The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 196 Distracting Their Attention

Chapter 196 Distracting Their Attention
Xue Zhiyan had a good night's sleep, and when he opened his eyes, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning.Stretched a big waist on the bed, rolled on his own bed, and then got out of bed to wash.

Downstairs, Jian Guozheng, Jian Qiyang, and Jian Zelin all had dark faces, sitting on the sofa respectively, and no one spoke.

"Mum Yu! I'm hungry!" Xue Zhiyan washed up and changed into a casual set of home clothes, wearing her bear slippers, and ran down the stairs like a child.

When I passed the living room, I felt a gust of cold wind blowing past me, I shrank my neck unconsciously, glanced at the three people with strange atmosphere, shook my head, and got into the kitchen.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan entered the kitchen, Mama Yu handed Xue Zhiyan a cup of warm soy milk, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a smile on her face, "Miss, first drink a cup of soy milk to warm your stomach, girls should eat more soy products!"

Xue Zhiyan happily took the cup from his mother's hand, and leaned against the refrigerator to drink slowly.Yu Ma heard Xue Zhiyan gurgling and drinking, and turned her head to look at Xue Zhiyan seriously, "Miss, have you had your first glass of water?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded while drinking the soy milk, and had to say that the soy milk squeezed by Yu Ma was different from the one squeezed by Liang Huan, "Drink it, I drank the water in my cup!"

Yu Ma nodded when she heard Xue Zhiyan's words, then turned around and continued stirring the pot.She poured the water in Xue Zhiyan's glass herself. In order for Xue Zhiyan to drink the water at the right temperature as soon as he woke up, the water in the glass was changed three times.

Xue Zhiyan drank up all the soy milk in the cup, walked up to Mama Yu, put the cup on the operating table, and looked outside to make sure no one was coming, so he whispered in Mama Yu's ear mysteriously, "Yu Mom, what happened to the three men outside? Was it weird early in the morning?"

Mama Yu took the cup from Xue Zhiyan's hand, and blocked Xue Zhiyan's hand to turn on the tap, "The young master said that this year's birthday will not be held, but the old man and the old man disagreed, so they quarreled, and they were already sitting there for more than an hour It's hours!"

"Why don't you do it?" Xue Zhiyan saw that Yu's mother wouldn't let her work, so he simply leaned against Yu's mother, poked his head to look at the bone soup boiling in the pot, and actually went to live at Chiqian's place for a while, didn't drink As for the bone soup boiled by my mother, I was really greedy.

"The young master said that his birthday is hard for his mother. He said that on his birthday, he would think of his wife who passed away!" Yu Ma said, shaking her head and sighing, "It's not easy for the young master, so the little wife will be gone. Birthdays are also celebrated casually, sometimes simply not.”

"Mother Jian, she..." Xue Zhiyan felt a little sad when he heard Yu's mother's words. Qi Zhen, who loved her so much, had passed away. No wonder she didn't follow Jian Qiyang when she came back this time.

"Oh, it's been more than ten years!" Mama Yu shook her head again, she had watched Jian Zelin grow up, so she naturally knew how much his wife's death had hit Jian Zelin, "Miss, go out and persuade him !Only you can persuade these three!" Yu Ma said and handed a pear to Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at the situation outside, shook his head, and let it go.Although Jian Zelin doesn't dislike her staying at Jian's house as much as before, and occasionally jokes with her, it doesn't mean that she can make decisions for Jian Zelin or Jian Guozheng.

Xue Zhiyan leaned against the console, eating the duck pear that Yu Ma handed her thoughtfully.

There is no way to persuade, but she can find a way to attract the attention of the three people. As long as the three people are no longer entangled in one thing at the same time, today can be passed safely.Even that awkward atmosphere can be broken!

But how to attract the attention of the three of them at the same time?Xue Zhiyan stopped delivering pears to his mouth, and the hand holding the pears just stopped by his mouth like that, what method should he use?

"Oh, my little ancestor!" Mama Yu's exclamation interrupted Xue Zhiyan's head from thinking about the problem, and she looked at Mama Yu with a puzzled expression, who was standing aside holding Xue Zhiyan's arm.

"Miss, you are just baking your clothes like this. When the clothes melt and get on the meat, you will be scalded!" Yu Ma just went back to prepare the dishes for lunch, and when she turned around, she saw Xue Zhiyan's clothes sleeves were stuck Baking by the stove really frightened her old man.

Xue Zhiyan's tender skin that can squeeze out water, if he gets burned, he will blame himself to death!

Xue Zhiyan was pulled aside by Yu Ma, and watched as Yu Ma took a towel and put it on the lid of the casserole that was cooking soup, and lifted the lid to see how it was cooking inside.

After stirring for a while, cover the pot again, put the towel on one side out of the way of the fire, and go to prepare lunch.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the lid of the casserole, the corners of his mouth raised, and he pulled out a nice smirk.

She walked to the casserole where the soup was stewing, and put aside the half-eaten pear in her hand, and the smile on the corner of her mouth grew wider.

"Mother Yu?"

"Well, what's the matter, miss?" Yu Ma focused on cleaning up the fish in her hand, without looking at Xue Zhiyan.

"No matter what happens later, you just need to cooperate with me and yell!"

"Ah?" Before Mama Yu understood what Xue Zhiyan meant, she saw Xue Zhiyan's slender fingers approaching the casserole that was boiling the big bone soup.

Breathing stopped momentarily.Accompanied by Xue Zhiyan's super loud scream, there was the sound of something being smashed.

"Ahhhhhh! It's scalding to death!!!" Xue Zhiyan squatted on the ground in pain, clutching his fingers, trying to squeeze out two tears.

Xue Zhiyan held his reddened fingers in his mouth, thinking that he really had to go all out. In order to stop the three of them from being angry, he really worked hard. God knows how uncomfortable it is to be burned!
"Miss, are you alright? Hurry up and rinse with water!" Yu Ma didn't cooperate with Xue Zhiyan, but was really frightened by her actions.

The lid of the casserole has been on it since the stew, and it has been stewed for more than two hours, can it not be hot?One second she was worried not to burn her, but the next second she was really burned.

Xue Zhiyan squatted on the ground and shook his head, listening quietly outside.Sure enough, as she expected, she heard a burst of panicked footsteps.

Xue Zhiyan's loose long hair just blocked the wicked smirk on her face.

"What's the matter?" Jian Zelin was the first to rush in, which was really beyond Xue Zhiyan's expectation.

Jian Zelin glanced at the fragments of the casserole lid at Xue Zhiyan's feet, as well as Xue Zhiyan who was squatting on the ground with his head lowered and kept silent, his already frowning brows became even tighter.

"It's nothing, it's just a burn!" Xue Zhiyan had tears in his eyes, fingers still in his mouth, and looked at Jian Zelin pitifully.

"Can't you live in peace for a while?" Jian Zelin directly pulled up Xue Zhiyan who was squatting on the ground, took her hand and put it under the faucet, turned on the cold water and poured it on Xue Zhiyan's fingers.

"Ah! It's cool!" Xue Zhiyan said as he was about to withdraw his hand, this damn Jian Zelin didn't need to put all the cold water, at least some warm water!

Although it wasn't very cold in S city in early November, it still felt like late autumn. The icy cold water on my hands was really chilling.

"Where are your feet?" Jian Zelin saw that the water was almost flushed, and the water was a little cold, so he hastily turned off the tap and looked at Xue Zhiyan's feet worriedly.

"Ah, it's okay..." Before Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he felt his body was empty, and Jian Zelin hugged him again.

(End of this chapter)

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