The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 194 It's time for Jane's family

Chapter 194 It's time to go back to Jane's house
"Quickly tell me, let Grandpa listen, what did our pistachio do?" Su Kai became interested when he heard the two said that he knew what was going on.

Even Jian Guozheng put down his chopsticks and looked at the young people seriously. As long as they were around, there would be a lot of joy.Looking at them seemed to see him when he was young. At that time, Lao Xue was still young, Su Kai had not yet had lung cancer, and old man Chi had not passed away.

Chi Qian took a sip of tea, moistened her throat, put down the teacup in her hand, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a look of disgust, "Didn't it be that she let go of her own scandal and said what happened to Su Lingxuan and the two of them, and ended up making those nympho Panicked, afraid that my male god will be snatched away, I will lose the mood to work hard!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Xue Zhiyan, "How about it, I didn't tell a lie, did I?" I still didn't forget to look at Su Lingxuan, Su Lingxuan was destined to be cannon fodder today.

"This kind of weird thing, it seems that her kind of weird thing can do it!" Jian Zelin, who didn't say much during the meal, felt sore for some reason, and said such a sentence without thinking .

Xue Zhiyan glared at Jian Zelin, curled his lips in displeasure, "Whoever asks me to go on the first day, they will say that I am the airborne Xiaomi!"

"I didn't expect that our girl Yan would also put people under pressure!" Yao Xin laughed after hearing Xue Zhiyan's words.

Xue Zhiyan stuck out his tongue playfully, "Actually, I'm bored and want to have some fun for myself!"

"Then you are really a weirdo!" Liang Huan repeated Jian Zelin's words, and nodded in agreement.

"Xue Zhiyan is a wonderful flower, everyone loves her!" Xue Zhiyan put down his chopsticks, put his hands on his chin, and made a flower blooming movement.

"Hahaha!" Everyone burst into laughter, Xue Zhiyan saw them laughing, and he was also happy.

But looking up at Jian Zelin's usual ice cube face, her heart still missed a beat. It turned out that she could make everyone laugh, but she still couldn't make him laugh.

After the meal, Xue Zhiyan became everyone's tea-making girl again, sitting there obediently making tea, listening to what they were talking about, occasionally saying a word, but not much.

"The tea made by girl Zhiyan is still so delicious, when will I make some biscuits for Yao Xin's mother?" Yao Xin drank the tea, looked at Xue Zhiyan expectantly, and patted her stomach, "Yao Xin You hooked out the gluttonous tadpoles in Mama Xin's belly!"

"Yao Xin's mother likes it, and she will make it in a few days, and let Feng Ziyao take it back for you!" Xue Zhiyan replied obediently.

"By the way, daughter-in-law, when will you cook for uncle again?" Jian Qiyang heard Yao Xin asking Xue Zhiyan for biscuits, and then remembered that because he happened to be out the previous two times, he didn't eat what Xue Zhiyan made. .

Jian Guozheng went back and was full of praise for Xue Zhiyan's cooking skills. Even Jian Zelin, who has always been a picky eater, said that her dishes were delicious, so of course he wanted to try them!
Xue Zhiyan divided the tea and looked at Jian Qiyang seriously, "Uncle, if you call me your daughter-in-law again, I really won't do it!" Xue Zhiyan put down the teacup in his hand, respectfully Sitting there with a nice smile on his face.

"Oh, the people in our Jian family, old and young, are most afraid of Xue Zhiyan!" Of course Jian Guozheng knew that Xue Zhiyan was joking, but his son was too anxious, and he was a little annoyed when the manager called Xue Zhiyan his daughter-in-law.

"Girl Yan, your feet are almost healed now, should you go home?" Jian Guozheng took the teacup from Xue Zhiyan, took a sip, and said seriously.

Xue Zhiyan looked up at Chi Qian, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan who were sitting with her, and the three of them nodded, before Xue Zhiyan answered, "I'm thinking, it's not the weekend, I'm planning to go back Woolen cloth!"

"Stop the weekend! Just tonight! You and Zelin will be together later, grandpa will feel bored if you're not at home!" Jian Guozheng said and gave Jian Zelin a blank look. Anyone who doesn't send back the stern-faced grandson will feel bored.

"But it's settled, old man, Yan Yan will still live with me once in a while, otherwise I'll miss her!" Chi Qian added, she knew that the three of them had another place to live, so she didn't force them to live in another place. Move to her place, as long as we get together occasionally.

"Okay, okay! I promise you!" Jian Guozheng also knew that Chi Qian, who seemed independent, was actually a child at heart and liked to be lively.

When Chi Weiran called him to say that Chiqian had returned to China, she wanted Chiqian to live in Jane's house, so that she could take good care of Chiqian and prevent her from thinking wildly. After all, she was still a woman no matter how independent she was after going through that kind of thing. Children; secondly, you can be a companion with Xue Zhiyan, two girls are more comfortable together than one girl at Jane's house.

Who knew that Chi Qian called Jian Guozheng as soon as he got off the plane, saying that he had stolen Chi Yuan's "other courtyard" and would not go to Jian's house. He also repeatedly stated that he would not think wildly, and Jian Guozheng nodded in agreement.

Now that Chi Qian had such a good relationship with these girls, she no longer worried so much.

"Oh my god, these lunatics are finally going back to their homes!" Chi Qian stretched her waist as she spoke, and looked at the three of them with disgust, "My ears are finally quiet!"

After Chi Qian finished speaking, she turned her head away, and only she knew that her eyes were red when she finished saying these words.

"By the way, Grandpa!" Xue Zhiyan suddenly remembered something, and looked at Jian Guozheng seriously, "Has the bathroom in my room been rearranged?"

Xue Zhiyan didn't mention this and Jian Guozheng forgot to ask her what the hell was going on. When he went out in the morning, the bathroom was fine, but when he came back at night, it looked like a battlefield where a war was fought. Everything he could smash was smashed, nothing was there Keep.

"Tell grandpa, what did you do to that bathroom?" Jian Guozheng didn't blame her, but knew that this girl had her own reasons for everything she did.What's more, it's definitely not a trivial matter that can make her get angry and smash everything.

"What else can I do!" It was Su Lingxuan who took over the conversation. He was afraid that Chiqian would open his mouth, and Jian Guozheng would blame Jian Zelin again, so he opened his mouth first, "I saw a small bug in the bathroom, so I don't want to refuse. Rao insisted on beating it to death, but the worm didn't kill it, so that he became angry and smashed things as soon as he played childishly!"

When Chi Qian heard what Su Lingxuan said, she frowned in displeasure. Why didn't this guy tell the truth?But looking back at Xue Zhiyan's grateful expression, he knew what was going on.

"Grandpa, let me tell you, don't be so used to Xue Zhiyan anymore, she will tear down the house later, and you will build her a new palace?" Chi Qian said this to Jian Zelin, she just wanted to remind her Let's talk about Jian Zelin, don't provoke Xue Zhiyan, otherwise someone will be unhappy!

(End of this chapter)

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