiyan to sit on her seat sat down.

Helplessly, Su Lingxuan had no choice but to sit in another vacant seat. He also knew that the seat next to Jian Zelin was specially reserved for Xue Zhiyan. In this way, men and women had to separate hemispheres.

"Our Zhiyan girl is so powerful now, she doesn't go home to see Yao Xin's mother anymore!" Yao Xin pinched Xue Zhiyan's chubby face, pretending to be sad, but her face was full of smiles.

"No way! Yao Xin's mother is so busy, if Zhiyan goes there, she's going to make trouble!" Xue Zhiyan continued to act coquettishly, Yao Xin also watched Xue Zhiyan grow up, and she had a good relationship with her daughter, So she really took care of Xue Zhiyan as her own daughter.

"Old Comrade Yao, can we stop acting like a baby!" Feng Ziyao deliberately patted Xue Zhiyan and gave her a blank look, "Look at how Xue Zhiyan made you get used to it! Besides, I am your own!"

"Oh! Mom Yao Xin, someone is jealous!" Xue Zhiyan was not angry, he stretched out his fingers to poke the itchy flesh on Feng Ziyao's body, and Feng Ziyao burst out laughing.

"It seems that our Zhiyan girl is liked wherever she goes!" Jian Guozheng looked at Xue Zhiyan's appearance, and liked it even more.

"That's right! As long as Xue Zhiyan acted like a baby, he would be invincible!" Liang Huan touched Chi Qian, and the two looked at Xue Zhiyan with smirks on their faces.

"Well, didn't someone say that the best weapon for a woman is tears and acting like a baby!" Yan Shaochen was not too confused, and before Chi Qian could speak, he continued, "It seems that Xiao Zhiyan doesn't need tears, Just acting like a baby can sweep the world!"

Xue Zhiyan made a gesture of poking Yan Shaochen's eyes, deliberately made a straight face, and stared at Yan Shaochen.Yan Shaochen also knew that Xue Zhiyan loved acting, so he simply cooperated with her, covering his eyes and leaning back.

"Okay, okay, let's have dinner!" Su Kai glanced at these energetic young people, and couldn't express his joy in his heart, "Aunt Wang, let's serve dinner!" He shouted to the kitchen, turned his head to look at Xue Zhiyan.

"Yan girl, tell grandpa, how do you feel after staying in Kaisheng for a few days?" Su Kai took a sip of the white water in the glass, moistened his throat, and looked at Xue Zhiyan dotingly.

"I don't have any other feelings, but there are too many beauties in Kaisheng!" Xue Zhiyan deliberately looked at Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin, "Also, I found out that all the people in the prosperous age are handsome!"


Yan Shaochen couldn't help laughing, he knew best why the distribution of men and women in these two companies was uneven.At the beginning, the distribution ratio of male and female employees of the two companies was coordinated. The reason why it became like this is also because of the decision of these two young masters.

Just because a female employee gave him a wink, Jian Zelin fired all the female employees in a rage.So that in the next few years, gender must be restricted when recruiting employees.Even the few female employees who are still in Jane's now have no way to have direct contact with Jian Zelin.

The reason why Su Lingxuan recruited female employees was largely because of Jian Zelin's high salary.In desperation, Su Lingxuan had no choice but to recruit all the beauties dismissed by Jian Zelin into his company. Later, when he recruited again, he simply recruited all females.

It just so happens that the two companies often cooperate, and the male and female employees work together, which is relatively harmonious.

"Oh? Is there any one that looks suitable and is worthy of our family Su Lingxuan?" Su Kai sandwiched a chicken wing for Xue Zhiyan, and continued to ask.

Xue Zhiyan swallowed the food in his mouth in a hurry, and looked at Su Kai with a tangled expression, "Grandpa, what do you want me to say! There is one sitting over there, am I not your eyeliner?" ?”

Su Lingxuan didn't dare to speak at this stall, as long as he spoke, he would definitely become a target, and everyone would aim at him.

Even Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen were smiling and eating quietly, looking like they were watching a good show.Feng Ziyao, Chi Qian and Liang Huan are even watching the show, so it's not too messy to join in the fun!

"It's okay, grandpa is in charge of you!" Su Kai glared at Su Lingxuan, then turned his head and looked at Xue Zhiyan dotingly, "If he dares to settle accounts with you, I'll help you deal with him!"

Xue Zhiyan was overjoyed in his heart, what's the situation, it's obvious that the two old men favor her!Xue Zhiyan put down his chopsticks, took a serious look at Su Lingxuan, and solemnly said to Su Kai: "Grandpa, looking at the whole Kaisheng, only someone like me is worthy of Su Lingxuan!"


This time it was Feng Ziyao who laughed, it wasn't because she didn't show face, because she knew Xue Zhiyan too well, even if she knew what Xue Zhiyan was saying, she still couldn't help laughing.

"Girl, you put on basic makeup today? Why are you so thick-skinned?" Feng Ziyao hurriedly picked up the napkin, covered his mouth and asked while laughing.

"One layer!" Chi Qian stretched out a finger and gestured, "I put on one layer when I put on her makeup this morning!"

"Xue Zhiyan, you are so cheeky! Tsk tsk tsk!" Feng Ziyao stretched out a hand to pinch Xue Zhiyan's fleshy face, but Xue Zhiyan dodged it.

"Mother Yao Xin, look at Yaoyao!" Xue Zhiyan used her trump card again - acting like a baby.Getting into Yao Xin's arms is like acting like a baby.

Jian Zelin didn't say anything when he heard Xue Zhiyan's words, but frowned calmly.But I was a little panicked in my heart. Has the relationship between the two of them improved so much in just a few days?

Su Kai shook his head helplessly, why didn't he know that only a girl like Xue Zhiyan could make Su Lingxuan stay in the country with peace of mind?

Jian Guozheng shook his head, these children!They are all too independent!

Jian Qiyang saw all the small changes in his son, and lightly patted Jian Zelin's thigh under the table where no one could see.

"Hurry up and eat! Don't forget to be narcissistic when you eat!" Su Lingxuan pretended to be angry and gave Xue Zhiyan a blank look, "Grandpa, you don't even know that she has been gone for five days, and my beautiful employees are going to go on strike!"

Chi Qian and Liang Huan saw that there was nothing wrong with them, and Xue Zhiyan had heard about it, so they lowered their heads and ate it. For foodies, if they don't eat a table full of delicious food, it is a disservice to the food. Blasphemy, disrespect for the title of foodie!
"Tell me quickly, what's going on, why do you young people have so many fun things to do when you go to work?" Su Kai became interested, and he has been staying in the hospital recently, so it is inevitable that he will be a little bored.

"Girl Xu, eat slowly!" Su Kai saw that Chi Qian and Liang Huan didn't seem to be interested in what they were talking about, so he had to joke with the two girls, "Whoever finishes eating first will do the dishes!"

Upon hearing this, Chi Qian and Liang Hun put down their chopsticks almost at the same time, and looked at Su Kai with a smile on their faces, "Grandpa, we both know why, do you want to listen?"

La la la~ The fifth update is here, today is over again~ Can Wei Liang see the increase in favorites~
(End of this chapter)

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